14 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Mar. 12, HARDY S S.S. METAL. THE MOST DURABLE AND SATISFACTORY cy Pcs at a SERVICE ee CARY a8 S.tssss =] OF INGOT SS it ied out da ce Ae Sy Manur'p Sorety sy Wo. A-Haroy. Fircusurc,Mass.US.A. TELEPHONE WEST 244. RESIDENCE, 183 LAWN st.) LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS, J. J. KEENEN & SONS, PROPRIETORS. Boilers, Tanks and Sheet Iron Work, Coal and Ore Buckets. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Also Flues Taken Out, Placed and Reset, New Flues always In Stock. Cor. ELM AND HEMLOCK STS., CLEVELAND, O | PROsPrioOok BRONZE. | REG TRADE MARKS | HE PHOSPHOR BRONZE SMELTINGCO.|IMITED, 2200 WASHINGTON AVE.PHILADELPHIA. "ELEPHANT BRAND PHOSPHOR-BRONZE INGOTS,CASTINGS WIRE RODS,SHEETS,erc. Vkraphor Brenge? --DELTA METAL-- CASTINGS. STAMPINGS ano FORGINGS. y ORIGINAL AND Sove MAKERS IN THE U.S. [ DELTA MEITAT, Just from the Press Most Valuable Little Book ever issued by The Marine Review 2 Saeco Send for it on Approval. A set of tables showing the time required at different rates of speed, 8 to 15 miles an hour, to cover distances between all ports on the Great Lakes. or vessel agent as well as captain or engineer. A time-saver to the vessel owner Everything at a Glance CRS Examination of it for the AsKing. Price $ 1.00 THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO. Wade Building, Cleveland. NATIONAL TUBE CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Seamless Cold Drawn Steel Tubing | IN ALL SIZES FROM i-8 TO 16 in. DIAMIETER. Stay Tubes, Water Grates, - Compressed Air and High Steam Pressures. BOILER TUBES FOR ALL CLASSES OF MARINE WORK. Hollow Shafts, Bushings, Hydraulic Tubes, Etc., Etc. SALES OFFICES: Havemeyer Building, New York. Frick Building, Pittsburg. Western Union Building, Chicago. 267 So. Fourth St., Philadelphia. 420 California St., San Francisco. FOREIGN OFFICES: Dock House, Billiter Street London, E.C., Eng.