1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 9 The MVuarhn- Baretis Co. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Mahogany, , While Mahogany, AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIM. White Cah Tinbers and Bion CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. 654 Seneca Sfrrecl, Cleveland, O. AIDS TO NAVIGATION are of vital importance to vessel interests. SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES aid navigation and meet with the approval of all vessel interests, 'because of the wide and unobstructed channel provided for navigation, enabling vessels to pass easily and _ rapidly through the draw. THE SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGE CO., MAIN OFFICES: 1616 MONADNOCK BLOCK, CHICAGO, U. S. A. All of the latest and largest LAKE STEAMSHIPS are com- pletely equipped with = L_ A K E JID Dd oO DUPLEX AND SIMPLEX SPECIAL MARINE PUMPS. New Marine Catalog ready about July ist. Geo. F. Blake Mfg. Co. 114 Liberty St., NEW YORK CITY. Latest Patent Anchors National and International. APPROVED BY LLoyYbDs. Manufactured by L. M. BOWERS & CO., Binghamton, N. Y. Furnished to Lake Trade by The Upson-Walton Co., CLEVELAND CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION. ST a ee FADE MARK IRON CEMENT No. 1. Unequalled for repairing leaks or fractures in steam or hydraulic work. This cement is a metallic composition which upon being mixed with water becomes a hard metallic iron that will withstand Steam, Water, Fire or Oil, and expands and contracts the same as iron, which makes it invaluable for boiler patching, making flanged joints, stopping leaking boiler seams, etc. Joints easily taken apart, Write for free 60 page Illustrated Book. Smooth-On is for sale by leading supply houses, and is sold in 5, 10 and 25 pound tins.: SMOOTH-ON MFG. CO. 572-574 Communipaw Avenue, JERSEY CITY, N. J., U. S.A. De Grauw, Aymar & Company. ESTABLISHED 1827. Cordage, Oakum, Vessel | and Railroad Supplies. SOLE MANUFACTURERS IN THE UNITED STATES FOR TYZACK'S STOCKLESS ANCHORS, NEW YORK CITY. THE EBSEN GREASE EXTRACTOR FOR REMOVING GREASE FROM FEED WATER. iag f t - 72 7 m A TYAS rN Cltcoatses te / cern pe chalks ' wleeese vith pi= < g seas abs . D ? toy srr] ft ' Le etateeney te ! de yy es) S é ANUFACTURED BY JAMES REILLY REPAIR & SUPPLY COMPANY, 229 & 230 West St., NEW YORK CITY. Adtdedtdu nh One of these binders, that will hold a com- ppm plete volume y li | \ Ce V> of the | ig oa Marine Review and Marine Record, will be mailed to any address % on receipt of $1. THE MARINE REVIEW Pus. Co., 39-41 Wade Bldg. CLEVELAND, O.