1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 35 Books on Naval Architecture, Ship Yard Practice, Seamanship, Etc. AMERICAN MERCHANT MARINE--Winthrop L. Marvin. A _ history of American Ships and Shipping. $2. |AMERICAN PRACTICAL NAVIGATOR---Nathantel Bowditch. $2.25. 'DATA BOOK--Naval architects and engineers' data book. By T. H. Watson. A reliable and simple means of recording valuable data, etc., of vessels and engines. Size of book, 8% in. by 5 in., eloth, $1.50 ELEMENTARY and enlarged edition, STEAMSHIP--by $2.50. ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION---Henderson. $1. HAND BOOK OF ADMIRALTY LAW---Robt. M. Hughes. $3.75. HINTS ON LEGAL DUTIES OF SHIPMASTHRS--- B. W. Ginsburg. $1.75. ° ILLUSTRATED NAUTICAL BENCYCLOPEDIA--- Howard Patterson. $3. INTERNATIONAL SIGNAL CODH--Bureau of Navi- gation. New Edition. $3.00. 'KNOW YOUR OWN SHIP---Thos. Walton. $2.50. MANUAL OF ALGEBRA---R. ©. Buck. For the use, more especially, of young sailors and officers in the merchant navy; numerous examples and exercises. $1.50. MARINE INSURANCE. W.Gow. $1.50. MARINHR'S COMPASS IN AN IRON SHIP: How * to keep it efficient and use it intelligently. J. W. Dixon. §$1. MODEL ENGINES AND SMALL BOATS---N. M. Barker. New Hopkins. New methods of engine and boiler making; ship design and construction; fifty illustrations. $1.25. MODERN SEAMANSHIP---Lieut. Com. Austin M. Knight, U. 8S. N. Adopted as the text book of the United States Naval Academy. $6. MODERN PRACTICH OF SHIP BUILDING IN IRON AND STEEL---Samuel J. P. Thearle. 2 ae Second edition, revised and enlarged. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A treatise on laying off and building wood, iron and composite ships. Samuel J. P. Thearle. In two volumes. §3. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A manual on laying off iron and steel vessels---Thos. H. Watson. Val- uable for naval architects as well as beginners in ship yards. $5. NAVAL ARCHITECTURHE---Sir W. H. White. Hdition. 750 pages. §9. New NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND SHIPBUILDDR'S POCKET BOOK---Clement Mackrow. Formulae. rules and tables, and marine engineers' and sur- veyors' Handy Book of Reference. Eighth edi- tion, revised and enlarged. $5. NAVIGATION SIMPLIFIND-:--C. 8. McArthur. Containing all problems required for U. 8. Local Inspector's Examination or Masters and Mates of seagoing vessels $1.00. POCKET BOOK OF MARINE HNGINEDRING, RULES AND TABLES---Seaton and Rounth- waite. For marine engineers, naval architects, superintendents and others engaged in construc- tion of marine machinery. §3. PRACTICAL INFORMATION ON TFB DBEVIA- TION OF THE COMPASS, for the. ste of Mas- ters and Mates of Iron ships---J. T. Towson. $2, ~PRACTICAL SEAMANSHIP FOR USE IN THE MERCHANT SHRVICH: Including all ordinary subjects; also Steam Seamanship. Wreck Lifting, Avoiding Collision, Wire Splicing, Dis- 'placment, and everything necessary to be known by seamen of the present day. Second edition, illustrated. 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Equipping and handling of vessels under sail or steam. $10. THEORETICAL NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A treatise on the calculation involved in naval design. Samuel J. P. Thearle. In two volumes. $3.50. : THEORETICAL NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--BE. UL. Attwood. Text book: 114 diagrams. $2.50. '"'WRINKLES" IN PRACTICAL NAVIGATION. Ninth edition, revised. S. T. 8. Lecky. $8.40. Books on Marine Engineering, or the Operation of Engines, and for Beginners in the AIDS TO HNGINEDRS' BDXAMINATIONS, Questions and Answers--N. Hawkins. $2. with AMBRICAN MARINE BNGINEER---By Edwards. $2.50. ARITHMETIC OF THE STHAM HNGINE---B. 8. Gould. $1. ELECTRIO LIGHTING---Atkinson. $1.50. ELECTRIC LIGHTING FOR MARINB ENGINEERS or how to light a ship by the electric light and how to keep the apparatus in order. 8. F. Walker. $2. ENGINEDR'S EPITOME--N. J. Smith. A _ collec- tion of figures, facts and formulae for engi- neers. 50 cents. ENGINEER'S MANUAL OF. LOCAL MARINE BOARD EXAMINATIONS---By Ainsley. $5. 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