2 MARINE REVIEW AZALEA raciss METAL Highest Grade Bearing Metal. ..Used for... MARINE and STATIONARY ENGINES, MACHINERY and RAILROADS. Send for free sample for trial. ONCE TRIED, ALWAYS USED. THE VICTOR METALS CO., East Braintree, Mass. New York Office, 29 B'way. 9 Resilent Felt Mattresses and Fogg Ss Cushions. Bes Manufactured by 0 mM. W. FOGG, @ 202 Front St., N. Y. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Detroit White Lead Works DETROIT VARNISH COMPANY, Manufacturers of Paints, Varnishes and Specialties specially prepared for marine use. DETROIT. - CHICAGO. = BUFFALO. CLEVELAND BRANCH: 37 River St., West. Established 1844. A. SCHRADER'S SON, 32 Rose Street, NEW YORK. Manufacturer of Submarine Armor and Diving Apparatus, We carry a complete stock of Dresses, Hose and Repair Sundries. All orders filled day received. Write for our prices, improved Bolt Helmet THE BROWN HOISTING MACHINERY COMPANY. INCORPORATED. Engineers, Designers, and Manufacturers of Special Machinery for hoisting, conveying, storing and handling material of all kinds under the well Engin "BROWNHOIST"' Fast Plant Unloaders for rapidly handling either bulk or package BRIDGE UNLOADERS for rapidly discharging bulk cargoes from vessels directly to cars to sterage on docks. freight oad CRANES of every description for every kind of service. MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS, CLEVELAND, OHIO, U.S. A. Eastern Office, 26 Cortlandt St., New York City. Pittsburg Office, Carnegie Building, Pittsburg, Pa. European Office, 39 Victoria St. London, S. W. Established 1857. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. PROVIDENCE, R. I. We have completed our new IRON FOUNDRY, and are prepared to execute orders for Castings, guaranteeing first-class work, prompt service and reasonable prices. SHIP MACHINERY EMBODYING THE LATEST DESIGNS AND MANY IMPORTANT PATENTED IMPROVEMENTS. SOLE BUILDERS OF THE Original and Only Automatic Steam Towing Machine. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. P.O. BOX 53. Address: FRANK S. MANTON, President. ual SUSPENSION BOILER FURNACES FOR LAND AND MARINE BOILERS. UNIFORM THICKNESS--EASILY CLEANED UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH. Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces. MANUFACTURED BY THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS, West and Calyer Sts., NEW YORK. Near 10th and 28d Sts. Ferries. Borough of Brooklyn.