MARINE REVIEW 39 WANTED and FOR SALE Department. FOR SALE. Schooner for Sale. For Sale --Schooner Minnie Slauson. 317 gross tons. Rated A 2. For informa- tion inquire of Capt. L. Larson, 812 Huron St., Manitowoc, Wis. tf Tug for Sale. Tug Duncan City. Address, Geo. Pank- rantz, Lumber Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. tf Tug for Sale. Tug Frank Canfield, 75 ft. long. Engine 18 x 20, boiler 6% x 13. Address Canfield Tug Line, Manistee, Mich. Apr. 28 Diving Outfit For Sale. Three iron bound cases containing a complete diving outfit for $175 cash. The suit and equipment is in first-class work- ing order with 70 ft. new air hose. Bart E. Linehan, Dubuque, Ia. May 5 Steamer for Sale at Cost, $13,500. The old Anchor Line twin-screw steam- er Gordon Campbell. Two decks, gang- ways, hoisting machinery, etc. Suited to carrying coal, lumber, ties, package freight, etc. Spent $3,500 in repairs this year. Other business requires my undi- vided attention and I will sell for cost to me. W.F. Carroll, torr Ashland block, Chicago. a Steam Yacht for Sale. Steam Yacht Vita --Length too ft, beam 18 ft. Iron frame. Fully equipped. Can be seen at her anchorage at Detroit. Inquire of J. M. Kennedy, 915 Union Trust Bldg., Detroit, Mich. May 12 FOR SALE. Yacht for Sale. New beautiful too-ft. steam yacht, fully equipped. Owner physically unable to use yacht. Will sell for any reasonable offer. Yacht can be seen in Detroit. Address M. J. Steffens, 57 East Twenty- second st., Chicago. tf Two Steamers for Sale. The Union Transit Co. in closing out its business offers the steamers John M. Nicol and Eber Ward for sale. The steamer J: hn M. Nicol is of the fol- lowing dimensions: length 263 ft., beam 41 ft., depth 26 ft. Triple expansion en- gines with goo indicated H.P. Steel boiler- house enclosing two Scotch boilers with steam pressure of 150 lbs. About $30,000 laid out for repairs on this steamer in the past year. Steamer Eber Ward.--Length 213 ft., beam 37 ft., depth 23 ft. Engines F.& A. compound with an indicated H.P of 600. One Scotch boiler with steam pressure of 110 lbs. For further information apply to H. C. French, goo Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. May 12 Freight and Passenger Steamer. For Sale.--Up-to-date, complete, speedy excursion freight and passenger steamer. Accommodate 400 to 500. Address Indiana Trans. Co., 2 Rush St., Chicago. May 5 Sand and Gravel Outfit. For Sale Cheap.--Complete sand and gravel outfit. Most economical plant in North America. For particulars address Osborn & Co., Duluth, Minn. May 5 FOR SALE. Yacht Boiler for Sale. For Sale.--First-class second-hand up- right yacht boiler, 45 in. by 46in., sub- merged flues, 125 lbs. pressure. Also engine (6 by 8), shaft, stern bearing, pro- pellerandrudder AddressJ. & T. Hurley, 149 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Apr. 28 Steam Yacht Catherine. For Sale.--Length 78 ft , beam 18 ft., triple expansion engines, water tube boiler, allowed 200 lbs; electric light, search light, mahogany deck house 9 by 16, power launch, complete outfit, all in first-class condition. One of the best family cruis- ing yachts on the Lakes Inquire Wickes Bros., Saginaw, Mich, tf Buckets. For Sale.--Two clam-shell buckets (standard makes) and a number of Long patent drop bottom coal buckets. Address Box 64, Marine Review, Cleveland tt WANTED. Passenger Steamer Wanted. Passenger steamer to carry 700 or more passengers from Milwaukee to Whitefish Bay Resort, Wisconsin Exclusive land- ing rights given for pier. Addres H. Konopka, Whitefish Bay, Wis May 5 Designer Wanted. Wanted.--First-class designer and con- structor who thoroughly understands the business of manufacturing Naphtha Launches and high grade pleasure boats. Address, giving full particulars as to ex- perience, salary.-desired, ete; Box -62, Marine Review, Cleveland. Apr. 28 Chicago,Saugatuck & Douglas Trans.Co. This boat line, two steamers, docks, etc., for sale. Steamer Saugatuck--Length 125 ft., breadth"22 ft., depth 8 ft.,7147 net tons. Licensed to carry 84 regular, 225 excursion*passengers. For full particulars apply to Griffin & Henry, Saugatuck, Mich. May 5 Write us for particulars. Specifications. Chester, Pa. Steel Castings for Special Purposes. Our complete facilities enable us to undertake the manufac- ture of high grade steel castings for almost any purpose. Open Hearth Steel Castings for locomotives, ship- building, electrical, pump and general machinery purposes. Subject to U. S. Government, Lloyd's, Railroad and other Rail or Water Deliveries. Seaboard Steel Casting Company, Works: RED BANK, N. J. Phone, 49 Red Bank. THE ROBERTS © Safety Water Tube Boiler Co. MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Marine Water Tube Boilers. Generators of the Highest Quality of Steam, Nearly (500 in use, Send for Circulars and Stock Sheet. Main Office: 89 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK, N.Y., U.S.A. Phone, 599 Cortlandt.