-- MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 45 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. eo é The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on pages noted. Panien, Jonn Bo vec scccceersecun 12 Del : ie Joseph 0. 3 Twi ae SB: & ee ae oe Works....... : c ey patie? & Supply ©o., Jas. 9 Re Iniector, ae oy oa Dison Graal Me ty *Learmonth, Robert ............ 8 | "Rite & gia, 8 poe ecre ee xon Crucible Co., Joseph...... 12 Lebanon Chain Works........... ' : ons American Line .........s0+00..5 18 Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co. 7 Lidgerwood Wie. Gs. . os be Ship Yard 22.2... 5 American Metallic Packing Co.... 11 Drein, Thos. & Son. oberts Water Tube Boller Co.. 15 factioan Ghis Buliding Co... 4 Danhent ag ; Bee ok, i Pore ae CO eae 4. Rochester & Pittsburg Coal & Tuican Abin Masters Aud 6 ee in ee RS Oe eee a oe : Tron CO. oe ss oe eae te Oe American Ship Windlass Co..... 2 L a & M a hy Cee sires s aoe he A. Sons Co... : American Steam Gauge Co...... 1 Electro-Dynamic Co ....... unk ier ee ' ica Ge ee : American Steam Packing Co. : i Hiphicke, G W. & Ge a - Lunkenheimer Co. .............. 12 Hud we . nehor Line oe se ae D Elwell, Jas. W., & Co.......:... 40 ee Armstrong Cork Co............. 48 | Elwell-Parker Blectrie Go. 11... 2 | McCarthy, T. Re os... sss. 7 Ashton Valve Co............-.+. 18 Erie & Western Trans Co. .... 45 Matecaua o Leese eee e esas 7 Atlantie Works ................ 8 cCuteli¢on; (0. oH. o. 11 Sadler, Perkins & Field......... 41 *Atlantic Works, Inc......... oe Al eae ot, Clark, Campbell & a a ee Heating & Lighting Co. 3 Audel & Co., Theo............. - 86 Pahey & 00.) 036, ey DEIR ois ee eg ands, red B. & Son......... 87 Falls Hollow Staybolt ee ee i> Macbeth: Iron'€0.. 27.2720. 30... 48 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co. 9 'e << wih Farnan Brass Works ...... 12 MacDonald, Ray G. ............ 40 Schrader's Sons, A. ............ 1 abcoc cox Co........... 15 Federal Trust Co. ........... 36 MacKinnon Mfg. Co. ............ 8 Schwencke, Kirk & Co. ...... oe Buiter: Th Bo ees fesse 40 Fix's 8. Sons ee ee 37 MacLean Hydraulic Signal Co .. 6 Seaboard Steel Casting Co. ..... 33 Baldt Anchor Line ~........cs0<s 9 Pletcher: WwW. & BPE Oo. Se Manitowoe Dry Dock Co. ........ 31 See, Horace... oe a ee 41 ra Building & Dry ; Fogg M. Ww : See eee mes ae Marine Construction & Dry SeidJer-Miner Electric Co. ...... 6 oc Di ae kiss cue ees Sie ws 2 Sere eer eee nce Dock: Co. eae oe 4 Shaw, Warren, Cad 8... Baker. Howard H. & Co....... - 48 Fore River Ship & Engine Co. 5 *Marine Iron: Co. <.2.0....4.. 3: 4 Sheriffs Mfg. Co. Sian ee a ee & ee a o Of ; Martin-Barriss Co. ..... cto 9 ~Shipowners Dry. Dock .Co. ...... 16 a ron Works, Ltd.......... g = Maryland Steel Co. ............. 5 Smith, Stanléy B : : G nie, 3 Co.. ewe ee Bell, David, Engineering Works.. if Gakin Bawa Oo 8 | Midiand --Tomiag & Wrecking |. Smooth-On ite. or eS Benedict & Burnham era Co.. 16 -General Electric Oo 7 pia eae. 16 Go. ditthy G0 2. ewe w= 48 , Spencer, *H. Re ie Eo a Bertram's Oil Polish Co........ 1 Glithtist abet Fo 40 Milwaukee Dry Dock Oo. ee 46 -|. Standard Chain Ca, ............ 4 Berry Brothers, Ltd.......... ses 10 Goodenough Walter eee Ore 41 Mitchell & (Co. 2.500 ..03, 2 40 'Standard: Oil: Oo. ..2..4... 05-1 Blake, Geo. F., Mfg. Co...... "aD q ne Mohawk Paint & Chemical Co... 7 Standard Releasing Hook : *iles Joan & Co.............. 11g | Goulder, "Helding & Masten... 40 | "Moran Bro Co, 2. 2. ar} dane Go a. - Cor, He. . . @reat. Tavs Hcae ie . ae i e Oe te eee a ~ Stratford Oakum Ci, Meo, 3... " ° e sete cer cers e sss eene re OY osher, as. a ae a 'e SEG eee Sturtevant, B. OO ee ae "Boston & Lockport Bick boo as Great Lakes Register Feet taee es a "Mott J by Moni Word. 2S. 1 Sullivan 7 at F. Co. a rne Pallet Co... ko. 16 Superior Ship Building Co...... . Bowers, L, M. & Co....... 2.2... 9 Haines Co., Wm. S.°...2:....... 37 National Tube Co. ......... reve 14 : balla eG * Bowler & Co., Geo. H........ SG Hell Bro ee 8 Neafie & Levy Co. ............- 5 sHover's, Ui Sons ........5.:.6. 18 Hall: & Root ices. 6 bck. | 40 Newman, R. L. ...... 0+. sees ee 40 Brown, Harvey GL. 2... 2.2.50... 40 Hanna, Mo A. £°Go... oe 88 Newport News Ship Building & Taylor Water Tube Boiler Co... 15 BrOWI AW CO, S56. bse 40 Hardy, Wm. Ave 14 Dry Dock Col oi sie cweee 5 Thropp, J. HB. & Sons Co........ 37 Brown. Hoisting Machinery Co., Harlan & Hollingsworth Co., The. §& New Jersey Zinc Co. ........... 7 Thurston & Bates ......... cag ceo ee toe cs, ee 2 Hawgood & Co., W. A........... 40 New York Belting & Packing Co.10 | "Topky Bros. ................+. 12 Reena We We 40 Hayden Mfg. Co, N. L....... 37 Nicholson Ship Log Co.......... 3 | Trigg Co, Wm. R.--........... 5 Buffalo Dry Dock Co............ 46 Helm & 06.0 DOT ee 40 Nixon, Lewis >. .....2..05.0026:. 5 Trout, H. Ge sseeeeseeee seen eens 8 Buftalo Hores Co: . 0.5... . 16 Helvie Ho AY. 2. 4 North River Iron Works ........ 4 Truscott Boat Mfg. Co. .......: 38 Herriman, B - Dee ois cae e cues. s 4 Castner, Curran & Bullitt....... 39 Holmes, "Samuel oc. 000.5 606.5. 40 Peck. Chas. BE. & W. F....:.... 7 Chase Machine Co. ..... Se aes 8 Hloyt, Dustin & Kelley Seow oe 8 41 Penberthy Injector Co...... ie LO Union Machi ernewsen Clock C0... oes ee come Bs Hunt, Robert W. & Co...... ieee 41 Pere Marquette R. R. & S. S. Tate tea en a Chicaco 6oN: W Ry 3 2 6- 45 Hutchinson &: Coy 3.622.060... <. . 40 Line ee hee. AD Upson-Walton Co \ aR ee aaa School: 2c.) oo; 12 \c-Hyde- Windlass: Co. 2.462.252. 48 Phosphor Bronze Smelting Be, US Metallic Packing Gs Nee 48 'Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co...... 16 tds ee ee 14 5 AROS SEIIN ES te GL CASRN err aeRO Chicago Ship Building Co....... 46 Pickands, Mather & Co. ........ 40 Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co.. 38 Insurance Co. of North America... 7 Pinney & Warner .............. 40 ; ; Cleveland Trust Co. ............ 36 International Navigation Co. .... 18 Pittsburg Coal Co. ........--.-- 39 Walker, Thomas & Son......... 3 COC; AMOR eis acc ea os os ace bieete elas hee Pittsburg Testing Laboratory,Ltd. 41 Ward "Machine: Co. <0. .....0.. 5.32. 47 Continental Iron Works ........ 2 Jenkins = Brothers: .c00. i ee oe +. 8-12 Pittsburg White Metal Co....... 33 Warrington Iron Works ........ 38 Cory, Chas. & Son oo oc8 ss ee 12 Jenks Ship Building Co......... 47 Potter be Dee ee eas 3 Waterbury Brass Co. ........... 48 *Craig Ship Building Co......... 13 Jobns-Manville Co., H. W....... 31 Powell. 'Ambrose Vi. 23.05 45 3 40 *Watson-Stillman Co. .......... aT ae Wm. & Sons, S. & E. : . ; Pryor Patent Excavator Tooth Co 9 ee a & Lane Co...... . MMO wo pia ettisie sis acee eee oe iL : 5 ' Pusey. & Jones: Co. ..o05 2s 5 eeks, F. Wat alee sa co eee *Crandall & Son, H. 1. ......... eo ee ee ee Westinghouse Hlectric & Mfg. Co. 16 Ze Katzenstein, Ls & Co... 066.008. 38 asli Serane Cons eisai ecco: 4-7 Kent Machine Works ............. 37 Queen City Engineering Co. ..... 12 White, Johnson, McCaslin & Can- Kidd Joseph <2... arcs. 40 Pe SS ' ener ae Dire Bugine Cos es... 620 12 Kieley.&° Mueller. 000.500. a 3 Railway Appliances Co.......... 33. Willard, Chas. PB. & Co........ a Dearborn Drug & Chemical Wks. 13 Kingsford Foundry & Machine Record of American & Foreign Wood, W. J. ..... * Stair aie eRe = ae Water-Tube Boiler Co.. 32 Works wee Lae oa a's ea gg ebay ate x : eee | tae La Ue eee eo eee A eGrauw, -Aymar:& Coe. 3.. 6553 9 King: Rutus Se eae eae e Als PiNeC se oe ecw 8 é Delauney, Belleville & Co..... 8D Isremer, O.. By sie e PR Dee eA Richardson; : Wi ©. 2.2 .82s5065 3s 40 Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal Co.. 89 ' PO ee Ura -& MICHIGAN PERE MARQUETTE | LAKESHORE sourenn wv. MANUFACTURERS R.R.& STEAMSHIP LINE , "Arrive from Depart Contemplating establishing plants i i i Eastward. West Fast. Chicago, Milwaukee, Manitowoc, No. 18, Southwestern Lim ........ - 1:50am in the West should take advantage and Grand Rapids, Saginaw, No. 22, ieee eure ee - *2:15am *2320am - of a location on No. 20, Chi eve Ex.... 7:20AM ©. 2S: Port Huron, Detroit, Toledo Nee N ¥ & Bost EE he xoam #ooam No. 40, Toledo uff Ac. 10:00am fI0:40am oni MOELLER, Gen'l Passenger Agent No. 32, Fast Mail ........ *11:25am *11:30am for folder. DETROIT, MICH No. 44, Ac via Sandusky.. fiuopm 00". No. 46, Southwestern Ex, Soe ae OOP EE No. 106, Conneaut Accom ~~ ......... t4:30pm : No. g, Se a Mail.... *5:40pm opm ; No. 26, 20th Cent L.m..... *7:40pm *7:43pm The Erie & Western Transportation Co. N°: io G NY eB Sp. Cann oe : No. 16, New Eng Ex...... *1o:30pm *10:35pm : ANCHOH MINE. No. 2, Day Express....... t9:iopm +9 25pm Chicago & North Western R PASSENGER SERVICE Steamers. No. 126, Norwalk Accom. F750AM es 0 s | ). India. | China. Japan. werive which reaches the famous : PORTS OF CALL, : Buffalo. Erie. Cleveland. on Vee WATER POWERS, Detroit. - Mackinac Island. Westward. East. West. AL FIELDS Sault Ste. Marie. Marquette. Houghton. ao II, ae Lim *3:25am hbcivats co ' Ha k. 0:7: Day Express. 2. a. 'loam hie ERE Party. No. 15, Bost & Chi Sp.. *3710am = *3:15am IRON ORE RANG ES, REIGHT SERVICE Steamers. No. 19, Lake Shore Lim.. *7:15am *7:201m HARD AND SOFT Alaska. Codorus. Mahoning. No. 23, Western Express. | *I0:30am *10:35am TRICTS Schuylkill. Conestoga. - Clarion. No. 33, Southern Express Fia2spm 2... LUMBER DIS Delaware. Juniata. Lehigh. No, 133, Cleve & Det Hx.) 2 *12:45pm Lycoming. Susquehanna. Wines hickow: No. 47, Accomodatioa..... f1I.20am 3:00pm of the West and Northwest, and 'Conemaugh. . Ht Sadunhy Accom. '(aoe fs: waa affords the best means of transpor- ES : : oO. 43. Fast Mail ....... - '4:40p Raia ; yaa ee Cleveland. No. 127, Norwalk Accom.. --_...... os {s:tepm tation to the markets of the world. ough ean SOE. ae 2 ee No' Be meme te sree Sieaeon FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO ghton. ancoc ulut : #8: : W. Superior. Chicago. Milwaukee. No. 115, Conneaut Accom. B:s0amM |. se MARVIN HUGHITT, Jr., _E. D. BRIGHAM, *Daily. tExcept Sunday. Freight Traffic Mgr., Gen'l Freight Agent, CHAS. E. MARKHAM E. T. EVANS yy ae assenger i Wedeca Sacaces Trains Nos. 23, 28 and 37 run via Erie Station. ° CHICAGO. Buffalo, N, Y. Buffalo, N. ¥. City Ticket Office, 237 Superior St.