x MARINE REVIEW | ' A STEAM STEERER DIRECT ano POSITIVE QUICK ACTING. SPECIALLY ADAPTED BECK STEAM AND HAND | ' Ot STEERING GEAR. | Steam Yachts, Changed es ee hand gearinstantly. Rudder Perry boats, coven hard over through one or more turns of wheel as Lake, Ocean desired. Is self-locking. Will cushion any blow on rudder and and return to position auto- matically. All gears are Harbor machine cut. Position of Rudder shown by Indicator Tug Boats. at all times. Send for Catalogue and Particulars MOULTON STEERING ENGINE Co. | Pawling & Harnischfeger, 17 State St.,. NEW YORK CITY. Clinton and So. Water Sts., [ILWAUKEE, WIS. COMPASS ADJUSTER CAPT. J. M. FIELDS | INVENTOR OF AND AGENT FOR Fields' Patent Course Finder. 40 Wade Bldg. . a CLEVELAND, 0. i WAN r | V A ny) i) ; | 460 | 1 | | a , ( ay i . . aaa ESTAR MMAR TT I nm A | 4 oul SMOOTH-0 ba eats Iron Cement No.1 DULUTH, MINN, MANUFACTURERS OF a aaa ealliae e | ak e o) Unequaled for boiler patching, making flanged joints, Boilers, Engines and stopping leaks in boiler seams, it has saved the use of Machinery, many boilers, and for foundry use. SmMooTH-oN when mixed with water becomes a 'hard metallic iron that Special facilities : expands and contracts with the iron, and will withstand fire, steam, water or oil. sold in 5, 10 and 25 pound blue labeled cans. 60 page catalogue, and name of nearest jobber on request. for Marine Work. Repairs promptly attended to Night TELEPHONES: or Day. OFFICE AND WORKS, 615. SMOOTH-ON MANUFACTURING COMPANY Howdease Gale plate line of Mar. M.A. RYAN, Pres. and Gen'l Mgr., 776 R. ; mae > 7H OPPERMAN, Secretary, 879 Re R: ine and Engineers' 572-574 Communipaw Ave., JERSEY CITY, N.J., U.S. A. E. KRIZ, Superintendent, 557 M. Supplies. re Chicago Office, 61 N. Jefferson Street. The Nicholson Perfected Ship Log is the only log that accurately shows the speed of the moment of a ship, on a dial, and records this speed on a paper chart for every minute of the trip. It also registers the distance travelled. No line overboard. Placed in chart house or wherever desired. DREDGING, WRECKING CIRCULATING AND BALLAST PUMPS. MARINE BOILERS. THE Nicholson Marine Distance Finder, ADVANTAGES CLAIMED: The exact distance from any fixed point can readily be determined without any mathematical calculation. Anyone can easily learn to use it. Kingsford Foundry Nicholson Ship Log Co. 2°4.Suzerien st. oom a hes Cah Se PRR ae Ra Dene Pa Be oils a) ae 1 SA aKa a OW * et 3 PN Sidhe es