M A R I N E Every engineer should have the illus- trated book showing how to make repairs with Smooth-On. Sent free by writing to the Smooth-On WNfg. @o., Jersey City, Ne Jd., Ui od. As ROAGH'S SHIP YARD. Builders of STEANSHIP AND NARINE NACHINERY. Delaware River Iron Ship Building & Engine Works, Chester, Pa. R E V #2 fo a oT FORE RIVER SHIPBUILDING CO. Steel Ship and Marine Engine Builders. CONTRACTORS FOR U.S. Torpedo Boat Destroyers Lawrence and Macdonough. U.S. Protected Cruiser Des Moines. U.S. Battleships New Jersey and Rhode Island. U.S. Steam Light-Vessel No. 72. Office and Works, - += QUINCY, NMASS., U.S. A, The Lockwood Nanufacturing Co. EAST BOSTON, MASS. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Builders of Steamships, Tow Boats and Marine Engines. Repairing of Hulls and Nachinery. W. & A. FLETGHER Co. NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS. MTARINE ENGINES, BOILERS, Etc. Hudson, [2th and [4th Sts., HOBOKEN, N. J. Take Ferry from foot of West 22nd St., New York. [THE SHIPOWNERS DRY DOCK Co. GHIGAGO, ILL. Building and Kepairing of Steel and Wooden Ships with economy and dispatch. Yard and Dry Docks: Halstead St. and North Branch Largest Dry Dock: 480 ft. on keel blocks. Office, 381 No. Halstead St. Phone, North 1658. The Atlantic Works cere ule BUILDERS OF Steamships, Steam Yachts, Tow Boats, Etc. Carine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. Heavy Nachinery and Plate Iron Work. THREE MARINE RAILWAYS. A AN Bw MAS showing in detail the entire WATER FRONT OF BUFFALO, N. Y. Giving Sounds, Principal Buildings, Railroad Connections, Etc. A copy will be forwarded 10 responsible parties for inspection, on request. -------- Price, Cloth Backed, $7.00. Marine Review, 39-41 Wade Bldg., Cleveland, O. DECK WINDING ENGINES which will not break down every time you take a heave on them and which will not make the fortune of a repair doctor are THE KIND WE BUILD. Don't you want one for next season ? Georgian Bay Engineering Works, Midland, Ont, All of the latest and largest LAKE STEAMSHIPS are com- pletely equipped with i _ A K E saaganboa DUPLEX AND SIMPLEX SPECIAL MARINE PUMPS. New Marine Catalog ready about July ist. Geo. F. Blake Mfg. Co. 114 Liberty St., se <2 3 Chicago Nautical School, Ninth Year. MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO. W. J. Witson, Principal, (late Lieutenant, U.S. N A full and complete course of instruction in Lake and Ocean Navigation and Marine Engineering. Also special branches taught those desiring to qualify themselves for better positions in the Marine Ser- vice. Students taught by correspondence Students may begin at any time. Diplomas will be issued to all graduates passing satisfactory final examinations. Candidates prepared for Annapolis. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. NEW YORK CITY SIN Vf he a SL rt p ) The Allen Dense-Air Ice Machine Contains no chemicals, only air, Proven by many years' service in the tropics on United States men-of-war, steam yachts and passenger steamers. A HUNDRED ARE IN DAILY SERVICE ON STEAMERS. H. B. ROELKER, 41 Maideu Lane, NEW YORK Consulting and Constructing Engineer. Designer and Manufacturer of Screw Propellers. THE BERTRAM ENGINE WORKS CO., TORONTO, CANADA. Ship Builders and Marine Engineers. All Kinds of Repair Work Executed on Short Notice.