MARINE REVIEW AND Standard Automatic Releasing Device, The Falls are so rove that both ends of the boat de- tach, irrespective of which end strikes the water first Will release a boat immediately in the roughest sea or under speed and can _ be hooked on without de- lay or injury to the hands of men hooking iton, e a2 @ aa Standard Automatic Releasing Hook Co.. New Cheesebrough Bldg. 17 State St., New York. EN OR EE OE IO OE EOD OO Oa 9_,Resilent Felt Matresses and Fogg S Cushions. | Manufactured By. M. W. FOGG, = 202 Front St. N. Y. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. re bP SY) EI EED R IO OI CRE RD a ED "ORO FUEL LIGHTERS at Buffalo, Erie, Ashtabula, and Cleveland. At Detour, Mich., a Fuel Dock equipped with shute capacity of 600 tons. Best quality Pitts- burgh coal furnished at any time during Day or Night. PICKANDS, MATHER @& CO., Western Reserve Building, CLEVELAND, O. Large Supplies of rest Quality Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula. LIGHTER Carrying Differ ent Grades at all Times Mi d Shi M. A. HANNA & CO. sain omice Perry-Payne Bag' Clev1 Pp Time and Distance Tables for Lake Ships A set of tables showing the time required at different rates of speed, 8 to 15 miles an hour, to cover distances between all ports on the Great Lakes. A time saver to the vessel owner or vessel agent as well as captain or engineer. Send for it on approval. Price $1.00: MARINE REVIEW PUB. COMPANY 39-41 Wade Building, Cleveland, Ohio WGubrdbrdddududbdududvedn Dehn hn pana hn habia td de de a i kk A Ad desi vric BG [Mar. 19. MARINE RECORD. A TRUSCOTT BOAT. RELIABLE. It may be possible to build better and safer SIMPLE. SAFE: SPEEDY. boats, but it hasn't been done yet. We senda completely illustrated catalogue and price list free, which tells you all about boats and why -- Truscott Boats Excel. TRUSCOTT BOAT IIFG CO. ST. JOSEPH, MICH. STEAM YACHTS TOW. BOATS and LAUNCHES. WARRINGTON IRON WORKS, 2s: Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. Heavy Machinery and Plate Iron Works. Foot of West Wellington St., CHICAGO, ILLINQIS. J. B. COWLE, Pres. W. E. PERKINS, Sec'y and Treas: MAT. THOMAS, Gen'! Mgr. The Union Machine & Boiler Company, MACHINISTS, FOUNDERS ano BOILER MAKERS. Jobbing solicited. Steel vessel repairs promptly attended to night or day. 108 TO 114 RIVER STREET. CLEVELAND, O. Phones: Bell Main 609. Cuy. A. 711. Night Call Cuy. M. 1843. ABRAM SMITH & SON, ALGONAC, MICH. Wooden Ship Building and Rebuilding. Before placing your work we will be pleased with an opportunity to quote YOU our prices. " The Graham Coal & Coke Company, Ltd. 1008-9 Chamber of Commerce WHOLESALE COAL » COKE Exceptional facilities for Supplying Vessels. Steamboat fueling pockets at foot of 21st Street. Detroit, Mich. Dock Phone Mich. W 266 SHEPARD'S Horse Power ScALE FOR DETERMINING HORSE POWER, OFFERED AS A PREMIUM WITH ONE YEAR'S SIZE OF CYLINDERS, SUBSCRIPTION TO THE DENSITY, TEMPERATURE, MARINE REVIEW LATENT HEAT OF STEAM. AND MARINE RECORD : AT $3.00. Has sold in great numbers at $1 each.