1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 13 | How About Those Boilers? Are They Clean? _ If you are not a user of DEARBORN COMPOUNDS and you are making some investigations regarding a Scale Remover, write us and send gallon sample of the water. (Analysis reported free to customers.) We correct Boiler Waters for the World. TT Te PML Sa AR Le cree ail (ICCB U1 CRAIG SHIP BUILDING CO, TOLEDO, OHIO. METAL - AND - WOODEN - SHIP - BUILDERS. New Dry Dock--450 feet long, 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet of Water on Sill. Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships. A SPECIALTY. * DREDGING, WRECKING x MOTT'S CIRCULATING | "RICHMOND" PUMP CLOSET. AND BALLAST PUMPS. MARINE. BOILERS. Kingsford Foundry & Machine Works, OSWEGO N.Y. ae TOTE me, The "Richmond" is the sim- | plest,quickest and easiest working Closet made. It has been endorsed by all who have seen it. We also manufacture a full line of Baths, Lavatories and other Sanitary goods for Marine Work. The J. L, Mott Iron Works, : 84-90 Beekman St., NEW YORK CITY. 332 Boylston St.,; BOSTON, MASS. 1128 Walnut St. PHILADELPHIA. Our New Marine Catalogue is Now Ready for Distribution. AMERICAN LINE ssuszawrron § | --eg LUCAS' QUESTIONS ee es ee AND ANSWERS FOR MARINE ENGINEERS ST. LOUIS (11,629 tons), ST. PAUL (11,629 tons), NEW YORK (10,674 tons), PHILADELPHIA (10,433 tons) Contains 516 pages, 807 questions with carefully prepared answers. Special Express Train from Southampton to London in one hour and forty minutes. Close connection at SOUTHAMPTON for Havre and Paris by special fast twin-screw Channel Steamers. RED STAR LINE """*"¥:2°. Sailing Every Saturday at 10 A.M. FINLAND (12.760 tons), KROONLAND (12,760 tons), ZEELAND (11,905 tons), VADERLAND (11,899 tons). One of the Shortest Routes to BELGIUM, HOLLAND, FRANOE, GERMANY, THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND and ITALY. NSS ' OLA oa ea oe nM he MORE THAN A HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. Send for "Facts for Travelers." Office, Empire Building 73 Broadway, New York. g@ PRICE, $2.00 POSTPAID a Flake Building, 80 State Street, Boston. PIERS: 14 & 15 NORTH TO ANY ADDRES ORDER TODS 806 F St.,. N. W., Washington, D. Cor. Dearborn & Washington Sts., Give: RIVER, FOOT OF FUL- Third d Pine Streets, St. Louis. 10-12-14 Washington Ave., 8., Minneapolis. TON ST. NEW YORK. MARINE REVIEW PUBLISHING COMPANY re " : 39-41 Wade Building :: :: Cleveland, Ohio. Abbe AetetetretradtrcteDettDeDeDe DoDD PR PPLRLPPPPPPRRPRDPPPLAPPDDDB remem