36 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Mar. i9, eons es 7/ 0 pe four per cent. interest on Cemmenced Business June 3, 1901. 4 Per Cent. § on Savings. Superior | esenm a Street. vy , 2 CAPITAL. S1,500,000, Surplus and Undivided Profits (Earned) $152,000. Pays Interest on Check Accounts. He : Acts in any Trust Capacity. savings deposits. cts as Executor, Administra- OFFICERS: torand Trustee under wills; oszrH C, Gitcurist, President. : RANK W. Hart, First Vice-President. FRANK M. OsBoRNE, Second Vice-President. GEORGE F. CLEWELL, Secretary-Treasurer. Registrar and Transfer Agent of : : GEORGE J. BAILEY, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. Capital Stock of Corporations; EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Trustee under bond issues of as oe : OSEPH, ae ee ecu RANK W. Harr, ARVEY D. GOULDER, Municipalities or Corporations. FRANK M. OSBORNE, CHARLES W. BAINE. DIRECTORS. . Ns C. Gi~cuRISsT, Banker and Vessel Owner. RANK W. HART, Hart & Co., Wholesale Millinery. FRANK M. OSBORNE, President, Youghiogheny & Ohio Coal Co. HARVEY D GouLpErR, Goulder, Holding & Masten, Att'ys.-at-Law. WILLIAM H. LAMPRECHT, The Lamprecht Bros. Co., Bankers. : Luci--n B. HALL, Benton Myers & Co., Wholesale Druggists. CHARLES W. BAINE, Beaver Dam- Coal Co. Sot M. HExTeER, S. M. Hexter & Co., Importers. Fred T. Pomeroy, Treas. and Gen. Mgr. Cleveland, Elyria & Western Ry. WILLIAM H. Hunt, Gen. Mgr. The Cleveland Hydraulic Press Brick Co. Wo. O. MATHEWS, Lamson & Mathews, Attorneys-at-law. CAPITAL and SURPLUS - $2,800,000.00 DEPOSITS - - - $15,000,000.00 no [Busi NN (2) Roca: AKC --s i POSTAGE and PRINTING WASTED TEXT BOOK OF Tons of it fail to reach the right people. Not so when lists are selected from such reliable publications as the NAVAL ARCH ITECTU RE, Blue Book of American Shipping. BY J. J. WELCH. A directory of everything pertaining to ships. List of Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Ship Builders, Naval Architects, Marine Engineers. $1.50. The Marine Review Pub. Co., Gleveland, Ohio. MARINE REVIEW PUB. Co., a Se ee CLEVELAND. Two icWe OF 'THE SCHERAAR ROLLING LIFT BRIDGE across the Chicago River at entrance to the Grand Central Station, Chicago, before and after the removal of the old center pier swing bridge, showing the obstruction to navigatién caused by the center pier and protection pier of the old swing brid i unobstructed channel given by the new Scherzer Rolling Lift idee. é Cf a ee Preliminary Sketches and estimates of cost furnished without charge to responsible ies i request accompanied by the necessary data. : : Eee se THE SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGE CO. ,Main Offices: 1616 Monadnock Block, CHICAGO, U.S.A,