30 MARINE REVIEW AND ' MARINE RECORD. MR. H A. DRURY TALKS ON LUBRICATION. Mr. H. A. Drury of the marine oil department of the Stan- dard Oil Co. spoke to the members of the Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association in Cleveland on Monday night on the subject of lubrication. It was rather more of an informal talk than anything else and Mr. Drury was well received by the engineers. It was his first opportunity of meetine them as a body since he came to the great lakes over a year ago to take charge of the organization of the marine oil department of the Standard company. Hitherto his work has been exclusively on the ocean. He said that the Standard Oil Co. had a most perfect organization on the ocean, having 160 foreign stations, and it was its desire to so perfect its system that a vessel anywhere in the world could be supplied with oil. On the great lakes the trade had been handled through the regular offices of the company-- that is, there had been no special: marine oil department on the lakes. In the future there would be a well-organized marine oil department, whose agents would handle marine oils exclu- sively, specializing precisely as the railroad and electrical oil de- partments of the Standard are specialized. A man who makes a specialty of a certain oil is likely to know more about it than one who handles all kinds of oil. Mr. Drurv said that on the ocean the Standard had gone pretty thoroughly into what was best for marine engines, taking the testimony of engineers day by day, sifting, arranging, condensing and compiling it; not dealing "in theory, but being guided by actual practice. In this the com- pany had been greatly aided by experience gained in operating its own fleet of carriers and, like any other business enterprise, had paid well for the experience. The Standard Oil Co. takes nothing for granted. Of course, it has a policy, as have all successful enterprises, but its policy is simply the refinement of its actual experience. While the officials of the company are not themselves practical men, they have in their service the most thoroughly practical and scientific men they could find. The Standard found some time ago that the Vacuum Oil Co. had a greater percentage of ocean business than the Standard had. Competition between them was fierce for a time, sometimes the Vacuum getting the upper hand and sometimes the Standard; but eventually the Standard discovered by tests that the Vacuum was obtaining the ocean business solely upon the merits of its product: When that discovery was made the Standard per- fected a working arrangement with the Vacuum company and is now handling the Vacuum marine engine oil. It derives its name from the method of its distillation and it is held to be the best oil for engines ever produced. Mr. Drury then entered into a discussion of the various kinds of crude petroleums found in [Mar. 19, the country and the character of the oils obtained from them. He held that it was better to pay a dollar a gallon for a gpod oil than to get a poor oil for nothing, for what is saved in oil is more than lost in fuel. He said that the Standard had been making elaborate tests of the use of lubricants and the corres- ponding consumption of fuel and had found that the saving of fuel varied anywhere from 7 to 65 per cent. He added that he would not dwell upon the saving of 65 per cent. because, un- doubtedly, there were special circumstances involved, but that that amount had, nevertheless, been actually saved. What he endeavored to bring home to the engineers was the fact, suscep- tible of proof, that it paid to use upon the engines an oil specially made for them, even though it cost a little more per gallon, than to use an inferior kind of lubricant. The Standard desired to sell, not a dollar's worth of oil, but a dollar's worth of lubrica- tion. He declared that there had been greater development in the commerce of the great lakes than anywhere else on earth, but that the steamers of the great lakes used less oil than any steam- ers he had ever heard of. He thought it would pay them to use more and believed the Vacuum marine engine oil, a light and highly refined oil, to be the best in the world. He added, how- ever, that it would not work in unity with water but believed that it would pay lake vessel interests well to abandon the practice of using water in lieu of lubrication. He said, moreover, that it was the intention of the Standard to come into closer touch with the engineers and to obtain the benefit of their experiences. It is the policy of the Standard to get as closely as possible to the interests to which it caters. BRITISH NAVAL ESTIMATES. The British navy estimates for 1903-1904 provide for an ex- penditure of $179,184,205, an increase of $16,010,000, of which amount $11,180,000 will be devoted to ship building and repairs. The maintenance estimates provide for 127,100 officers and men, an increase of 4,600 officers and men. The total expenditure for ship building, repairs and maintenance is $89,103,600. The new construction includes three battleships, four armored cruisers, three protected cruisers to be used as scouts, fifteen torpedo boat destroyers, ten submarine torpedo boats, two coast guard cruis- ers, a river gun boat and an admiralty yacht. In an explana- tory statement which accompanies the estimates Jord Selborne, first lord of the admiralty, announces the formation of a new squadron, to be known as the South Atlantic squadron. It will serve on the west coast of Africa and along the southeast coast of America with bases at Gibraltar and Sierra Leone. It is stated that the trials of oil fuel on British warships have been increasingly satisfactory. English Royal Navy - : : Japanese Imperial Navy - : Italian Royal Navy - : : Argentine Navy - - - The " Messageries Maritimes'"'" Company BELLEVILLE WATER-TUBE BOILERS NOW IN USE (FEBRUARY, 1903) On Board Sea-going Vessels, NOT INCLUDING New In- stallations Building or Erecting. : French Navy : - 2 3 Russian Imperial Navy - : . Austrian Imperial Navy - : 2 Chilian Navy : = : é Chemins de fer de l'Ouest: (The French Western Railway Co.) Steamships plying between Dieppe and Newhaven - - 'Total Horse Power of Boilers in Use 276,460 H. P. 849,300 " 173,900 * 122,700 * S2,700, fou) 26,200. " ' 7 - 13,000..° 7600. = 13,500 * 1,634,360 WORKS: Ateliers et Chantiers de l'Ermitage, at Saint-Denis (Seine), France. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: Belleville, Saint-Denis-Sur-Seine.