Mm A Re od 50 JOHN E. THROPP & SONS CO., TRENTON, N. J. i bene Sete DIXON'S Pure Flake GRAPHITE As a Cylinder Lubricant Makescylinders, valve and rods glassy, smooth andbright. Reduces friction. Saves packing. Send for our ' ooklet **Graphite as a Lubricant." JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., Jersey City, N. J. aia | FILTERS ENE Raa HEY Builders of the Boyer Sectiona Water Tube Boiler. Single, Compound and Triple Ex- We make Pressure Regulating Valves for all purposes, steam or water. Our Feed-Water Filter will keep oil out of your boiler. We can interest you if you use a condenser. Water Engines for Pumping Organs eS . Keep Oil out of your Boiler with the FEED-WATER FILTER For Marine and Land Service Two of these Filters are inuseonthe Oceanic. © pansion Engines. Machinery complete for light draft Passenger Boats, Yachts, Tugs. ORAM FIX, Manufacturers of Mechanical and Electrical Cor. LEONARD 4 AND WINTER STs. ESTABLISHED 1860. 5, FIX'S SONS, SUCCESSORS TO §S. Fix & SON Steam Flue Welding Works Our Work Stands Government Test. Our We'ds are Perfectly Smooth. Write usfor Prices, ; J. W. FIX. Cleveland, 0, Telegraphs SZ. and \ y A Indicators. ro Engine Bells | i and | Electric Call Bells. T 278-279 Division St. New YorxK Cr'ry. LEBANON PA. Manufacturers of HAND MADE CHAINS Of all gradeg. SHIPS' CABLES, DREDGE CHAINS, CRANE CHAINS, BLOCK CHAINS. Large chains furnished side or end welded. High grade tested chains a specialty. We manufacture our own iron. We are licensed testers for Lloyds Association, American Bureau of Shipping and Bureau Veritas. (ey es = a ee - Neversink Cork Jackets and Life Belt.- Warranted 24 pounds. Buoyancy and 'ull weight of Cork, as required S. Inspectors. Consolidated Cork Life Preservers, Ring Buoys and Fenders, SAFEST. CHEAPEST. Approved and adopted by U.S. Board of Supervising Inspec- tors. Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. Award- four Medals by World's Columbian Exposition. Metallic Life Rafts. : Manufacturers of Woolsey's Patent Life Buoy--the : lightest, cheapest and most compact life raft known, DAVID KAHNWEILER'S SONS. Fox Building, Corner Franklin Square and Dover Street, NEW YORK CITY. SIMPLE. SAFE. SPEEDY. RELIABLE. It may be possible to build better and safer boats but it hasn't been done yet. We send a completely illustrated catalogue and price list free, which tells you all about boats and why Truscott Boats Excel. TRUSCOTT BOAT IiFG. CO. ST. JOSEPH, MICH.