Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 19 Feb 1903, p. 43

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1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE, RECORD. 43 BUYERS' DIRECTORY OF THE MARINE TRADE.--Continued. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH, CALL BELLS, ETC. Oory,. Chas. & Son 6. oe New York. Wlectro-Dynamic Co. 0 os Pe: Philadelphia. Magicean Hydraulic Signal.Co... 27 33) Chicago. Seidler-Miner Electric Co. .......c. ee eee Detroit. ENGINEERING BOOKS. Audel"& Co., Theo. is... <3. Se cece ..-New York. Marine Review Pub. Co..... Soe we ce Cleveland. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. ORONO 2COF SR ie ins cas VO a Chicago. Farnan Brass Works ...........es0:+...Oleveland. Kieley & Mueller .....3.. 200. tee ..-New York. McCutcheon; ©: Fe ois. oan oie Buffalo. New York Belting & Packing Co........ New York. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James...... New York. ENGINEERS, MARINE, MECHANICAL, CONSULTING. Wilectro-Dy namic, Coy ce. oc... en ge ee Philadelphia. Garrett-Cromwell Engineering Co........Cleveland. Gaskin, Edward ..... 6 bie ets ERGO SRS Race ra Buffalo. Goodenough, Walter 2.60.6. eek ....-New York. Hunt, Robt. W..& Co. ..... wcaibibeetelsseranere .. Chicago. TAGG "GOSEDH % 65 6s Sein wanes cous ....-Duluth, Minn. Logan; Robert... osc Skew Caaeeca ahs ee ewes Cleveland. Mosher, Chas: D.. .o 2. 650. ..6% Sisis He wetee oh New York. ING WMA Bee Ds. ssn S55 5:0sicleis ees aceuatete Gea e New York. Pittsburg Testing Laboratory, Ltd........ Pittsburg. &POWell,. "AMDIOSG (Vickie Sco ces srcharas.s wee ears Chicago. Se RROBIKOGD, Pia Bie 2s tes die o's 3 oo ou sie Sica New York. Sadler, Perkins & Field................New York. BPC) HOPGCC eves eee ee heh ce eas New York. MVOOG, Wie de ee i ee oes ese es Rea oeceetce Chicago. EVAPORATING AND DISTILLING APPARATUS. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James....New York. FANS FOR VENTILATION, EXHAUST, ETO. Buitslo Porve Oo. 3 ae Buffalo. Sturtevant, Book. Goo cocci eee ee eee Boston. FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS. enrmontn, * Robert: 6.05 ses. oo ek cee Buffalo. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James...... New York. ROWS. VAIO COs os Scie sicecs cin 6 © arste ers sues Troy, N.Y. FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL AND ELECTRIC, General Electric Co. ......... Schenectady, N. Y. Seldler-Miner Electric Co. ...............: Detroit. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co....Pittsburg, Pa. FORGES. Bugle: Porge:. Com: vos... ess beeen ck Ss Buffalo. Sturtevant, B. F. Co. ..... wns bees ee -- FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PROPELLER OR THRUST SHAFTS, ETC. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co. ....... Cleveland. Fore River Ship & Engine Co. ..... Quincy, Mass. Mipebpthe tron. C0. i os st ee Cleveland. an FLUE WELDING. 2 : Fix's, 8: Sons ........ Wie osate rales? Glew iate .... Cleveland. FURNACES FOR BOILERS, Continental Iron Works...........:....New York. FUELING COMPANIES AND COAL DEALERS, Castner, Curran & Bullitt (Pocahontas) ....Phila. Graham Coal. & Coke co:, Lidt. cc665 ses "Detroit. Hanna; My Al <& Co... 3c. . Sha Se eee Cleveland. Pickands, Mathers: &::Co..- 64.066. <4 <0 6 Cleveland. Pittsburg Coal 00-7 ees ce fends oe Cleveland. Rochester & Pittsburg Coal & Iron Co. ....Buffalo. Sinith, Stanley B.& Co. 3.025. 2.22.34. ..- Detroit. Youghiogheny & Lehigh Valley Coal Oo: -Chicago. GASKETS, RUBBER, New York Belting & Packing Co...:....New York. GAS BUOYS. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co. ..New York. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chase Machine Co. ..... Seer. s oss oss eOleveland,. GAGES, STEAM AND VACUUM. American Steam Gauge Co. ...............Boston. Ashton Valve Co. ........ Meher cl es . .Boston. GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ......Jersey City, N. J. HAMMERS, STEAM. Bell Engineering Works, David ............Buffalo. Onase Machine C0. os. os os os oo ccs veo Cleveland. pede ey ADPUANGES +CO > tas es oe Ses es *. Chicago. HARDWARE, SHIP. TONKY "BrOtmnere os osc 0ec a ons sees a eos ABDraDiia, O, HATCH GEARS. "'Long-Arm" System Co. HEATING APPARATUS. Bubelo Forge. Co. |. fiis's i005 60s soe cee s DUMAlO. Sturtevant... 8. B Co.. 2.6... cess ees es) BOSTON: HOISTS FOR CARGO, ETC. American Ship Building Co..............Cleveland. Brown Hoisting Machirery Co., Inc. ....Cleveland. Chase Machine Co. ..................--Cleveland. . Cleveland. eee eres eer ee Elwell-Parker Electric Co. ............-Cleveland. General Electric Co. ..........++.-+--New York. Hyde. Windines -00. «2... cc0s casas ous Bath, Me. Lidgerwood Mfg. Co......... Seco s so ew. York, MeSTinG 1T0n OO. <6... 5 ese sees csesssce.e bay City. Westinghouse Blectric & Mfg. Oo....Pittsburg, Pa. HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co...... Cuyahoga Falls, O. HOSE FITTINGS, Farnan Brass Works. ........+.. HOSE, RUBBER. -..+...Cleveland. New York Belting & Packing Co........ New York. HYDRAULIC MACHINERY, Watson-Stillman:.@o,, The... .......53.. New York. Wood? & Corse Rs De oe. ce Philadelphia. ICE MACHINERY, American Linde Refrigerating Co. ..... New York. Roelker, sHieBe oie. ek es sii dw oipies Stelee New York. INDICATORS FOR STEAM ENGINES. American Steam Gauge Co. ......... seca Boston. Ashton Valve Co. ........ SAA es eee Boston. INJECTORS. American Injector Co. sacs. 6 Detroit. CUANG 2 COM Gi Ces ce ee Chicago. Jenking Bros... oink Ge) Akh ivien cs. New York. Tunkenheimer ©06. 25. 66.00 c,h cie nes Cincinnati. Pen berthyelujector Co. .......... as Detroit, Mich. INSURANCE, MARINE. BIOWR Oe COe es cas cess is Siete tes Buffalo. Brown, Wess Wie & sowie o paws s ocises spngrede anes Cleveland. Dunham, ee ic cae ph ces so yess eae 4 5 SODICARO. Elphicke, C. W. & Co. ..... esate erate PR ees Chicago. Hawgood & Co., W. A. ....e+eee+e+ee--Cleveland. Helm *@ Cos DD es cs ee oe os ie Re ees Duluth. Hutchinson & 00.) 2s 0.5 ia ie as ae ...-Cleveland. Insurance Co. of North 'America. ..-Philadelphia BeCarthy, To) Ree eee ty oes ees Montreal. McCurdy, Geo. L. ..... Wetton ace Chicago. Mitchell & COs oy ces eis ose eas sok se eine Cleveland. Peck, Chas. BE. & Ww. F. ...New York and Chicago. Richardson, W. ©. ..... Scletp ees take ore ...Cleveland. Sullivan, DD: & Co. see. HOO ae Chicago. Weeks, (Rs Hii. ecco ccs os ve wees eres New York. IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Bourne-Vuller® Co. coos eee Cleveland. Hanna, Mi Ano & C0... vac ees ~ pam os Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & CO. ws esse eee eee eee Cleveland. LATHE, FOR CUTTING PIPE THREADS. Kent-Machine Works ........:... Brooklyn, N. Y. LAUNCHES--STEAM, NAPHTHA, ELECTRIC. Marine Construction & D. D. Co........ Sees ees ..-Mariner's Harbor,' 8. L., 'N, ¥. Warrington:Iron': Works) csi3 ecco ask es Chicago. Willard.) ChABs Prec ee es eect ees Chicago. LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. Armstrong Cork Co.) 3 o04 oss. un se eects Pittsburg. Drein, Thos. & Son .............Wilmington, Del. Kahnyeller's- Sons, (Dis ..3o05 oe esciaeee New York. Lane & DeGroot ......... Long Island City, N. Y. Marine Construction & Dry Dock Co........ ada ole pane eae Mariner's Harbor, 8S. I., N.Y. LIGHTS, SIDE AND SIGNAL. Helvig, HAs. cs: gies leon obec ee 6 e+eeee-New York. Russell & Watson ........ i eigielbiers slot ocean acwine Buffalo. LOGS. Walker & Sons, Thomas ........ Birmingham, Eng. Nicholson Ship Log Co. .......... »....-Cleveland. Also Ship Chandlers. MACHINISTS. Chase Machine OO ie prec ors tees oseoeeeess Cleveland. Macbeth Iron Co. ~...:..... «eeeeeeee- Cleveland. Union Machine & Boiler Oo. re clovalanh, Ward Machine Co.............+0++ee0+-Cleveland. MACHINE TOOLS (WOOD WORKING). Atlantic Works, Inc. ....... aie aes Philadelphia. MACHINERY, NEW AND SECOND HAND. Bowler & Co. Geo. H. ................-Cleveland. Glyden Machine Works 0.005 scces she cee eres Chicago. MAN-HOLES, SWING DOORS, ETC. 'Long- Arm: System Co. .....:...5, .....Cleveland. MARINE RAILWAYS, BUILDERS OF Crandall & Soa; Henle sie ce. s es East Boston, Mass. MATIRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. WOE? Mo Wes soso eG 2s os ces Hoe NOW. YORK, MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS, American Ship Building Co. ............ Cleveland Bloomsburg: & Co., He... cess Baltimore, Md. Biftalo Forge Co, . so see Aer Buffalo. Detrore Ship. Building Co. 33... osc 6c ons Detroit. Sturtevant. Be Be Co. a5 ss ie 0 es oe Boston. METALLIC PACKING. Atlens: Joseph. s.0665 5 es Collingswood, N. J. American Metallic Packing Cos.: aes Cleveland. Havoen Mice. Co. Noi. os gee ee Columbus, 0. Katzenstein, bb. & Co. bo. os ow ie cca New York. U. S. Metallic Packing Co. .........Philadelphia. METAL POLISH. Bertram's O11] Polish Co. ...... Seen eens ens BOeIOS: MOTORS, GENERATORS--ELECTRIO. Buffalo _Korge C0... o.6. 3... cues vs ses RU Electro-Dynamie Co. ™......... ....Philadelphia. Elwell-Parker Electric Co. ....... ....-.Cleveland. General Electric Co. .........Schenectady, N. Y. '"'Long-Arm" System Co. 4... <4... ....Cleveland. Seidler-Miner Electric Co. .......... saa ee DOIrOlt, Sturtevant; 8. 00.2. ec ee ...... Boston. United Marine Mfg. & Supply Co.......New York. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co....Pittsbv7g, Pa, NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS, Bliss, John 2&2 O00) 35 5 oie ee es New York, Ritchie, BE. S. & Sons .......... Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Gaskin, © BAWarde 6 oki oks iies ee. Serer DUREIO, Goodenough, Walter ...................New York. Kidd, 'Joseph. 3... ois i vies cece Duluth, Minn: Logan; Robert: ..4.05.2%% oss Sawer vies oe OLOVElANG. Mosher? 'Chas: 2D) .35.606.2.5.02 pievests cee so NOW. CORK: Newian, (R. Wie biiwiess 6c dec gen cee NOW 2 Ors Sadler, Perkins & Field................New York See, Horace ii iicca cc ieee ie svete pe Cras tidts NEW @ © OPK. W00d 5) WEG eve sete SEAS Sei eee oe vc oe oO DICE ZO: OAKUM, . DeGrauw, Aymar & Co. .............New York. Stratford Oakum Co.,............Jersey City, N. J. OILS AND LUBRICANTS. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ......Jersey City, N. J. Statidard™: Oll "Cor oi. a .....Cleveland. : OIL FILTERS. Fialties 00., W..B. 2.6.00. c ee Philadelphia. PACKING. Allen... Joseph. 2. {2 2s... ee Collingswood, N. J. American Metallic Packing Co ......... . las American Steam Eackine Co =... =. Boston. Crane "O08 ook oot ew 3 cso is aces sue a ees Chicago. Pay dens Mie. Cone Nis ince as or eee Columbus, O. Jenkins Bros. ose.2 os oy ee oo ee ee ...-New York. Katzenstein, L. & Co. ........... eee New York. New York Belting & Packing Co........ New York. United States Metallic Packing Co. ....Philadelphia. PAINTS, Baker, Howard H. & Co. ..... weteeates. ebumalor Berry = Bros.) utd. ease a. sec new es ence Detroit. Day's Varnish & Dryer Co. .............Cleveland. Mohawk Paint & Chemical Co........... New York. New: Jersey. Zine' Cos. 25.8 cs caste cs New York. Topky Brothers: ..s.c.s sees 0e00es + ss ASntabula, 1.0. Upson-Walton Co. .......... Bae a eS ...-Cleveland. PATENT ATTORNEYS. Thurston & Bates .......... ceeeeeeeses-- Cleveland, PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Ine. ........ ...e... Philadelphia. PIPE--BRASS AND COPPER, IRON PIPE SIZE. Waterbury Brass Co........eeseeeeeeees New York. PIPE, WROUGHT IRON, Bourne-Fuller Co .......+2+-++ Ree task ...Cleveland. Crane C02 236 as Gea « Sueewia diet lece a ee eee Chicago. Macbeth: fron COs c2 2 ais se vs ae tere es oo Cleveland. PLANING MILL MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc. ...,......-.....Philadelphia. PLATE BENDING AND PLANING MACHINES. Wood & Co., R. D. .....-.. ..e..... Philadelphia. PLUMBING, MARINE. Mott, J. L., Iron Works ...........-.-New York. _ Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James....New York. Sands, Alfred B. & Son .........-....New York. PNEUMATIC TOOLS. Allen; John 830 62.260 3-5- 0s ee es OW LORE: Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. .......-++++ Chicago. Railway Appliances CoO .......+sseeeeeees Chicago. POLISH FOR METALS. Bertram's Oil Polish Co..... Sia eas ohare ee Boston. POWER DOORS AND HATCHES. '"'Long-Arm" System Co. cnet eels cnx eeleveland: PRESSURE REGULATORS. Kieley: & Mueller ....2...3..0.0s.<0.- New York Roan Valve Co. ¢iccscceeccessccesss are, M .. ea TS Ske ie a es 8 Sd NB So I

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