State of Ohio, Ss ' < . a County of Cuyahoga, > O ~ ~ bi a Good Rope vs. Cheap Rope. " a " Y w,- <q ore TRIAL NOW ON. oc "i <5 r 2 zs Mo ° Jurors: All Vessel Men. wt © 35 wt at a*g Og at 2 ik < Oo e meise We Build Both i a : © o a Zr E e d Are on the side of Good Rope. - 2 . Be ngine aA ft) What will be your Verdict! «+ « + . a = Generator. | Ss E : ; , | | Send for Bulletin G THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK = J a : a, = RES (9 BRASS ane COPPER || ==. O: 9.F. Sturtevant Co. => () A # in Sheets, Tubes, Wire and Rod. # 4 Z BOS ON, MASS. e ® e e Pp 6 ° 5 --L_ < Service Right, Quality Right, Prices Right || GA a _ = O > NEW von Waterbury Brass Co.|=S > onl Be UE EE Te 122 13 Lic BR ue it Ps 5 Gicace: to 130 Centre St., New York City | =k 3 (Yr oe ee Always have our classified Stock List before you CO : | | oe ") @ # # YOURS FORTHE ASKING « « « || CXS hale A a RE ee eS a eS | | canted ' rT Y Snr 5 aaa oT ty OT United States ND CITY FORGE Ip SE , eee @ SC AIRON QO, DE % .y " ww JIN Lil Metallic . Vo = ns | , king C Packin g 0. = CA .): 427 NORTH 13tu ST. -- eq. PHILADELPHIA, PENN. ag a Oo zs SEND FOR CATALOG "Ong re O ez | CHIcREE CLEVELAND,O.2~ a ae IRON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOT : } ao) Class No. 1 Packing. 509 Great Northern: Building COUPLING LINKS AND PINS, PRESSED WROUGHT IRON flenabeee ee a eh ay | Lil - ") WINDLASSES AND CAPSTANS ; Boyer Sectional Water Ge The Hyde Steam and -- , s Tube pele de of an Power Windlasses and Ge ee We eee : N ion, are accessible to oe Peters s Ww all parts, are rapid 4 pans wie ge They have been selected ter of eae have for most of the vessels now © Le no joints in. the fire building for the Navy De- . ie no dead ends, oc- .pattment, Revenue Ma- . cupy less space in Tine, Light-house Board @ | 9 width, length and ae United States ; z height than any other, eres Survey. SS are ney ae can ee : on repaired or set up by hee 6 eine fui = Pe Bu "és age ne for ine ealouly of th P il, Se Perspective view of the 250 H.P. boiler casing, and are shipped Miran eee ae a Yn z = built for the steam treighter "Clara," having whole or knocked down Yachts o *D rilding 2 bk O x 6 ft. space and8 ft. length; 34.4 sq, ft. of grate into packages for trans- ow building. ; 52 cf oe a hon. 54: i tease ane weight ee by man or ; -- oller an cla : a ts , Oo z Or return bagiay boiler, Beas ciintait Head. a BaTH Maine. "Oo | 5 uF Le weight of boiler and water, 16% tons. The Kindly mention this Pe. w W pow has 14 in. ve draft and an increas- paper. ¢.. ea ni ' $s Se ng capacity of $10 per day. LIFE PRESERVER S--BUOYS. 3 : Acme. Solid Cork. Granulated Cork. Each P 7 t 5. In- OG : . wz L a B ©) xe E po S S €) N oy : pp eee proper Bacvancy. 'Cork Billed echt Boe Con oo Tu ooring Buoys. aterial and Finish Guaranteed. Orders filled promptly. 5 90 Water Street, : NEW YORK,N.Y. a TET RONG CORR OOM ra wy. oO Boston. New York. Philadelphia. Pittsburg. Chicago 2 St. Louis. Baltimore. ; tS | o a! h 4 1 ' . Pres't and ' - a os | Midland Towing and Wrecking Co., Ltd. 2mesravrm®. | Ge'. Fisst-Class Tugs for Wrecking, Raft I W.ENSON, Seotyane Treas, -LOWing, Etc. Steam Pumps, Divers, | MIDLAND, ONT., CANADA, Jacks, Hawsers, Lighters. 2% &% a sri