Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 4 Feb 1904, p. 30

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Le | MARINE REVIEW ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. The steel elevator under construction for the Montreal har- bor commission will be ready for use in May. William H. McWhinney, Aberdeen, Wash., has one steamer under way now, but has recently completed a great many lighters. Four steamers belonging to the Nippon Yusen Kaisha have been taken over by the Japanese government as auxiliary cruis- ers. - Commissioner of Navigation Chamberlain has ruled that all gasoline launches of over 5 tons burden must carry a licensed en- gineer. Rear Admiral Harris, paymaster general of the navy, has entered an energetic protest against the creation of a general staff of the navy. ; The Greenwich Yacht Yard, Greenwich, Conn., are at present building five 15-ft. raceabouts for Mr. Joseph P. Graves, St. Augustine yacht club, Florida. oe Senator Nelson has offered a bill in the senate authorizing the construction of a lighthouse and buoy tender for the inspector of the eleventh lighthouse district. Representative Meyer has introduced a bill in the house of representatives appropriating $200,000 for the construction of a revenue cutter for the Gulf of Mexico, Representative Cushman has offered a bill in the house of representatives appropriating $100,000 for the construction of two revenue cutters for service in Puget Sound. : Thomas W. Dunn of the ship building firm of Dunn & EI- liott, Thomaston, Me., died last week of old age. He-was eighty- three years old and had just retired from business. The Ollinger & Bruce Dock Co., Mobile, Ala., are building a three-masted schooner for the Mahogany Lumber & Transpor- _ tation Co. of Mobile, Ala., to be 154 ft. long and to cost $25,000. Rear Admiral George Wallace Melville, retired, formerly en- gineer-in-chief of the navy department, has gone to Europe in company with George Westinghouse to study turbine machinery. The Collingwood Ship Building Co., has received a contract to construct a new set of triple-expansion engines for the steamer Wexford. A contract for new boilers had previously been let to the same company. The trial last week of the Mongolia, built for the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. by the New York Ship Building Co., Cam- den, N. J., was successful in every way. The new steamship will leave in about ten days, via the Suez canal, for China. The army transport Thomas arrived at Honolulu on Jan. 8 from San Francisco in 6 days, 20 hours and 20 minutes, breaking all transport records between these two ports. 'The best previous record was made by the Sherman in 7 days and 4 hours. _ The Riter-Conley Manufacturing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., report that they built during the year past one large oil. barge and re- "constructed two others. Their field is at present much limited, but in time they expect to go into the boat business on quite a large scale. Elmer A. Ely Middletown, Conn., has the following small craft under way: Fishing boat for M. Bill, East Hadden, Conn. ; 19 ft. long; 6 H. P. gas engine; Fishing boat for A. Beckwith, Clinton, Conn.; 20 ft. long; Drey & Prior gas engine. He is also building several vacht tenders from 19 to 26 ft. in length. Gov, William H. Taft took the oath of office as secretary of war this week, succeeding Elihu Root as secretary. Gov. Taft has previously served in the Philippines. Gov. Taft rendered emi- nent services in a judicial capacity during the Spanish-American war and has been a leading figure in government circles since. Secretary Root resigns to engage in legal practice in New York. His private interests, of course, have suffered greatly since he be- came secretary of war. At the annual meeting of the American Association of Mas- ters & Pilots held in Washington recently the following officers were elected: John C. Silva, grand captain, Boston; H. G. Mc- Callum,: grand, first pilot, Detroit; N. L. Cullin, grand second pilot, Camden, N. J.; Luther B. Dow, grand purser and counsel, New York; Benjamin F, Perkins, grand captain's clerk, Cam- den, N. J. Fifty-three delegates were present from the different harbors and there were several represented by proxy. A great deal ot ,business was transacted, dealing mainly with legislative matters. The Lozier Motor Co. of New York has the following work under way: Wooden cruising launch, 31 ft. long; Lozier 10 H. P. double-cylinder gasoline engine; cost $3,000, Wooden oyster boat, 50 ft. long; Lozier 20 H. P. double-cylinder gasoline en- gine; wooden racing launch, 40 ft. long; Lozier 20 H. P. double- cylinder gasoline engine; wooden cruising yacht, 68 ft. long; Lozier 80 H. P. four-cylinder gasoline engine; hunting cabin cruiser, 28 ft. long; Lozier 7!4 H. P. single cylinder engine. The company is also building 125 21-ft. launches, 125 25-ft. launches, twelve yacht tenders and several small racing boats; also six cabin cruisers from 30 to 36 ft. in length. It is learned that the Cunard Line will begin a weekly Medi- terranean service in April with steamships particularly adapted to that trade. The first of the steamships for the new line was purchased a short time ago and will be known as the Slavonia. Negotiations, it is understood, are now on for three other steam- ships. The Slavonia was built for British East India Co. by Sir James Laing & Co. She will sail from New York on April 26. She is a boat of 12,000 tons, expensively finished twin screws, and has a speed of about 1414 knots. The vessel can accommo- date 200 cabin passengers. The third-class accommodations will receive particular attention. The names of the other three steam- ships under negotiation could not be learned. te ea ae hc * eS I [Feb. 4, AUTOMOBILE BOATS AND POWER LAUNCHES. As a feature of the tenth annual Sportsmen's Show to open at Madison square garden, Feb. 19, the marine exhibit embracing automobile boats and power launches, together with various types of marine engines of varying horse power, will represent the most 'impressive display of this character yet held in the United States. Some five years ago, the marine end of the Sportmen's Show began to assume important proportions and it has steadily grown, until the show management this year, to use a homely phrase, is "at its wit's ends" as to how to accommodate this class of exhibi- tors. The oldest and best known manufacturers of high power. boats in this country and Europe will be represented at the com- ing show, and arrangements made by the show management are. such as to offer them exceptional facilities for the advantageous display of their product. The show management has been com- pelled to precisely double the space that was originally set aside for the purpose, in order to meet the applications for space. On the floor of the amphitheater will be constructed a lake 190 ft. in length by 7o ft. in width. Surrounding this lake will be the ex- hibit space of power boat manufacturers. Each exhibitor will thus be provided with dock frontage and in addition to his attrac- | tively equipped reception room for the accommodation of visitors and guests, he will be afforded the privilege of having a trim model of his boat lying in the water close at hand into which prospective purchasers can step for a spin over the water of the lake. The full list of exhibitors of automobile boats and power launches who have secured space for the coming show follows: Western Gas Engine Co., J. W. Newbury, Pierce Engine Co., C. H. Blomstrom. Motor Co., Lozier Motor Co., Electric Launch Co., Panhard & Levassor, Eagle Bicycle Mfg. Co., Smith & Mab- | ley, Hollander & Tangeman, the Standard Motor Construction Co., Gas Engine & Power, Co., and Charles L. Seabury & Co., the Wm. H. Brodie Co., Lackawanna Motor Co., the Charles A. Strelinger Co., Buffalo Gasoline Motor Co., the White Graft & Power Co., the Fairbanks Co. and the American Darracq Automo- bile Co. The Shelby Steel Tube Co. has just evolved a clever idea, being nothing more nor less than the sending out of its circulars in a piece of steel tubing, affording thereby an object lesson of the adaptability of cold drawn steel tubing. The catalogue itself is. a work of art and illustrates beautifully the many uses to which tubing can be put. The Montreal Transportation Co. has been given a new char- ter, which gives it extensive powers in connection with the for- warding of passengers and freight on the lakes and rivers of Can- ada, the owning and operation of elevators, etc. The capital is fixed at $500,000 and the head offices are at Montreal "KLINGER REFLEX WATER GAUGES 8 "WILTBONCO" qemu Gauge Mountings. : a: As supplied for all of the prin= cipal Navies of the World, Merchant Marine, and for Lo=- comotives, Automobiles, Sta= tionary and Portable Boilers. ADVANTAGES: Cee aad reliable observation of the water evel. Safe, sure and durable at high pressures. Not affected by cold air drafts. Most effective protection against injury to boilers. =| All other safety devices, wire netting, etc., a |) superfluous. Z| Absolute protection against injuries to work- S| meh. on Elin inating expense for exchange "glass ei tubes. =] Saving annoyance and loss of time due to a= || breakage. my peti application to all existing boiler moun- ings. Glass easily removed for cleaning without disturbing connections. NOT © .--With the ordinary Gauge Glass Tube one cannot tell whether it is full or empty. When filled with WATER the REFLEX GAuG# always appears BLACK. When empty it instantly shows WHITE. No mistake pos- sible. This feature alone is of greatest importance. WM. T. BONNER & CO., ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS AND MANUFACTURERS, ° rs} F 3 a EB | EE ah 53 STATE STREET, BOSTON. Factory: Charlestown, Mass. NEW YORK OFFICE, 141 BROADWAY.

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