State of Ohio, Ss County of Cuyahoga, STURTEVANT SYSTEM Good Rope vs. Cheap Rope. ETS. Z : ce HEATING & MPA PUT RUC) TRIAL NOW ON. zs 29 Oa) oe oo ao Jurors: All Vessel Men. ajo e = 42 og 5 : $i Are on the side of Good Roje. ta oc ; What will be your Verdict! « e e ; THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK o BRASS ana COPPER T O : |. in Sheets, Tubes, Wire and Rod. # a S ; | bow: e ® e ° ® ° a" ~ Centralized plant. = Service Right, Quality Right, Prices Right AL Ll MRS CED 0520 : | > _ Utilizes exhaust steam. -- Waterbury Brass Co. a oe 'Send for Catalogue" 82 oo Mae to 130 Centre St., :: :: i: New York City 0 p BF. STURTEVANT ©. BOSTON; Always have our classified Stock List before you Ral Aoi ee Tare oR Reto. g # #@ # YOURS FOR THE ASKING # # 4 U. S. METALLIC PACKING CO., 422 North {3th St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Our PacKing is in use on 700 Steam Vessels in all parts of the i world. Itis a pacKing that can be | depended upon. ® Sy e ® WINDLASSES AND CAPSTANS The Hyde Steam and Power Windlasses and Capstans are the best in the market: THE MACBETH IRON CO. 57 WEST CENTER ST. They have been selected for most of the vessels now building for the Navy De- pattment, Revenue Ma- tine, Light-house Board and United States | ARON A AL 8°) C2078 S24 Surv @y. Leh 7] fii EA i ee ego WI eo i They are being furnished a PUAN) |e ' oy egans RE 2 WIRE for the majority of th ou TAA ie Ieee fas) a highest class Steam Ships, z AY ; p PRE v Merchant Vessels and 'd Ze f Works at Agana Dag | Yachts now Hilldine, O ae Milk vt WAREH ar Pies Q rT STEAM C475 ss AULD Va k 'ORK. 2 ou "AAA ae eT ic 3) HYDE WINDLASSCOMPANY, : BatH Maine. >On ANS PEM AIS lees RANCISCO, i i QA Talk EY NaS GTIIG ACO EER SW 4 o ul \\'s Ap ie Hens MMA - + mI NON EAIOQANT EID a ITIYLYIN Cc Bs ron LIKE PRESERVERS--BUOYS. S ao ¥: ea 4 ay Acme. Solid Cork. Granulated Cork. Each Preserver stamped by U. S. In- Wz S ' spector guaranteeing proper buoyancy. Cork Filled Yacht Fenders. Cork Tw Mooring Buoys. Material and Finish Guaranteed. Orders filled promptly. d ARMSTRONG CORK COMPANY, Boston. New York. Philadelphia. Pittsburg: Chicago. CLEVELAND STORE, 88 Superlor Street. ee St, Louis. Baltimore. are ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS AND. : : nak ince puiveun, (Brom eane Pict Class Tugs for Wieciine Raft || Midland Towing and Wrecking Co., Ltd. 2msPtav'®. | Gen uner, Fst el . * D. L. WHITE, Vice-President. Towing, Etc. Steam Pumps, Divers, |]! MIDLAND, ONT., CANADA, "bh ality i Jacks, Hawsers, Lighters. % me Howard H. Baker & Co., SHIP HANDLERS AND SAIL MAKERS, auscarsce y. etalk i oe