16 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Mar. 19, Buffalo Steel Plate Fans for Forced Draft and Ship Ventilation. Operation Positive and Uniform Regardless of Weather Conditions Write for Catalogue Buffalo Forge Company BUFFALO, N. Y. Makes Perfect Joint Instantly Jenkins '96 Packing Can be placed in a joint that is either hot or cold and full steam pressure may be turned on at once. It will also pack joints with rough sur- faces equally as well as when they are faced. It does not deteriorate. Do not accept unless stamped like cut. JENKINS BROS., New York, Boston, Phila., Chicago, The Shipowners Dry Dock Ca., Grit ACO. Repairs to Steel and Wooden Vessels. Three Docks at Halsted Street and North Branch. OPIS. RIALTO BULLDIN CG, OFFICE TELEPHONE, HARRISON 1020. 'YARD TELEPHONE, NORTH 1659. ASHTON Cam Lever Pop Safety Valves ( and Non-Corrosive steam gauges \ \ ays give highest efficiency and durability. Specify them and get the best. The Ashton Valve Co., Boston. New York General Electric Company's GENERATING SETS WITH Enclosed Type Engines. Have automatic forced lubricating, which re- duces wear and atten- tion toa minimum and insures quiet opera- tion. Sizes from 7 KW. to 25 KW. Write for Bulletin 4272. General Office, Schenectady, New York. A MARINE GENERATING SET. Cleveland Office, 310 New England Building. SALES OFFICES IN ALL LARGE CITIES. W.W. WATTERSON, Supt. TELEPHONE, LAKEVIEW 198. | » THE BOURNE-FULLER CO. IRON, STEEL and PIG IRON. Cleveland, O. Genuine Iron Sheets guaranteed to be made from _ re-worked muck- bar and containing NO SCRAP. Hand Book of ADMIRALTY LAW By Robt. M. Hughes. $3.75. Marine Review Pub. Co., - - Cleveland, O. COMPRESSORS Built in all Capacities Complete Air Plants Installed. Pneumatic Appliances of Every Description. WRITE FOR CATALOG. CHICAGO PNEUMATIC TOOL CO General Offices: Fisher Bldg., CHICAGO. Eastern Office: 95 Liberty St,, NEW YORK, EESTI