32 M A R I N EB KLINGER REFLEX WATER GAUGES and "WILTBONCO" Gauge Mountings. As supplied for all of the prin- cipal Navies of the World, Merchant Marine, and for Lo- comotives, Automobiles, Sta- tionary and Portable Boilers. NOTE--With the ordinary Gauge Glass Tube one cannot tell whether it is full or empty. When filled with WATER the REFLEX GAUGE always appears BLACK. When empty, it instantly shows WHITE. No mistake possible. This feature alone is of greatest importance. AWARDED GOLD MEDAL AT LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION, ST. LOUIS, 1904. WM. T. BONNER & CO., ENGINEERS AND MANUFACTURERS, Pair Yost) STEAM BOILER ACCESSORIES. 53 STATE STREET, BOSTON. Factory: Charlestown, Mass. NEW YORK OFFICE, 141 BROADWAY. foo oe oe To the Master and Owner. There are four good reasons why you should buy your Charts from the Marine Review: { The charts sold by the Marine Review are thoroughly up-to-date. { They are bound with tape sothat they will not tear the first time they are handled. { If you so desire them, they can be backed with linen so that they will wear as long as the vessel itself. q They are better and cost less than any you could obtain else- where. The Marine Review, Cleveland. THE KNOX ENGINE STRONGEST SIMPLEST MOST RELIABLE One and Two Cylinders [4 to 13 HP: Send for Catalog "A". Camden Anchor-Rockland Machine Co., Rockland, Maine. CAMDEN ANCHORS) Forged from the very best wrought iron scrap, far superior to cast anchors. Construction allows shorter nding chain. Holding power equal to other types one-fourth heavier. Cut shows our "Gov't" type. Over 300 bought by U; S. Govy- ernment in1903. NEW BOOK. Uses of Electricity on Shipboard. By J, W. KELLOGG, Price, Postage Paid, $1.00. PENTON PUBLISHING Co., CLEVELAND.