1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. It f our A - CIRCULAR Mica Metallic TELLS. Pcie Demonstrates its effec= tiveness best on those large rods with heavy Pressure, but can be used on small work with equally as good results. Steam, Air, Gas, Water AMERICAN METALLIC PACKING CO. and : 1610 Williamson Building, Ammonia. Cleveland, Ohio. € est Form Crandall's Modern Marine Ry's. OF 'Dry Dock | SAFE. & | RAPID. BUILT of STEEL or WOOD ANY SIZE. H.I. Crandall & Son Co., (INCORPORATED. ) Contracting Engineers. EAST. BOSTON MASS. U. §&S. A. ESTABLISHED 1869. INCORPORATED 1896. ATLANTIC WORKS INCORPORATED, Successors to Berry & Orton Company. 2223-25-27-29 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. MANUFACTURERS OF MACHINERY FOR WORKING WOOD FOR USE IN Ship Yards, Car Shops, Railroad Shops. ADJUSTABLE BEVEL BAND SAW. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. b d e e e , s : OU baie Movimento indie pacies: Hollow Chisel [ortisers. Car Sill Dressers. Power feed in three directions. A BINDER &2.;2; | | C-H..McCutcheon, each week | Work. Engineers' Supplies. can be had for $100 from The Marine Review Brass Cocks, Globe Valves and Couplings, Iron Pipe Buffalo N. t j ae ki Pub. Co., 39-41 Wade Building, Cleveland, O. iings sud, Supplicn, Rubber Haken Seon The Blue Book of American Shipping e me | . | : Price The only Marine Directory of the United States containing names and addresses of Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Ship Builders, Naval Architects, Marine Engineers and of pry interest active in the Shipping Field. Also & 00 Statistics of Shipping and Ship Buildingin America. :: : :: Sent on approval $ Marine Review Publishing Company, 39-41 "Wade Raildinc, Cleveland, Ohio.