Coe AOR or Ne Rb ON ae ay Every engineer .should have the illus- ERER DIRECT and POSITIVE QUICK ACTING. Especially adapted for Steam Yachts, Ferryboats, Lake, Ocean and Harbor Tug Boats. Send for Cata- logue and Particulars, § MOULTON STEERING ENGINE CO., New 'Yorn city' trated book showing how to make repairs with Smooth-On. Sent free by writing to the Smooth-On WNifg. Co., Jersey City, Nod. U.S: A. Holzapfel's Danboline and Lagoline Compositions a 2 5 O VESSELS are made expressly for bunkers, holds, peaks and outsides c ya ; of steel vessels. For prices and particulars apply to JANES NACEY, 208 Western Reserve Building, AGENT FOR THE GREAT LAKES DISTRICT. Cleveland, O. Main office: Holzapfel"s American Compositions Co., 18 B' way, NewYork. Now Equipped With ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL Water Tube Boilers Bear Evidence of Their Excellent Qualities British Admiralty Charts persed Soi tis iralty, # @ Can be obtained f ea Adinitalty Reeat be Appomeaent, J - D e P O Tt. E R : 145 MINORIES, LONDON, ENGLAND. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF CHARTS (380 pages) 1s. An Abridged Catalogue of Charts of Nautical Books (free on application). Almy Water-Tube Boiler Co. PROVIDENCE, R. I. ORM Pen beat e bola ee ae he ee Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mig. Co. DULUTH, MINN. Manufacturers of BOILERS, ENGINES AND MACHINERY Special facilities for Marine Work. Repairs promptly attended to Night or Day. By BOTH HOLLOW AND SOLID, | MADE OF BEST QUALITY DOUBLE REFINED CHARCOAL Li MU mt CUYAHOGA FALLS. 0. U.S.A. Makers of only the Highest Qualities of Staybolt Material, in Hollow an@ Solid Bars, from the Best Double-Refined Charcoal Iron or Steel. THE FALLS HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON Staysctt ts tie Wort. The Only Staybolt Iron which responds in service to the expansion iN . a and contraction of fire box; which relieves the material in molecular strains; ) WAVY which is self protective from burning; which does not make the side sheets crack; which earns its own cost in oxygen through it to the fire; always sure in giving warning of breakage. 2 We carry a complete line of Marine and The Staybolt which lasts longest, causes least repairs, gives longest . N en ae ' life to the fire box, and the longest service in the engine on the rails. : - Hoginsees Supplies. In use by Leading Railways of the United States, Canada, Mexico, TELEPHONES: OFfFficz AND Works. 615. Japan aud De ae Py Maxine Does apa ins Paes pases Gov- RESIDENCE CALLS: M. A, PVAW, Pres. and Gen'l Megr., T16-R; ernment. And by the Manufacturers of Mining Drills and by others requir- " AP RIOR. [ ; : : ine abaohatels petals watetal: J. H.OPPERMAN, Secretary, 579-R; E. KRIZ, Superintendent, 557-M. re LATEST PATENT ANCHOR (4 The National and Inter- Dredging, ; al national Wrecking, THE NATIONAL ANCHORS Circulating APPROVED BY LLOYDS. ' and Ballast Munolactured By Furnished to gee Lake Trade PU M p S L.M. BOWERS &CO., Need | The Upson-Walton Co., Ric Catalogue on Application, : CLEVELAND, O. Boilers. Kingsford Foundry & Nachine W orks, Oswego, N. Y.