ig MARINE REVIEW AND ROACH'S SHIP YARD. 1 Delaware River Iron Ship- Build- ing & En- gine Works Chester, Pa, Builders of Steamsiiiys and Marine [lachinery. SHIP-BUILDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. NEW YORK OFFICE, MORGAN IRON WORKS Foot H. Ninth St. Fore River Ship and Engine Co, ,orscesers ce Steel Ship and Marine Engine Builders. : CONTRACTORS FOR S. Torpedo Boat Destroyers Lawrence and Macdonough. MARINE RECORD. , 5 Newport News Shipbuilding 2 Dry Dock Co, SHIP and ENGINE BUILDERS. Equ'pped withtwo large basin dry docks of the following dimensions: Not Length on top Width on top Width on bottom Shops are equipped with modern machinery capable of doing the largest work required in ship construction, Tools driven by electricity and compressed air used in constructing and repairing vessels. For estimates and further particulars, address Cc. B. ORCUTT, President. No. 1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Works at Newport News, Va. (On Hampton Roads. ) 3 U: U.S. Protected Cruiser Des Moines. U.S. Battleships New Jersey and Rhode Island. U.S. Steam Light-Vessel No. 72. OFFICE AND WORKS, QUINCY, MASS. U. S. A. MARYLAND STEEL 60, =e Marine Department, Ship Builders and Engineers SPARROW'S POINT, MD. Baltimore Telephone No. 11 - - - A. G. WILSON, Manager. Long Distance Telephone Service Between New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Sparrew's Point Offices. New York Office: 71 Broadway. Boston Office: 70 Kilby Street. Philadelphia Office: 312-319 Girard Building. The Pusey Erie isee eS fone. Cances. Jones Company, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. BUILDERS OF iron and 'Steel Steamers, Steam The Allen Dense-Air Ice Machine Contains no chemicals, only air. Proven by many years' service in the tropics on United States men-ot-war, steam yachts and-passenger steamers. A HUNDRED ARE IN DAILY SERVICE ON STEAMERS, H. B. ROELKER, 41 Maiden Lane, NEW YORK Consulting and Constructing Engineer. Designer and Manufacturer of Screw Propellers. WILLTAM R. TRIGG COMPANY, Richmond, Va, BUILDERS OF Steamships, Steamboats, Ocean and Harbor Tugs, Steel Barges, Marine Engines and Boilers. REPAIRS TO ALL CLASSES OF VESSELS. NOW BUILDING:--U. S. Cruiser Galveston, U. S. Revenue Cutters Tuscarora and Mohawk, U. S. Steel Sea- going Dredge, Steel Tank Steamer for the Standard Oil Co. ef and several large Tugs for the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. and the New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Railroad Co. 3 Yachts, Tow Boats, Marine En- coppeeenuty gines, Boilers, Tanks, and of WORK. Heavy Machinery Generally. Special Facilities for REPAIRS to both WOODEN and METAL Boats MARINE RAILWAY. NO WHARFAGE CHARGED. The Atlantic Works, iteg steam rechs Tow Beats Etc EAST BOSTON MASS. Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. Heavy Machinery and Plate Iron Works Three Marine Railways. Risdon Iron Works, IRON and STEEL SHIP BUILDERS WORKS AT POTRERO, SAN FRANCISCO. Office and Branch Works. Steuart and Folsom Streets SAN FRANCISCO. EAST BOSTON, MASS. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Builders of STEAMSHIPS, TOW BOATS and MARINE ENGINES REPAIRING OF HULLS AND MACHINERY. Baltimore Ship Building and Dry Dock Co. Ship Building, Dry Dock, Marine Repairs of all Kinds. 470-FOOT SIMPSON DRY DOCK. Up-Town Office, No. 602 Continental Trust Building, B altimore, Md THE LOCKWOOD MANUFACTURING a orks and Dry Dock, Locust Point. Mathias Seddinger, President. Sommers N. Smith, Vice Pres't. and Gen'! Mgr The Neafie & Levy Ship & Engine Building Company. Penn Works. lron and Steel Ship and Marine -Engine BUILDERS. Sole Makers of the Well Known PHILADELPHIA PROPELLER WHEEL. Beach and Palmer Streets. Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. ESTABLISHED 1838 dato fh Beagrie Sea Bag Re Tepings QOPI OOPOPOfGOPOGfOfO HIRES APE VV VV W. & A. FLETCHER CO. NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS. MARINE ENGINES, BOILERS, Etc. Hudson, {2th and 14th Streets, Hoboken, N. J. Take Ferry from foot of West 14th St., N. Y. MANITOWOC DRY DOCK COMPANY SHIP BUILDERS Facilities for Repairs to Steel and Wooden Vessels. DRY DOCKS AND MAIN OFFICE: MANITOWOC, WIS. BRANCH YARD: 34 ROBERTS STREET, CHICAGO. LEWIS NIXON, Shipbuilder. Office and Works, ELIZABETH, N. J. Builder of Stern-Wheel, Paddle and Screw Steamers; Also Torpedo Boats and Barges of all Kinds in Steel. A Specialty made of South American and Alaskan River Boats.