16 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. Your Boiler Ts the life of your boat. If it is to do good work it must be well fed. You cannot afford to buy any cheap "Just-as-good" substitute for the World Renowned Automatic In jector Range 20 to 160 lbs. pressure. Simple Reliable Economical Durable For sixteen years everywhere acknowledged The Standard Boiler Feeder of the World. For high pressure Boilers our "Auto-Positive" Penberthy - operates from 20 to 200 lbs, pressure. ay PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO. *deteorr mice. Largest Injector manufacturers in the world. BEER PERF EPR OPE PEE PGR EL PRIRG SE vvevvv wvwvewvwevvvwyvyvTVvTVVw Ww Cabins and | Staterooms of modern vessels, especially those in the passenger service, should dem- onstrate the supreme possibilities of the wood finisher's art. This demands a special: varnish, however, as atmospheric conditions are more destructive to varnish afloat than ashore and the ordinary article is of but little use. The varnish best adapted to with- stand the deleterious influences of wind, wave and weather is «BERRY BROTHERS' SPAR VARNISH." Further particulars and a unique marine puzzle sent free for the asking. Write us. Berry Brothers, Limitea, Varnish Manufacturers, NEW YORK BOSTON PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE CHICAGO CINCINNATI. ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO Factory and Main Office, DETROIT. Abed dpebpbbbbbbdbbbddbdddbdbtpbpbdddddddddall {Mar. 19, IF IN DOUBT WHAT INJECTOR TO BUY RUN NO RISK BUT GET THE U. S. Automatic Injector Three Safeguards Against Disappointment : I. Each Injector is carefully tested on varying lifts and pressures before leaving the factory, and a card at- tached showing its range and grading capacity. 2. Any dealer will guarantee the U. S. Injector, be- cause-- 3. We stand back of the dealer, and will replace any Injector that doesn't work rightly, or refund the purchase price, if necessary. Our guarantee of absolute reliability brings us hundreds of new customers each season. Full particulars and many items of interest are contained in our "Engineers' Pocket Reference Book." Shall we send a copy ? American Injector Co., DETROIT, MICH. INTERLOCKING RUBBER TILING. @= ?e sa a] 2 esa a] Is noiseless, non-slippery, waterproof and thoroughly san- itary, more durable than stone or earthen tiles, elegant in appearance, manufactured in a carefully selected variety of colors. Endorsed by the best architects and engineers. A perfect floor for business. offices, banking-rooms, court- rooms, vestibules, halls, billiard-rooms, smoking-rooms, cafes, libraries, churches, hospitals, hotels, etc. It is es- pecially and peculiarly adapted for Steamships, Yachts, etc. It stands the constant straining and racking without crack- ing or separating, and its non-slippery feature is of high value. Samples, estimates and special designs furnished upon application. Sole manufacturers. NEW YORK BELTING & PACKING CO. Ltd. 25 PARK PLACE 2 2. # # NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA, 724 Chestnut St. Boston, 24 Summer St. BALTIMORE, 101 Hopkins Place. INDIANAPOLIS, 229 So. Meridian St. CHICAGO, 150 Lake St. St. Louis, 411 No. Third Street. SAN FRANCISCO, 509-511 Market St.