1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. | 39 CASTNER, CURRAN 6G BULLITT, SOLE AGENTS FOR C. 6. B, POCAHONTAS Sci eShinous GOA THE BEST STEAM COAL IN THE WORLD. Officially endorsed by Great Britain and United States. Standard Fuel of United States Navy. For ten years used exclusively on Cunard, White Star and other Transatlantic Lines. Main Office, Arcade Bidg.,1S.15th St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. BRANCH OFFICES: 1 Broadway, New York. Old Colony Building, Chicago, Ill. Terry Building, Roanoke, Virginia. Citizens' Bank Building, Norfolk, Va. 70° Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. Neave Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. 4 Fenchurch Avenue, London, England. Steamboat Fueling Facilities at Various Points on the Great Lakes: CLEVELAND HARBOR 449r,DumPers- | | FAIRPORT HARBOR} | Tichten Po ASHTABULA HARBOR J | (2,sq0™PO™ ERIE HARBOR § ¢ Car, Dumper. Docks and Pockets at Dock and Pockets at Detour. DETROIT RIVER BRANCH } Sandwich and Amherstburg. SAULT RIVER BRANCHES ; Dock and Pockets at Sault Ste. Marie. (The Port Royal Dock Co.) "titer « Pittsburg and Youghiogheny Coal. GENERAL OFFICE, LAKE DEPARTMENT, PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO. STEAMBOAT FUEL AT CHICAGO. # #® ® Youghiogheny and eee eres ie ° Blackwell Canal at Lehigh Coal Company. ' Michigan St. Bridge. 1400 feet of dock frontage. Hulett Car Dumping Ma- J.T. Connery, ARrcuiE J Hitcucocx, chine. Steam Fuel Scow of 550 tons. Manager Dock Sup't, ps acity. Boats coaled day or night. Main Office: 902-906 Fisher Bldg., ce: 684-88 Ellicott Sq. Buffalo, N. Y. Telephone, Seneca 1154. 277 DEARBORN STREET. E. McQ. Duthie, Cargo and Fuel Agent. FUEL DOCKS. No. 1, M'chigan Slip and Basin, - - 'Phone Har. 4156. No. 2) North Halsted Street Bridge, - 'Phone Har. 4157. No. 3, Foot South Water St. and Illinois Central Slip C. 'Phone'Har. 4158. FUEL LIGHTER. Equipped with 125 2-ton Buckets for Fueling Anywhere in Harbor. Long Distance Telephone, Har. 4156. REYNOLDSVILLE COAL STANLEY B. SMITH & CO. DETROIT, MICH. e O A | TOLEDO, OHIO. SMITH'S COAL DocK . i2aatonm | | TOLEDO HARBO| cate DETROIT RIVER pew peck Low Boot SHIPPERS OF COAL BY RAIL AND LAKE. A COMPLETE SET OF CHARTS OF THE GREAT LAKES aicciocr ym 1. Fe earing se (st nt to any Address, Carriage Prepaid, for $5.45. #% #% 2% ws ae awe REVIEW me co., z : 39-41 WADE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO.