1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 15 THE BABCOCK & WILCOX COMPANY. NEW YORK and LONDON. MORG HD Shia IVLA RINE BOTLERS 283,000 Horse Power in the United States Navy. 136,300 Horse Power in the British Navy. 200,000 Horse Power in the American Merchant Marine RECOMMENDED BY BOILER COMMITTEE, APPOINTED BY LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF BRITISH ADMIRALTY. FOR LARGE CRUISERS AND BATTLESHIPS. No Cast Metal. No Screwed Joints. No Automatic Devices. No Bent Tubes. Lightness. Safety Under High ECSpeuLS ACCESSIBILITY. For High-Grade Installations in the Navy and Merchant Marine THE NICLAUSSE BOILER 609,000 Horse Power in the Navies of ENGLAND, UNITED STATES, FRANCE, GERMANY, JAPAN, RUSSIA, ITALY, SPAIN, TURKEY, CHILE, ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. 105,000 HORSE POWER IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY. Manufactured by THE STIRLING COMPANY, cuicaago, ILL. (Benen Screw tpopet a computer It's Easy io Cateh Your. Eve For quickly determining dimensions and proportions of screw propellers for any set of conditions. $5.00 The Roberts Boiler Co. Has Built Nearly 1,500 Boilers to Date. But we want you to think. The Taylor Water Tube Boiler is daily proving it- self the most eco- nomical and dura- ble boiler on the market. Light, compact, powerful, 1 TU it never primes and 98 eee ait carries as steady a 2 water line as a ) _ Look at the cut and notice the good = points; then write ue us and we willshow you more of the s the kind of boiler you can use 24 hours a day year in and out. Just the thing for that new tug. TAYLOR WATER TUBE BOILER CO., 400 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. STEAM 280 vss ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL Water-Tube Boilers BEAR EVIDENCE OF THEIR Excellent Qualities SY ALMY WATER-TUBE F BOILER CO. PROVIDENCE, R. I. For Launches, Yachts, Passenger and Freight Steamers, Dredges, Tugs, Stern-wheelers, Canalers; Also for Navy Department, War Department, Treasury Department, Light-House Board and Revenue Cutter Service; Also for N. Y. Dock Department and U. 8. Supervisor, Harbor of WN. ¥. SAFETY AND ECONOMY. Never killed a man or had a serious accident. $250,000 capital. Works covering 29,000 square feet of ground. Never had a boiler returned on account of dissatisfaction. EXvery boiler warranted. Al! material made specially for our use. All boilers tested at 500 pounds hydrostatic pressure and 250 pounds of steam before shipping. Work- manship strictly first-class. All joints screwed and reliable. No expanded joints. State your requirements and we will furnish speci- fications. Correspondence solicited. The Roberts Safety Water-Tube Boiler Co. Works, Red Bank, N. J. 39 and 41 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK CITY. NEW YORK OFFICE, 599 CORTLANDT. -- Cable Address TELEPHONE: { DFricE OF WORKS' 49 RED BANK, NJ. "BRUNIVA, N. Y. MARINE--STATIONARY.