- eA RR 4 E | R Ve Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ritchie, E. S., & Sons........Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Hynd, Alexander ................+Cleveland. Kidd, Joseph.................-Duluth, Minn. cpa & oo Pree igk See eo ues Pereny ovejo ' Beescccccercvcccese ce + bUiald, mu kh tae. Philadelphia. Mosher, Chas. D..............-.-New York. Nacey, James .............+.+-.-~Cleveland. Rice, Henly ie. c cc cesses seeeeeee- Buffalo. Wood. Wai di .66. 253556 oes cue .+.-Chicago. OAKUM. Stratford, Oakum Co......Jersey City, N. J. OIL ENGINES. Miete, AGG. occ. ee oe eae ee .»-New York. OILS AND LUBRICANTS. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph..Jersey City, N. J. Standard: Oil) Co. os 030 sc cs .. Cleveland. PACKING. : Crane Co; 2205S ss. + +e++Chicago. eden Bros. sees Ge ..-New York. atzenstein, L. & Co........... .--New York. New York Belting & Packing Co...New York. PACKING TOOL. Matteson & Drake ............. . Philadelphia. PAINTS. Baker, Howard H. & Co........ ....Buffalo. Carbolineum Wood Preserving Co.... Milwaukee. New Jersey Zinc Co............ --New York. Upson-Walton Co. ........ -...-.-Cleveland. PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc..:.......... Philadelphia. PILE DRIVING AND SUBMARINB WORK. Buffalo Dredging Co.................Buffalo, Chicago & Gt. Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.. sigieib as ees biels tc cks cs cbs cias ces esis Chicago. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co.....Buffalo. Fitz-Simons & Connell Co........ -. Chicago. Hickler Bros. ........Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Lake Superior Contracting & Dredging Co., _ eased se oe sao cue aon Soe vs uluth, Minn. Parker Bros. Co., Ltd..........+..-.Detroit. snita Co. i, P. & J. A..... +++++--Cleveland. Starke Dredge & Dock Co., C. H...Milwaukee. Sullivan, Mio. Jess i. ee teie a dea 5 -+-.-Detroit. PIPE, WROUGHT IRON. Bourne-Fuller Co,.:.....0...... ....Cleveland, O. Crane COn as ie evi ots cence . .Chicago. Macbeth Tron Co. 2 foo. ce cca = Cleveland. Reading Iron. Co; eo. ie Reading, Pa, PLANING MILL MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc........... . .Philadelphia. PLATES--SHIP, STRUCTURAL, ETC. Bourme-Puller Cor 202.20 02S. Cleveland, O. Ofis Steel Co... 2... ae eenie te Cleveland. Reading Iron Coe. 5 3s -Reading, Pa PRESSURE REGULATORS. Kieley & Mueller .................New York. Ross Vawe Coes. cis: ccs sas oan kroy, N.Y. PROPELLER WHEELS. American Ship Building Co........Cleveland. Atlantic Works .... East Boston, Mass. Cramp, Wm. & Sons............ Philadelphia. Detroit Sag Building Co.:, «<<. ses «Ld atroit. Fore River Shi . Great Lakes Sager ag Works.. Detroit. Hyde Windlass Co..................Bath,Me. Lockwood Mfg. Co........East Boston, Mass. Marine Tron WOrkS wooo ss 6 os «Chicago. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co..........Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co........ wed ecicccccccccncssoeneNewport News, Va. Roelker, Ti. By. codec cc ve ccc sccice ew York. Sheriffs Mfg. Co................-Milwaukee. Superior Ship Building Co....Superior, Wis. Thropp & Sons Co., J. E......Trenton, N. J. MENG the Goce eek cee ces veces voescss pufalo, _ Newport News Ship Building Co... pbuilding Co:.:..... Quincy, Mass. . PROJECTORS, ELECTRIC. General Electric Co......Schenectady, N. Y. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co...... eiepwbicisdinpeee mes DE ltspurg, Pa: PUMPS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES. Blake, Geo. F., Mfg. Co..........New York. Great Lakes Engineering Works Detroit. Marine Iron Works: .. cs. Chicago. Kingsford Foundry & Machine Works.... vee se -Oswepo;..N;.Y. eer eseseereereceseeseecee REFRIGERATING APPARATUS, Great Lakes Engineering Works......Detruit. Roelker, Hy Bese cee es tees ....-New York. REGISTER FOR CLASSIFICATION OF VESSELS. Great Lakes Register ..........:... Cleveland. Record of American & Foreign Shipping. . Se bile sce sce esas 6 Bis oles oi New York. REPAIRS--ENGINE AND BOILER. _(See also Boiler Manufacturers and Engine Builders.) Georgian Bay Engineering Works..... ae we th 66 acer ewe osm ee Sore ee Midland, Ont. RIVETS, STEEL FOR SHIPS AND BOILERS. Bourne-Huller:Cos7 3. oe Cleveland, O. SAFETY VALVES. American Steam Gauge & Valve Mfg. Co. eGo ciotaih eo SiSos i eih GC oreil suis elon e655 - Boston. Ashton Valve Co......... picnnerals cs Boston. Crane = Coe... ce ces: see 00 ¢ 3: CHICAgO, Iunkenheimer Co. .......... .... Cincinnati. SAIL MAKERS, American Canvas & Tarpaulin Corp .... Buffalo. Baker, Howard H. & Co. .....<: as oe + Duttalo; Upson-Walton Co....... Cha BRS ae .Cleveland. SALVAGE COMPANIES. See Wrecking Companies. SEARCH LIGHTS. General Electric Co........ Schenectady, N. Y. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co....... DP Medes sc oke cs eer esses cee t Pittsburg, Pa. SHEARS. See Punches, Rivets, and Shears. SHIP AND BOILER PLATES AND SHAPES, 'Bourne Muller Cos. 6. re St Cleveland, O. Ops Steel: Conic. cc ee oe oe Cleveland. Reading [ron Coie ee Reading, Pa. SHIP BUILDERS, American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Atlantic Works .......... East Boston, Mass. Bertram Engine Works Co., Ltd.Toronto, Can. Buffalo Dry Dock Co................Buffalo. Cramp, Wm. & Sons....... -.---Philadelphia. Craig Ship Building Co......... -Toledo, O. Chicago Ship Building Co...........Chicago. Detroit Ship Building Co............ Detroit. Fore River Shipbnilding Co........ Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes' Engineering Works..... . Detroit. Lockwood Mfg. Co........ East Boston, Mass. Maryland Steel Co........... Sparrows Point, Md. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co.........Milwaukee. . fie aks Reinet cre oe es Newport News, Va. New York Shipbuilding Co......... Camden, N. J. Roach's Ship: Yard =... ..... ...+.Chester, Pa. Shipowner's Dry Dock Co...........Chicago. Smith & Son, Abram.......... Algonac, Mich. Willard, Chas. P. & Co.Winthrop Harbor, III. SYIP CHANDLERS. Americaa Canvas & Tarpaulin Corp .... Buffalo. Baker, iloward H. & Co.............. Buffalo. Marine Mfg. & Supply Co........New York. Upson-Walton Co.................Cleveland. SHIP DESIGNERS. Widd On ph, ee Duluth Wercer® Warsong: 6... Chicago' Matteson & Drake: 300 coer ee Buffalo' RiGe Gi OVelOV 6. a Buffalo' Steel, Nacey & Hynd....... ego ns Cleveland: WVOOU Wieder ee ic oe re ee Chicago. Continued. SHIP LANTERNS AND LAMPS. Russell & Watson ......-..-..++----- buffalo. SHIP TIMBER. Martin-Barriss Co......... arsine cleveland, SMOOTH-ON COMPOUND, FOR RE- PAIRS. Smooth-On Mfg. Co........Jersey City, N. J. STAYBOLTS, IRON OR STEEL, HOL- LOW OR SOLID. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co..Cuyahoga Falls, O. Readings Iron ©o.2% ,.... Reading, Pa. STEAM VESSELS FOR SALE. Gilchrist '& Co,, CG "Pi oes ee oc eee. Cleveland. Holmés: Samuel i365. ose see ces New York. Lester, Srisic. 8. Pe ER Quebec, Can. McCarthy, 1 Rowiccsccereer rs Montreal, Can. STEAMSHIP LINES, PASS. AND FREIGHT. Ame@ficati ane 035.2. he eee New York. Anehor. Lines si on ee ie eee Buffalo. Boston'Steamship Co-.225 ie Boston. International Mercantile Marine Co....... Wee see we whe en eee ees Philadelphia. New York & Cuba Mail S.S. Co...... New York. Red Star Line: eis soe oes a ceo New York. United: Bruit Con. sie. eae ee, . Boston, STEEL CASTINGS, Otis: Steel (Costes ee Cleveland. STEERING APPARATUS, American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Chase Machine, Co... .0 ie ce Cleveland. Detroit. Ship Building Coss... 0. Detroit. Hyde* Windlass Cow... 3 ss.00. os Bath, Me. Marine Mfg. & Supply Co.......... New York. Moulton Steering Engine Co...... New York. Sherifis: Miz, Co o.4 se. Milwaukee. SUBMARINE DIVING APPARATUS, Morse :&. Son, Au jek. oi cece Boston. echraders Son, Av. New York. SURVEYORS, MARINE. Gaskin, Edward ......... Sie Canoe ueet Buffalo. Hynd, Alexander... 2.392. oes -Cleveland. Lovejoy; ("Ho Oc 3 ee Buffalo. Matteson & Drake. 63225, Philadelphia. Parker Bros. Co., tds 0.2562... Detroit. Nacéy,; James 4 o2006. 3 coe es: - Cleveland. Rice Henry. 0 ees cc ee Buffalo. oteel, "Adam cols. ecco e Cleveland. Wood, We Jete. icc cee ees Chicago. TARPAULINS. American Canvas & Tarpaulin Corp .... Buffalo. TESTS OF MATERIALS, Hunt; Robert. W..& Conc... 0. ot Chicago. Lunkenhelmer@o ss 62 Cincinnati, O TILING, INTERLOCKING RUBBER. New York Belting & Packing Co...New York. TOOLS, METAL WORKING, FOR SHIP AND ENGINE WORKS, Watson-Stillman Co;.2..-..... 2. New. York. TOOLS, WOOD WORKING. Atlantic Works, -Inc. Philadelphia. TOWING MACHINES. American Ship Windlass Co. - Providence, R. I. Chase Machine Go..:-. 0.2... .-Cleveland. TOWING COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co....... Wis easlirc Satine scars sole Kingston, Ont. TRAPS, STEAM. Kieley & Mueller (230.00 New York. Sturtevant Co., B: Fi, 0... Hyde Park, Mass. TRUCKS. Boston & Lockport Block Co........Boston. TUBING, SEAMLESS. Shelby Steel Tube Co........Pittsburg, Pa.