1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 33 ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. _ It,is reported that the Canadian Pacific Railroad Co. has ac- quired the Atlantic fleet of the Elder-Dempster Steamship Co. The submarine torpedo boat Grampus, built by the Union Iron Works, San Francisco, is to undergo a submarine test in a few days. : ; : The oil tank steamship Narragansett, the largest vessel of her kind in the world, was launched at Greenock last week for the Anglo-American Oil Co. She can carry 11,000 tons of oil in her tanks. The steam yacht Noma, built by the Burlee Dry Dock Co., Port Richmond, Staten Island, for William B. Leeds, the president of the Chicago & Rock Island railroad, underwent her trial trip last week and attained a speed of 2014 knots in a heavy sea. The New Jersey Pneumatic Crane Co. has been incorporated in New Jersey with a capital stock of $100,000. 'T'he incorpora- THIS PASSENGER STEAMER AT A BARGAIN. MUST SELL AT, ONCE 2... ¢ FORS Fully equipped 'with electric light- ing plant. 10 inch search-light. tors are Louis B. Dailey, Paul Tissen and J. M. Mitchell. 'It is understood that the company has ample financial backing and intends to engage generally in the manufacture of pneumatic tools and air compressors. of every description. _ At the recent meeting of the Canadian Society of Civil En- gineers Mr. A. W. Robinson of Montreal read a paper upon the hydraulic dredge King Edward VII, which has a capacity for dis- charging 500 cu. yds. per hour through a pipe 1,500 ft. long. Mr. EK. G. M. Cape read a paper upon the "Industries of the Consoli- dated Lake Superior Co.," being a description of the pulp and alkali works, Bids for supplying 5,666 tons of Krupp armor for the bat- tleships Louisiana and Connecticut were opened by the navy department last week. 'The Carnegie Steel Co. and the Bethle- hem Steel Co. were the only bidders, agreeing to supply the armor at from $400 to $420 per ton. The total of the bids was $2,333,040. _ The contract will be divided equally between the two companies. The following steamers of the Oceanic Steamiship Co.'s fleet are to be equipped with the hydro-carbon system (fuel econ- omy) which was described in a recent issue of the Review, and which is being applied to vessels of the lakes by the Great Lakes Engineering Works of Detroit: Sierra, 6,200 tons; Sona- ma, 6,200 tons; Ventura, 6,200 tons; Almeda, 3,200 tons; Mari- posa, 3,200 tons; Australia, 3,000 tons. Orders to equip these vessels resulted from the showing made on the steamer Zealan- dia of the same fleet after equipment with the hydro-carbon sys- Length 76 feet, stem draught 6 ft. 4 in., rebuilt spring 1902. For full particu- lars, address W. R. GREGORY, 810 Royal Insurance Bullding, CHICAGO ILL. Feb. 26 PITTSBURGH WHITE METAL CO, MANUFACTURERS OF THE BEST BABBITT and ANTI-FRICTION VMetals Known for any Purpose. Made from the Best Materials, Price and Quality Guaranteed and Always Consistent with the Market. PITTSBURGH, - PA. SIMPLEST AND BEST LWAY APPLIANCES 'OMPANY eofel TOIRPPSCED WITH THE Q-C COMPAR RS NEW. YORK OFFICES U4 LIBERTY ST. GENERAL OFFICES > OLD COLONY. BUILDING CHICAGO, '"'Seaboard Steel Castings" A Guarantee of Quality. Open Hearth Steel Castings of the y7| Highest | General Machinery and Shipbuild- ing Work. Subject to U. S. Government, Lloyds, Railroad and Other Highest Requirements. Seaboard Steel Casting Co., Grade for Locomotive, Chester, Pa. U.S. Engineer Office. Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 31, 19038. Sealed proposals for building crib breakwater at Manitowoc Harbor, Wis., will be received here ua- til3 o'cl:ck, p m., March 2, 1903, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. J.G WARREN, Major, Engineers. - Feb. 26 U.S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 31, 1908. Sealed proposals for furnishing Oregon fir timber and plank will be received here until 3 o'clock, p m., March 2, 1903, and then publicly opened. Spec- ifications. blank forms, and all available in'ormation will be furnished on application to this office, J. G. WARREN, Major, Engineers Feb. 26. U S Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 31, 19038. Sealed proposals for building crib piers at She- boygan Harbor, Wis, will be received here until 3 o'clock, p. m., March 2, 1903, and then publicly open- ed. Information furnished on application, J. G. WARREN, Major, Engineers. Feb. 26. Treasury Department, U. S. Life-Saving Service, Washington, D. C , Feb. 17, 1903. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 20'clock, p. m., of Friday, Mar. 6, 1903, and then ;ublicly opened, for the construction of a life-saving station and wharf at Racine, Wis. Speciffcations and drawings, forms of proposals, etc., can be obtained upon application to the Supe intendents of Construction of Life-Saving Stations, 17 State street, New York City; to the As- sistant Inspector, 12th Life-Saving District, Room 548 Rand-McNally Building, Chicago, IJl.; or to this office. S. I. KIMBALL, General Supt. Feb. 26. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Tight House Engineer, Buffalo, N. Y., until 12 o'clock m., of Thursday, Mar. 5, 1903, and then 'opened, for furnishing the materials and labor nec- essary for the construction of a keeper's dwelling at South Buffalo light station, N. Y., in accordance with specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other information, may be had upon application to Major T. W. SYMONS, U: S. A., Engineer. . Feb. 26. U.S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 31, 1908. Sealed proposals for building crib piers. crib breakwater, pile revetment, removal of portion of old pier. and dredging at Waukegan Harbor, II] , will be received here until 3 o'clock, p. m., March 2, 1903, and then publicly opened. 'Specifications, blank forms, and all available information will be furnished on ap- plication to this office. J. G. WARREN. Major, En- gineers. Feb 26. U.S. Engineer Office, Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 2, 1908. Sealed proposals for repair of piers at Pent- water and White Lake, Mich , and repair of piers and revetment at Charlevoix, Mich., will be received here until 3 p,m., March 4, 1903, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. CHARLES KELLER, Capt., Engrs. ' Feb. 26. U.S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 31. 1903. Sealed proposals for dredging and rock re- moval at Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship Canal, Wis., will be received here until 3 o'clock, p. m , March 2, 1908, and then publicly opened Speci- fications and all available information will be furnish- "ed on application to this office. J. G. WARREN, Major, Engineers. Feb, 26. U. S. Engineer Office, Duluth, Minn., Feb. 6, 1903. Sealed proposals for dredging about 40,000 cu. yds. at Ashland, Wis., and Ontonagon, Mich., will be received here until 10 a.-m., Mar. 9. 1903, and then publicly opened. Information on application. D. D. GAILLARD, Capt., Engrs. Mar 5 U. S. Engineer Office,.57 Park st., Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 9, 1903. Sealed proposals for dredg- ing harbors on east shore of Lake Michigan will be received here until 3 p. m., Mar. 11, 1903, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on = ap- plication. CHAS. KELLER, Capt., Engrs. Mar. 5. U. S. Engineer Office, Duluth, Minn., Feb. 7, 1903. Sealed proposals for building in place the concrete south pier at Superior Entry, Wis., will be received here until noon, Mar. 9, 1903, and then publicly opened. Information on application. D. D. GAILLARD, Capt., Engrs. Mar. 5. U. §. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y., Feb, 3, 1908. Sealed proposals for pier extension at Little Sodus Bay, N. Y., and breakwater extension at Cape Vincent, N. Y., will be received here until 11 a. m., Mar. 5, 1903, and then opened; informa- tion furnished on application. T. W. SYMONS, Major, Engrs. Mar. 5. U. S, ENGINEER OFFICE, Galveston, Tex., Feb. 23, 1908. Sealed blds, in triplicate, for improv- ing Aransas Pass, Tex., by removing part of old jetty, will be received until 2 p. m , Mar. 25, 1903, and then publicly opened. For information apply'to C. 5. RICHE, Capt., Engrs. Mar. 19.