1904] MARINE REVIEW 33 MARINE EXHIBIT AT SPORTSMEN'S SHOW. From present indications, the tenth annual sportsmen's show at Madison Square Garden, Feb. 19 to March 5, promises to be the most successful of any yet held. A$ a spectacle it will be impressive, the entire arrangement and the scenic effects com- bining strongly to this end. Action will be lent to the scenic ef- fects at the eastern end of the amphitheater by the revolving wheel of an old water mill, and the mountain streams which will tumble in cascades through. artificial gorges to empty into the artificial lake, which this year will be larger and more attractively con- structed than at any previous sportsmen's show. The lake will be 190 ft. in length by 7o ft. in width, and will be designed and provided principally for the demonstration of high-power auto- mobile launches, varying in length from 25 ft. to 35 ft. In fact, the marine exhibit of the show this year will be one of its strongest features, the power boat industry being represented to a greater extent than it has ever been at a similar exhibit in this country. So great has been the demand for space by exhibitors of this class that it has been necessary to locate the space originally de- signed for the fly casting tournament elsewhere. Originally the space set aside was on the southern or Twenty-Sixth street side of the garden, immediately facing the lake, and on the cross-sec- tion at the Fourth avenue end, while the entire stretch of 190 ft. on the Twenty-Seventh street side was assigned to the sport of fly casting. So great has been the demand for space, however, that the entire lake frontage has now been given up to marine ex- hibits, and the fly casters will be provided with a tank of ample width and length suspended over the northern promenade of the amphitheater. and on a level with the balcony promenade. That this feature of the show should have developed to such pro- portions was unanticipated by the management but it is most sat- isfactory evidence of the value of the Madison Square exhibit to the builders of marine engines and power launches. Thus far. space has been assigned to the following representative concerns in this line: Western Gas Engine Co., Mishawaka, Ind.; Mr. J. W. Newbury, New York; Pierce Engine Co., Racine, Wis.; C. H. Blomstrom Motor Co., Detroit; Lozier Motor Co., Platts- burg, N. Y.; Messrs. Penhard & Levassor; Messrs. Smith & Mabley; Messrs. Hollander & Tangeman; Gas Engine & Power Co, and Charles L. Seabury & Co.; the Wm. H. Brodie Co.; the Fairbanks Co.; Electric Launch Co., Bayonne City, N. J.; Eagle Bicycle Mfg. Co., Torrington, Conn.; United States Long Dis- tance Auto Co., Jersey City, N. J.; Lackawanna Motor Co., De- troit; Chas. A. Strelinger Co., Detroit; Buffalo Gasoline Motot Co., Buffalo; and Messrs. Reeves & White, Port Richmond, N. Y. _Congressman Roberts has introduced a bill in the house of representatives that all officers of the navy with creditable records who served during the civil war and who were placed on the re- tired list prior to March 3, 1899, shall be advanced on the retired list to the rank of the next higher grade. Ds Vessels for Sale. Steam barge, two years old; Neafie & Levy machinery; carries 300 tons. 2,000-ton barge. Side-wheel steamer, iron hull. Small iron ship. Three steam yachts for pleasure or towing. Address 218 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Terms cash. Clair, Mich Steam Barge for Sale. For Sale --Steam barge, 131 ft. keel, 25 ft. beam, 9 ft. deep ME it ;-Coal,. 396 tohs. hand e two or three barges pertaining to this boat is in good condition. Address. Lock Box 35, St For Sale. 1 Tug Duncan City. Address, Geo. Pank- Capacity, lumber, 260 | sant, Lumber Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. tf Good power; can Everything : ; Lumber Carrier Wanted. Feb. 11 A steamer capable of carrying 1,500 009 Feb. 4 ft. dry lumber with not more than 16 ft. Steamer for Sale. For sale on reasonable terms, the steamer A. A. Turner. Vessel is in good condition and can be seen at Cleveland. Apply to A. C. McLean, Saginaw, Mich, or Capt. H. May, care Fisher-Wilson Co., Cleveland. Feb. 18 Lake Tug for Sale or Charter. -- Tug Kate Williams. Length 113 ft., beam ai it, S. C. engine 22 and 40 x 30in. Fire box boiler 8 x 17 ft. Rates A 1%. Entirely rebuilt in rgor. Good condition. Lake Shore Stone Co., 97 Wisconsin St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Heb. 11, U.S. ENGINEER'S OFFICE, Jones Bldg., Detroit, Mich., Jan. 15. 1904. -- Sealed proposals for rock and earth excavation under 'ontinuing contracts, for im- roving Middle and West, Neebish Channe:s, St.. arys River, Mich , at West Neebish Rapids will be received here until 2 p. m. (standard time), March 8, 1904. and then :ublicly opened Information fur- nished on application. W. H. BIXBY, Major, Eng'rs. Mar. 3 U.S. ENGINEER'S OFFICE, Jones Bldg., Detroit, Mich., Jan. 16, 1904. -- Sealed proposals for dredging under continuing contracts for improving Middle and West Neebish Channels, St Marys River, Mich., at Hay Lake and Mud Lake. will be received here until 2 p.m. (standard time), March 9, 1904, and then pub- licly opened. Information turnished on application. W. H. BIXBY, Major, Eng'rs. Mar. 3 U.S. ENGINEER OFFICE, jones building, De- troit, Mich., January 5, 1904. Sealed proposals for re- moving boulde's, excavating limestone bed rock, and dredging in lower Detroit River, will be received here untii 2 p. m. (standard time) February 25, 1904, and then publicly opened Information furnished on application. W. H. BIXBY, Major, Eng'rs. Feb. 18 U.S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Duluth, Minn., Jan. 2, 1904 -- Sealed proposals for furnishing 4,300 barrels Portland cement for concrete ees to break- water at M :rquette. Mich., will be received here until noon, Feb 2, 1904, and then publicly opened. Infor- mation on application. CHAS. L. PUTTER, Capu., Engrs. Jan 28 WHITE OAK TIMBERS, PLANK --____--_AND------_----_ DIMENSION STOCK FS. SHURICK, 18 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY Passenger Steamer for Sale- Up-to-date passenger and freight steamer. Capacity 400 to 500 passengers and 35 tons package freight, -+>peed about 15 miles an hour. New fore-and-aft compound engine. Marine fire-box boiler. Everything high grade and in very best condition. Address, Indiana Transportation Co., Michigan City, Ind. Jan. 28 Wanted. Marine: engineer to sell water tube boilers. Must be experienced in selling machinery. Address Box 54, Marine Review Pub. Co , 39-41 Wade Bldg , Cleveland, O. : . tf Steamer for Sale at Cost-- | $13,500. The old Anchor Line twin-screw steamer Gordon Campbell , Two decks, gangways, -hoisting machinery, etc. Suited to carrying coal, lumber, ties, package freight. etc. Spent $3,500 in repairs this year Other business requires my undivided attention and I will sell for costtome. W. F. Car- roll, ro11 Ashland block, Chicago. tf Yacht for Sale. New beautiful roo-ft. steam yacht, fully equipped. Owner physically unable to use yacht. Will sell for any reasonable offer. Yacht can be seen in Detroit. Address M. J STEFFENS, 57 East Twenty-second st., Chicago. tf Good Tow at a Bargain. Ten thousand dollars will buy a lake steamer and tow barge that carry 2,700 tons of ore. gines and Scotch boiler. Address Box 55, Marine Review Pub Co., Wade Building, Cleveland. Jan, 28 Steamer has steeple compound en- loaded draught. Address Box 57, Marine Review Pub. Co., Wade Building, Cleve- land, O. Feb, 11 Marine Engines for Sale. Gasoline engines complete, 3 to 50h. p. Reversing gear, solid three-blade propellers. For particulars address Sarvent Marine Engine Works, 26-28 West Randolph St., Chicago. Feb. 11 Tugs for Sale. Tug Engine 12x12, Boiler allowed 100 lbs st'm Tug Engine 17x17, Boilerallowed golbsst'm Tug Engine 18x18, Boiler allowed 125 lbs st'm Tug Engine 18x20, Boiler allowed too lbs st'm Tug Engine 18x20, Boiler allowed 115 lbs st'm For further information apply to L. S. Sullivan, Toledo, O. Feb, 25. Marine Exhibits at the Sportsmen's Show Madison Square Garden, New York, February 19 to March 5, | Will be one of the principal features of the Tenth Annual Exhibit. : Ala: e 190x6o0 feet will afford every facility for demonstrations with gasolene and electric launches. : The following leading marine engine and launch builders have already secured exhibit space: ' Western Gas' Engine Co. . W. Newbury ierce Engine Co. C. H. Blomstrom Motor Co Lozier Motor Co Electric Launch Co. Panhard & Levassor . Eagle Bicycle Mfg. Co, Smith & Mabley Hollander & Tangeman Standard Motor Construction Co. Gas Engine & Power Co., and Charles L. Seabury & Co. Lackawanna Motor Co, The Charles A. Strelinger Co. Buffalo Gasolene Motor Co. White Cratt & Power Co. Wm. H. Brodie Co. _ The Fairbanks Co. A limited amount of space stil] unsold. For further particulars, address SPORTMEN'S EXHIBITION CO., 1123 Broadway, New York City. Feb. il