1903.] MARINE IMPROVED MASON HAND LATHE For Cutting PIPE THREADS and NIPPLES 1in. to 6in. Diameter MADE IN TWO SIZES Manufactured by Kent Machine Works BROOKLYN, N. Y. A full stock of the new colored army charts, as well as all the latest hydro- graphic office charts and sailing directions, is kept on hand at all times by the MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., 39-41 WADE BUILDING, CLEVELAND. Nothing but the latest charts, corrected up to date are sold. ORAM FIX. e » Fix. ESTABLISHED 1960, ~~" "'™ S, Fix's Sons, Successors to S. Fix & Son, Steam Flue Welding Works Our Work Stands Government Test. Our Welds are Perfectly Smooth. Write us for Prices. Cc ek anp-winreware. blevoland, 0, ALFRED B. SANDS & SON MARINE PLUMBERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Marine Plumbing Specialties Marine Water Closet for either above or below water line. Folding Lavatories, Ventilators, Pumps, Tanks, &c., &c. 134 BEEKMAN §ST., New York. REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 37 CHARTS OF THE St. Lawrence River AND THE COAST. We can supply charts sufficient to take a vessel from the lakes to the Atlantic ocean, and from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the coast of Florida. A complete set of charts from Lake Ontario to the Atlantic Ocean. Thirty-six in all, (including one general chart of Lake Qntario, harbor chart. of Quebec, charts of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the coast of Nova Scotia) will be sent, charges~ prepaid, to. any address in the United States or Canada for $17. Charts of the United States coast on the Atlantic, from Nova Scotia down and in- cluding all of Florida, also general charts of all the United States coast, northern part of South America, as well as European coast and northern part of Africa, 21 charts in all, sent to any address in United States or Canada, for $11.50, charges prepaid. Marine Review Pub. Co. 30-41 Wade Bldg., Cleveland, O. as NR R=" MTT METALLIC a La LE Sold Under 5. Years'. Guarantee WRITE FOR CATALOGUE THE N. L. HAYDEN MFG. CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO No Satisfaction Short of Perfection isthe Principle underlying i the Construction of the..... S MITI-H PREMIER Typewriter That is ee Practical Improvements are first seen on the SMITH PREMIER. Itisan up-with- the-times ma- Chine. o. ove so eve 333 33 Illustrated Catalogue Free 3 333 The Smith Premier Typewriter Co. |] 158 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. New and Second Hand ENGINES, BOILERS, MA- CHINE TOOLS, CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY Geo. H. BOWLER G&G CO. 507-508 WILLIAMSON BUILDING. CLEVELAND, OHIO Warehouses 20-22 Frankfort St. 59-61 So. Water Street. Cleveland Terminal & Valley Railway. Photographs of Marine Scenes on the Great Lakes. # AAR SF Negative size of the following Photo- graphs is 7x9 inches. Sent to any ad- dress, postpaid at 75 cents each. ASHTABULA, OHIO, Harbor Entrance. L. 8S. & M. S. Ry. Ore Docks. L. S. & M. S. Ry. Ore Docks--unloading ore. L. S. & M. S. Ry. Ore Docks--ore on docks. Car Dumping Machine, two views. Fueling Lighter with Clam Shell Hoist. BUFFALO, N. Y. Harbor Entrance. City Ship Canal. Great Northern Blevator and Biilopine. Great Northern Elevator--unloading grain. River and Elevators. River and @levators, foot of Michigan St. River and Elevators, foot of Main St. 'CC. & B. Line Freight Sheds. Northern Steamship Co.'s Winter Quarters. 'An Old Timer" at C. T. T. Etevator. Lackawanna Coal Chutes, two views. Lackawanna Ore Docks--unloading ore. Lackawanna Ore Docks--unloading ore and loading coal. Unloading Ore from Whaleback, two views. Unloading Wheat into Elevators, two views. CHICAGO, ILL. Chicago River Hlevators. Lake Front, from Illinois Central Station. Illinois Steel Works and Harbor Entrance, South Chicago. CLEVELAND, 0. Cleveland Harbor from Lake View Park. American Steel & Wire Co.'s Plant. EUsworth Coal Chutes-Dumping Car, two views Cleveland & Pittsburg Ore Docks, two views. Ore Docks and Harbor, two views. Unloading Ore, two views. Globe Iron Works Ship Yard. Globe Iron Works Ship Yard, Laying Keel of No. 400. CONNEAUT, O. Harbor Entrance. Unloading Ore--Brown Conveying Hoists, two views. Unloading Ore--Clam Shell Plant. Car Dumping Plant, two views. DETROIT, MICH. Winter in Detroit River. Car Ferry turning in ice--two views. 'Michigan Central" entering slip. DULUTH, MINN. The Harbor. The Bluffs. "Last Trip From Duluth." ERIE, PA. Anchor Line Docks and Pennsylvania R. R. Co.'s Ore and Coal Vocks. Pennsylvania EH. R. Coal Trestle. Pennsylvania R. R. Co.'s Docks. Unloading Ore Hanna's Ore Plant. Coal Trestle and Car Dumping Plant. OSWEGO, N, Y. Coal and Ore Docks. ST. CLAIR FLATS, Str. Tashmoo Entering Ship Canal. A Freighter Leaving Ship Canal. Lake Vessels Old and New. Nightfall on the River. A Lumber Tow. SAULT STE, MARIE, MICH. General View of Locks from Offices. Poe Leck, from below, elesed. Poe Lock, from below, open. Poe Lock, from above. Poe Lock, with Whaleback. Weitzel Lock, from above. Weitzel Lock, from below. Str. North- Land Passing Locks, two views. Upper Entrance to Lock Canal. Gate Mechanism. Interior of Power House. Canadian Lock from Upper End. Canadian Lock from Lower End. The Rapids, looking up. The Rapids, looking across. Indians fishing in the rapids. PANORAMIC VIEWS.--7x17 inches at $1.75 each. Lackawanna Ore Docks--Unloading ore. American Steel & Wire Co.'s Plant, Cleveland. Ore Docks and Harbor, Cleveland. Ore Docks, Cleveland. Water Front, Detroit, from Windsor. Coal and Ore Docks at Oswego. Address: MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., 39-41 Wade Bldg., Cleveland. Ohio