1903.] : MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. Cee 43 BUYERS' DIRECTORY OF THE MARINE TRADE.--Continued. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH, CALL BELLS, ETC. Bory; Chis. WO Son' eo ase a New York. Hlectro- Dynamic Oo. . ose. ceo os Philadelphia. MacLean Hydraulic Signal Co.......6..... Chicago. Seldler-Miner Electric Co. 2.660.020.4585. Detroit. ENGINEERING BOOKS. Avudel "& OCO0., TREO... cia vis vce sees cs NOW. LOPk, Marine Review Pub. Co... ccc cs ees Cleveland. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. PEND? COs 56 6 sae S os Pa ess Gee ie oe Chicago. Farnan Brass Works .............e..+..-Cleveland. Kicley "© Mueller sss. 0. ie. a a es New York. MeCurcheon, Cs esi oc esc ieee cars care Buffalo. New York Belting & Packing Co........ New York. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James...... New York. ENGINEERS, MARINE, MECHANICAL, CONSULTING. Bilectro-Dy namic: Cos 5 os ek Philadelphia. Garrett-Cromwell Engineering Co........ Cleveland. Gaskin, Edward ........ aiois eteicceie Gee are reat Buffalo. Hunt, Robt. W..& Co. <...% ee cee kee sous Chicago. WIG CORED os sales cies casks sisi olereres ....-Duluth, Minn. NGO Ose ODODE, sos i5o5 os Co wisi ss wore cies Cleveland. Monsen: (CHAN Dy) y.ss 0. sete ees 8 Space New York. ING WOT es iy os Gece Kees wv awh eee eccdigion New York. Pittsburg Testing Laboratory, Ltd........ Pittsburg. POWOIS "AMDrIOSe Vier 6 60 Koco es wee es bem Chicago. MOGI KCT le ooo oes vse e oc cles es asks New York. Sadler, Perkins & Field................New York. MOO; TOLACE oor cic ee Sess east New York. WOO) Wien coro erie fee cee en iee was Chicago. EVAPORATING AND DISTILLING APPARATUS. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James....New York. FANS FOR VENTILATION, EXHAUST, ETO, Bugle Porge "Co. 6 os oe oe eS Buffalo. Bructovwant. Bs We eCO. oe ie eee ews Boston. FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS. TeOnrMOntn. - MONET 8.6666. Bes oe ss 3 oe ....- Buffalo. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James...... New York. HOSS] VOLVO CO. 6 oo ooo sos oe shee ess Troy, N;-Y. FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL AND ELECTRIC. General Blectric Co. ......... Schenectady, N. Y. Seidler-Miner Electric Co. ...... Sue oe Detroit. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co....Pittsburg, Pa. FORGES. Buffalo Forge Co. ..... a ecalie lewis ae ines SSRN Buffalo. Sturtevant, Biol Cos. occ Sees ce ....- Boston. FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PROPELLER OR THRUST SHAFTS, ETO. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co. .......Cleveland. Fore River Ship & Engine Co. ..... Quincy, Mass. Macbeth. Ion C0: ci vee case eae ees Cleveland. FLUE WELDING. Pix's; 8: Sons -..555.654 ee eaies cba epee Cleveland. FURNACES FOR BOILERS. Continental Iron Works......... eects New York. FUELING COMPANIES AND COAL DEALERS. Castner, Curran & Bullitt (Pocahontas) ....Phila. Graham Coal & Coke co., Ldt.......2..5... Detroit. Hanna, Mo AS & Co. 2. wie sie eare wer eas Cleveland. Pickands, Mather "& Co; 2250.65... 05 Cleveland. Pittsburg O0al Com see Cleveland. Rochester & Pittsburg Coal & Iron Co: ....Buffalo. Smith, Stanley Bi & Co: . 23. 2.22 ac: Ge eee Detroit. Youghiogheny & Lehigh Valley Coal Co. ..Chicago. GASKETS, RUBBER, New York Belting & Packing Co........ New York. GAS BUOYS. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co. ..New York. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chase Machine Co. ....................Oleveland. GAGES, STEAM AND VACUUM. American Steam Gauge Co. ...........- ... Boston. Ashton Valve COR eo coe ae oo eae eas Boston. GRAPHITE, Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ......Jersey City, N. J. HAMMERS, STEAM. Chase Machine Co. ..... eee ieeee sare Cleveland. Railway Appliances Co ........... cates Chicago. HARDWARE, SHIP. Topky Brothers .....c..sce+cessss:- Ashtabula, 0. HATCH GEARS. "Long-Arm" System Co. ......-.-+e-- HEATING APPARATUS. Buffalo Porge Co... sce e ct ccc ccs vces cece'ss Buffalo. Rturtevant, B. W. Co. ..........<....-.. . Boston: HOISTS FOR CARGO, ETO. American Ship Building Co.............-Cleveland. Brown Hoisting Machirery Co., Inc. ....Cleveland. Chase Machine Co. .....ceceeeeeseeres . Cleveland. Elwell-Parker Electric Co. ...........--Cleveland. General Blectric Co. .........-.+--+--New York. Hyde Windlass ©o. ..:-:.....-:..-.--. Bath, Me. Lidgerwood Mfg. Co..........-..-.--+--New York. Marine tron Co. ..<.-..¢..:....2.5-.2-- Bay Clty. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Oo....Pittsburg, Pa. . -Cleveland. HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON. . Falls Hollow Staybolt Co......Cuyahoga Falls, O. HOSE FITTINGS. Farnan Brass Works. .............+....Cleveland. HOSE, RUBBER. New York Belting & Packing Co........ New York. HYDRAULIC MACHINERY. Watson-Stillman Co., The.............New York. Wood..& Co.; R. D.4................ Philadelphia. ICE MACHINERY. American Linde Refrigerating Co. .....New York. Roelker,) Hi. GBs oy oss vc uee es cence be New. LOrk. INDICATORS FOR STEAM ENGINES. American Steam Gauge Co. ...............Boston. Ashton: Valve. Co. 23565 eco ene. eee Boston. INJECTORS, American' Injector: Cov.55) 260.0234... Detroit. Crane: Col 2) iis. see ssa sce sys oe CDleago. Jenkins Bros: ....:.4%.....; preg sages New York. Lunkenheimer Co. .....................Cincinnati. Penberthy: Injector Com...3 3.2 0.4. < Detroit, Mich. INSURANCE, MARINE. Brown & Co. 0.3 ¢os655..6.2. 3. oe. ses butealo, Brown, Wo Wo ssicvc oe ss vee es oss oc os os Cleveland. DUNHAM, PR Mie foie i ove cores co viele s vicluies + COMICAGG: Elphicke, C. W. & Co. ............2++++--Chicago. Hawgood & Co., W. A. ........++++.--.-Cleveland. Helm' & ©o:; De D334 Hutchinson. & .Co. ..62...52.%<.0.... «Oleveland. Insurance Co. of North America....Philadelphia McCarthy, De Res ici cae se ee sce ...Montreal. MeCurdy, (Geow May osc oe, eo sic es oes ee OCA go. Mitchell -& C0. 5.056005 ics cos cn vos Cleveland. Peck, Chas. BE. & W. F. ...New York and Chicago. Richardson, WO.) 036s cocci cose sss 6s Cleveland. Sullivan; DD: & Co. occe 3a oes cio oe ks os DO NICA EO, Weeks: KO oes. voces ccc 5 +.e----New York. IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Bourne-Huller: Co. 3.5 ..0is. cscs +......-Cleveland. Hanne, Mi Ac & Coe oc cs Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co. ...............-Cleveland. LATHE, FOR CUTTING PIPE THREADS. Kent Machine Works ............ Brooklyn, N. Y. LAUNCHES--STEAM, NAPHTHA, ELECTRIC, Marine Construction & D. D. Co.......... seieee ecu els Mariner's Harbor, 8. I., N. ¥. 'Pruscott moat Mis. 60.23 ioe... St. Joseph, Mich. Warrington Iron Works ..... digi Sa Moles 6 OMICHZU, Willard,: Chas... P. ..... Se Geis se stakes sw cera < Chicago. LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. Armstrong Cork Co. ...... Aickauatctorensteie aos Pittsburg. Drein, Thos. & Son ..... aa |. Wilmington, Del. Kahnweliler's Sons, D. ..............-. New York. Lane & DeGroot ......... Long Island City, N. Y. Marine Construction & Dry Dock Co........ Ghats ss 6 aisielaresse Mariner's Harbor, S. I., N. Y. LIGHTS, SIDE AND SIGNAL. Helvig, H. A. Je.ncccsccecccccccceeee NeW York. Russell & Watson ........ccceceeee «..-.-- Buffalo. LOGS. Walker & Sons, Thomas ..... ...-Birmingham, Eng. Nicholson Ship Log Co. ..........04- ..- Cleveland. Also Ship Chandlers. LUMBER, ' MartineBarriss Cosi... i eae Cleveland. Moran Bros. Co. .433- 3 Seattle, Wash. MACHINISTS. Chase Machine Co...........+e.++++++.--Cleveland. Macbeth Iron Co. ......... secccescees Cleveland. Union Machine & Boiler Co...-seeeee---Cleveland. Ward Machine Co...........+++++e+e.--Cleveland. MACHINE TOOLS (WOOD WORKING). Atlantic Works, Inc. ........6.sss00% Philadelphia. MACHINERY, NEW AND SECOND HAND. Bowler & Co. Geo. H. .........00...+--Cleveland. Clyde Machine Works............+.ses.e- Chicago. MAN-HOLES, SWING DOORS, ETC. "Tong-Arm" System Co. ...............Cleveland. MARINE RAILWAYS, BUILDERS OF Crandall & Son, H. I. .........Hast Boston, Mass. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. Fogg, M. W.....ccececeecccecccsccerces New York. MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Ship Building Co. ............Cleveland Bloomsburg & Co., H. .............Baltimore, Md. Buffalo Forge Co. en Detroit Ship Building Co. ............-.- Detroit. Sturtevant, B. F. Co. .......-eeeeee-ee- ++ BOSTOR. METALLIO PACKING. Allen: Joseph. 3.66650 coeneee- .Collingswood, N. J. American Metallic Packing Co.t Ls Cleveland. Hayden Mfg. Co., N. L..... occa c. fs Columbus, 0. Katsenstein, L. & Co. «...:.---..+-2. snow York. U. 8. Metallic Packing Co. ......... Philadelphia. METAL POLISH. Bertram's Oi] Polish Oe. ....... Sede cewae Boston. MOTORS, GENERATORS--ELECTRIO. Buffalo: Worge: Cos. 66 sci. ees es oe Buffalo. Electro-Dynamic Co. ................Philadelphia. Elwell-Parker Electric Co. seccedccess. «Cleveland. General Electric Co. ...... ...Schenectady, N. Y. "Long-Arm" System Co. ...............Cleveland. Seidler-Miner Electric Co. ..... ee ree Detroit. Sturtevant," Bi. N. Co. je. co ae ... Boston. United Marine Mfg. & Supply Co.......New York. Westinghouse Hlectric & Mfg. Co....Pittsbv7g, Pa. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS, Bliss, -Johue. @.00. | oie css cee ss ess aes New York, Ritchie, .. 8. &. Sons.....<. 5. <% Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS, Gaskin, - Mdward::.. ses. cso wos ciate ss + oa Buffalo. Kidd; JOS@DH iis ca cee os ewes sas es Duluth, Mina. Logan, Robert ........ weawiee ed esce sis Cleveland. Mosher, Chas. D. ..... siete as eeuaa cleats New York. Newman) (Ry, Vas. 0 6's o sinks « sae ss pnce eee NOW Ors Sadler, Perkins & Field................New York See, Horace. 3556 .civct enw oe see eeu es ...-New York. Wood, W. J. ..... Eiem aren eer ew seus ...--Chicago. OAKUM. DeGrauw, Aymar & Co. ............. New York. Stratford Oakum Co.,............Jersey City, N. J. OILS AND LUBRICANTS. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ......Jersey City, N. J. Standard Oil Co. .................+...-Cleveland. PACKING. Allen, 'Joseph . ccs. occas ec ee Collingswood, N. J. American Metallic Packing COlo ee ces Cleveland. American Steam Packing: Co. 22.0.3 0. <5 Boston. Crane: Cone ose oe er eee ee ee Chicago. Hayden Mfg. Co., INGA iis a ae ene ene Columbus, 0. Jenkins: Bross) 0708s. .s es. cae ss New York. Katzensteiu, -..& Co. .. 2.03.2. se ...New York. New York Belting & Packing Co........ New York. United States Metallic Packing Co. ....Philadelphia. PAINTS, Baker, Howard H. & Co. ...............-Buffalo. Berry. Bros:, (Ltd. osc cas Ae ee os DOO Day's Varnish & Dryer Co. ............-Cleveland. Mohawk Paint & Chemical Co...........New York. New Jersey Zinc Co. ........... eee es New York. Topky Brothers ......+.++.+++-+++-e+-Ashtabula, O. Upson-Walton Co. .......... oeeeeeeeess- Cleveland. e PATENT ATTORNEYS. Thurston & Bates ..................-..-Cleveland. PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Ine. ..... Delete eiates eters Philadelphia. PIPE--BRASS AND COPPER, IRON PIPE SIZE. Waterbury Brass Co......... Sigiateis asd 6.5.6 SNONN 3 ORI: PIPE, WROUGHT IRON. Bourne-Fuller Co ........-s.ecseccvceees Cleveland. Crane. ©0..65. 03 62. eee ree PC ee oe Chicago. Macbeth lon (Co. ss a ee ee Cleveland. PLANING MILL MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc. ........... ....-Philadelphia. PLATE BENDING AND PLANING MACHINES. Woot & Co., K.- D.2.. 2... weeeeeees- Philadelphia. PLUMBING, MARINE, Mott, J. L., Iron Works .............- New York. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James....New York. Sands, Alfred B. & Son ........ -New York. PNEUMATIC TOOLS. Avien. John: FF... 25.2.0 0ce cece: ..--. New York. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. cid dice ua ¢¢CRICERO: Railway Appliances CO .....-seeeecsesers Chicago. POLISH FOR METALS. Bertram's Oil Polish Co..... See es Seven cee Boston. POWEE DOORS AND HATOHES. "'Long-Arm" Bystem Co. ......-+--++++ . Cleveland. PRESSURE REGULATORS. Ktelev & Mueller .....2....cc-cescee New York Boss Valve 00. ce scescsc sores secs Oe Me