oe WW WS A MARINE REVIEW AND VM pe four per cent. interest on "savings deposits. cts as Executor, Administra- torand Trustee under wills; Registrar and Transfer Agent of Capital Stock of Corporations; Trustee under bond issues of Municipalities or Corporations. KKK CAPITAL and SURPLUS - $2,800,000.00 AQ DEPOSITS - - - $15,000,C00.00 Lucas' Questions and Answers For MARINE ENGINEERS. This is a book for practical men--strictly up to date--of great assis- tance in preparing for examinations for a higher grade, as well as a work for every-day use. The volume is strongly and durably bound in rich red cloth with full gilt edges, and titles in gold; it is 7% x5 inches, 1% inches thick, and weighs nearly 2 Ibs, ; it is illustrated with 12 large plate engravings, 66 full, 83 half-page, and many other diagrams and illustrations; with more than 1,000 ready references. MARINE RECORD. Commenced Business June 3, 1901. 4 Per Cent. on Savings. Corner Water. Superior | rf » . CAPITAL $1,500,000, Surplus and Undivided Profits (Earned) $152,000. Pays Interest on Check Accounts. Acts in any Trust Capacity. Street. OFFICERS: OSEPH C. GILCHRIST, President. RANK W. Hart, First Vice-President. FRANK M. OsBoRNE, Second Vice-President. GEORGE F. CLEWELL, Secretary-Treasurer. GEORGE J. BaiLEy, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. OSEPH, C. GILCHRIST, RANK W. HArT, FRANK M. OSBORNE, WILLIAM H. LAMPRECHT, HARVEY D. GouULDER, CHARLES W. BAINE. DIRECTORS. OSEPH C, GILCHRIST, Banker and Vessel Owner. RANK W. Hart, Hart & Co., Wholesale Millinery. FRANK M. OsBornk, President, Youghiogheny & Ohio Coal Co. HARVEY D_ GouLpER, Goulder, Holding & Masten, Att'ys.-at-Law. WILLIAM H. LAMPRECHT, The Lamprecht Bros. Co., Bankers. Lucien B. HAti, Benton Myers & Co., Wholesale Druggists. CHARLES W. BAINE, Beaver Dam Coal Co. Sot M. HEXxTER, S. M. Hexter & Co., Importers. : Fred T. Pomeroy, Treas. and Gen. Mgr. Cleveland, Elyria & Western Ry. WILLIAM H. Hunt, Gen. Mgr. The Cleveland Hydraulic Press Brick Co. Won. O. MATHEWS, Lamson & Mathews, Attorneys-at-law. it has an index in an Appendix Spare Parts and Tool Outfits are described. GENERAL OUTLINE OF CONTENTS. Naturally the book divides itself into two parts--1, Construction ; 2, Operation; it contains 516 pages, and 807 Questions with carefully prepared answers, with nearly 300 explanatory foot notes. The various types of marine steam-engineare fully explained, with description of the stationary parts (cylinders, bed plates, etc.) and moving parts (valves, gears, piston, piston-rod, etc.) and .he operative details of a marine engine. Paddle Wheels and S:rew Propellers, the auxiliary ap- paratus, piping and pipe connections are all taken up separately. All types of steam boilers are described, with details of the construction of fire and water-tube boilers, operative details of marine boilers, fuel and fire-gases, combustion, and steam and its properties. Five chapters are devoted to the Care and Operation of a Marine Engine, including lubricants and lub-ication, packing and packing materials, care and overhauling in port, laying up a marine engine, and its care and operation under way. A chapter is devoted to Breakdowns and Repairs, as also one to Constructive Materials. and Tests of Strength ; and Marine Review. Price, $2.00 SEND ALL ORDERS TO 63 Fifth Avenue, Sent post paid to any address. See order coupon. Money ® refunded if not satisfactory. Send for free catalog THEO. AUDEL 6 CO. ENGINEERING PUBLICATIONS, New York City. Enclosed find Two Dollars for which send prepaid at once to the fol- lowing address, one copy "Lucas' Questions and Answers for Marine Engineers." Name Address [Mar. 12,