1903-] MARINE IMPROVED MASON HAND LATHE For Cutting PIPE THREADS and NIPPLES 1 in. to 6in. Diameter MADE IN TWO SIZES Manufactured by Kent Machine Works BROOKLYN, N. Y. COMPASS ADJUSTER | CAPT. J. M. FIELDS Inventor of and Agent for Fields' Patent Course Finder Bethel Hotel = Cleveland, Ohio ORAM FIX. J. W. Fix. ESTABLISHED 1860, S, Fix's Sons, Successors to S. Frx & Son, Steam Flue a Our Work Stands Government Test. Our Welds are Perfectly Smooth. Write us for Prices. _ COR. LEONARD Cleveland, 0, AND WINTER STS. Hand ENGINES, MACHINERY se" CHINE TOOLS, CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY Geo. H. BOWLER &G CO. 507-508 WILLIAMSON BUILDING. CLEVELAND, OHIO Warehouses 20-22 Frankfort St. 59-61 So. Water Street. Cleveland Terminal & Valley Railway. New and Second NI Lm ee Sold Under 5 Years' Guarantee WRITE FOR CATALOGUE THE N. L. HAYDEN MFG. CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO BIGHTH REVISED EDITION. Scott's Coast Pilot for 1903. Great Lakes and Connecting Waters, =--At $1.50.-- For sale by MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO. , Angeline, Simon J. Murphy, Launch. REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. Photographs of Lake Vessels. # # R R # Unless otherwise specified, negative size of following Photographs is 7x9 inches, and price is 75 cents. each. Postage paid. #2 # A RR SH Alva. Hold. (Size 10x18--Price $1.25). Angeline, Spar Dock. (Size 10x13--Price $1. 25). Argyle. (Thousand Islands). Argyle. (Thousand Islands). James Battle. (Detroit Fire Boat). On the ways. James Battle. (Detroit Fire Boat). The launch. Castalin. Chicora. Chippawa. City of Bangor. City of Erie at Buffalo Docks. City of Erie. Columbia. (On the Ways--Three Views). Conemaugh. Coralia, loading at BHscanaba Ore Dock. 17x21--Price $2.00). Corsica. Corona. John Craig. M. M. Drake. Eastern States. (Launch). Eastern States on First Trip. (Three Views). Eastern States. (On. the Ways--Three Views). Isaac L. Ellwood. (Size Excelsior. (Detroit Ferry). i. Gs. brick: Garland. (Detroit Ferry). Harlem. Harvard. (On the Ways). Harvard. (The Launch). Harvard. (In the Slip--Two Views). Helena. Hennepin. Islander. (Thousand Islands--Two Views). Frank EH. Kirby at Put-in-Bay. Lackawanna. Mahoning. Hahoning. Michigan Central in Detroit River. (Winter). Mohawk. Montana. W. B. Morley, wreck in Detroit River, Aug. 6, 1899. Simon J. Murphy. (On the Ways). Simon J. Murphy. (On the Ways--Two Views). (Bow in Slip, Stern not yet in Water). Neshoto. New Island Wanderer. (Thousand Islands). New York. (Thousand Islands--Two Views). North King. (Thousand Islands). North Land, in the "Soo" Locks. (Two Views). North Land, at Mackinac Island. (Two Views). North Land and North West in Winter Quarters. Ongiara. (Two Views). Peerless, at Mackinac Island. Pere Marquette No. 17. Pleasure, at Dock (Detroit Ferry). H.C. Pope. Princeton. Ramapo. W. D. Rees. St. Lawrence (Thousand Islands). Ste. Marie, in Mackinac Straits. Howard L. Shaw. (On the Ways--Three Views). Howard L. Shaw. (The Launch). Howard L. Shaw. (In the Slip). Sir William Siemens. George Stone. Tashmoo. (In Dewey Naval Parade, Detroit River). Tashmoo, June 9, 1900. Tashmoo. (Entering St. Clair Flats Ship Canal). Tashmoo. (Landing at Star Island.--Two Views). Toronto. (Thousand Islands). (Thousand Islands--at Alexandria Bay). (Thousand Islands--at Gananoque). (Car Ferry-- Toronto. Toronto. Transport, in Detroit River, Winter. Two Views). Troy. United Empire. Capt. Visger. (Thousand Islands). E. P. Wilbur. Western States. (Size 10x13--Price $1.25). ORDER FROM Address: MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., 39-41 Wade Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 37 Schooner for Sale. Schooner carrying 150 M. ft. of lumber or go cords of maple wood. Will be sold cheap for cash. For full particulars, ad- dress Box 37, Marine Review Pub. Co., Cleveland, O. tf Salesman Wanted. ~ An article for every boat. Not new. Saves money while improving service. Large profits. " Address Box . 40, Marine Review Pub. Co., 39-41 Wade Bldg., Cleveland, O. tf Steamer and Tow Barge for Sale. For Sale--Canadian stearner Orion, class A-2. Capacity 30,000 bushels of wheat or 500 M ft. of lumber or 900 tons coal. Canadian tow barge Muskoka, A-2. Ca- pacity 30,000 bushels wheat, or 600 M ft. of lumber, or 900 tons coal. For particulars apply to Gta Bay Rafting & Forwarding Co., Ltd., Kingston, Ont. June 18. Scotch Marine Boiler for Sale. Scotch Marine Boiler for sale. Size, 10 ft. by 78 in.; triple riveted; 54 steel plate; dome 56 in. by 24 in.; two 4-in. and one 6-in. inlet in the dome; ninety-eight 3-in, tubes; stays 54 center; allowed 169 Ibs. steam pressure to the square inch. Boiler as good as new. Located at De- troit, Mich. For price address Isaac Ap- plebaum, 38-40 Randolph street, Detroit, Mich. t.f. For Sale or Charter. Large, side-wheel passenger steamer, allowed by Government inspection to car- ry 800 passengers. Excellent equipment; large dining room; electric lights and searchlight, etc. For full information ap- ply to Howard S. Folger, Kingston, Ont., Canada. Apr. 23. Steamer For Sale. For sale at a bargain, steamer Cambria, a- Canadian boat, 206 ft. long and 4o ft. beam, fitted with feather dip paddles, electric light ing plant; fully equipped with all sailing appliances: used for both passenger and freight purposes. Will sell for $3,000.00 Address, Frank Lenahan & Son, 53 Fulton St. ; Buffalo, N.Y. tf; Steamer for Sale. Steamer T. D. Stimson for sale. Capa- city 550,000 ft. lumber. Rates A-2; fully rebuilt two years ago. Will take smaller steamer part payment. Address A. B. Sly- field, owner, Port Huron, Mich. tf Passenger Steamer and Tug for Sale. Steamer Ogantz, 80 ft. keel, 18 ft. 8 in. beam, 7 ft. 6 in. draught. Fore and aft compound engine, 14 and 25 by 16 in. Scotch boiler, 10 ft. by 84 in., allowed 125 Ibs. steam. Passenger allowance--45 regu- lar and 190 excursion. Tug Dan Connelley, 65 ft. keel, 16 ft. 6 in. beam. 8 ft. 6 in. draught. Iron boiler 13% ft. by 76 in., allowed 90 Ibs. steam. Double engine, 14X15 in. These boats were in commission last sea- son and are in good condition. Price rea- sonable. For particulars address The Sandusky Fish Co., Sandusky, O. tf FOR SALE. STEAMBOAT ENGINES. Two pair 7x9 double cylinder vertical reversible steam engines of the Crane ele- vator engine style. Send for blue print, photos and price. Also pumps, condensers and small engines for electric lights. CLYDE MACHINE WORKS 33d St. and Shields Ave. = Chicago, III,