Mo A Ro) BE, 2 Tk V1 ee Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade. ELECTRIC HOISTS AND CRANES. General. Electric' Co... 03.5. Schenectady, N. Y. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co........ SeSeehCa wes teen tutes ie Pittsburg, Pa ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS. General Electric Co........ Schenectady, N. Y. Miietz, AURS foo ice ce sic wee New York. sturtevant, -B. FE. Co... %.: Hyde Park, Mass. Thropp & Sons, John E........ Trenton, N. J. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co...... Res ehe sins os sin'e's viv es ta Pittsburg, Pa. ENGINE BUILDERS, MARINE. American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Atlantic: Works 4.0% <.%.< 6.5. East Boston, Mass. Bertram Engine Works Co., Ltd. ........ SS CR STS Sic alee UES Vee ek s Toronto, Can. Chicago Ship Building Gonos te ers Chicago. Chase -Machiné "Co. . oo. tks os Cleveland. Cramp, "Wins &- SONS. sss ccs 3 Philadelphia. Craig* Ship: Building "Co... os. Toledo, O Dake Engine Co........ Grand Haven, Mich. Detroit Ship Building Co............ Detroit. Fletcher, W. & A. Co.......... Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Shipbuilding Co........ Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works Detroit, Mich. Hall Bross (6s isis oss i'n so Oe . Philadelphia. Lockwood Mfg. Co........ East Boston, Mass. Marinelcon Works. ae Chicago. Maryland Steel Co.:......... Sparrows Point Md. Miletes Augie Seis o ccc iio nw sis o's wore New York. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co.......... Milwaukee. Mosher: Chase 2D). cave 3 vic cies 5s) New York. Moulton Bieering Engine Co. Miss New York. Newport News Ship Building Co...... us Ge Seer tie eis darare gre ate el Newport News, Va. Nsw York Shipbuilding Coxon .Camden, N. J. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. Conc. Rie chivelgibia oiaisls wearale wie eelaierstan Duluth, Minn. Roach's "Ship Yard =o oases Chester, Pa. Sheritts: Mig.) Coe 020255 o 3 oo eee Milwaukee. Superior Ship Building 'Co:. ..Superior, Wis. Thropp, 3 E. & Sons: Co........: Trenton, N. J. Trout, Goi ie oe Buffalo. Willard, Chas. P. & Co..Winthrop Harbor, Ill. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH, CALL BELLS, ETC. Cory, Chas.) Somes. ace oes New York. Marine Mfg. Supply Co........... New York. ENGINE TESTING. Kereer &5 ParsOnsic civ it Goel ew ee Chicago. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. : Crane Conn. : oe Se os te hee eee visemes Chicago. Kieley & Mueller wo. ose tes New York. Lunkenheimer:- Cos .6t.. ose kes Cincinnati. New York Belting & Packing Co. er York. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. Co. Eero Re sian Giese nite slnsos beats Duluth, "Minn. ENGINEERS, MARINE, MECHANICAL, CONSULTING. Hynd, Alexander CI ae ears ae Cleveland. Hunt, Robt.oW.i & Cove 3 cece cress Chicago. Kidd, ae Lie ratmre diene © aveen eiesace ois Duluth, Minn. Kreer & Parsons.......... Cis Re ees Chicago. Lovejoy; oH: Ons os. cote os ee tek . - Buffalo. Matteson & Drake i .4550 6.54 60 Philadelphia. Mosher, Chas, Do. 0 oc. oss 5 ..»New York. NaGey,) James ave. coe oo wise teem Cleveland. *Rice: PICNLY soos es te ee bes wesc. Buffalo. Roelker, ee pices a eet eck New York. WOOds Wao ois ee cs cies ee ee ew Chicago. FANS FOR ie nh sel EXHAUST, Sturtevant, B: I Co... 2.5 Hyde Park, Mass. FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS. Reilly Repair and Supply Co., Jas.....New York. Ross Valve Cose. sch hee ce econ: Troy; Ns: ys FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL OR ELECTRIC. General Electric Co....... Schenectady, N. Y. Westinghouse acre & Mfg. Co...... Sooo Agee ea wes Pittsburg, Pa. FORGES. Sturtevant; B: F. Co:......5-,-- .....» Boston. FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PROPELLER oR ee SHAFTS, ETC. Cleveland City e & Iron Co....Cleveland. Fore River Sie eat ing Cones Quincy, Mass, Macbeth Iron Co...........+.+-..-Cleveland. FLUE WELDING. Fixis,) S.icSons: sso. tte cee se ee: Cleveland. FUEL ECONOMIZERS. Sturtevant Co;..B, Hi. 0 Hyde Park, Mass. FUELING COMPANIES AND COAL : DEALERS. Hanna, Mi An & COcsga: cic he iin Cleveland. wearker | Bros. Co: tdci cscu esse Detroit. Picklands, Mather & Co........... 'Cleveland. Pittsburg Coal Co... isasce decreas Cleveland. smith, Stanley Bo & Cove. eck Detroit, Smith' Coal & Dock Co. ., Stanley B.Toledo, O. FURNACES FOR BOILERS. Continental Iron Works........... New York. GASKETS, RUBBER. : New York Belting & Packing Co..New York. GAS BUOYS. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co..New York. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chase. Machiné (Cov. ss ty a Cleveland. Georgian Bay Engineering Works....... wUeieieiee gue ie ore een Gees Midland, Ont. Reliance "Mig. CO iene Providence, R. I. GAUGES, STEAM AND VACUUM. American Steam Gauge & Valve Mfg. Co. STU CSS Biever sie e's Wisin elevators b arkoe A @oarwiauerase Boston. Ashton Malve Coe is Secon aes eee Boston. GLunkenheimer Co. oie s235. ee oe Cincinnati. GAUGES, WATER. Bonner & Cos. Wme ik oases vance es Boston. unkenhéimer Co. i.e iss Cincinnati, O. GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph. .Jersey City, N. J. HAMMERS, STEAM. Chase: MachinesCoe ss sesso eee Cleveland. HATCH COVERS. American Canvas & Tarpaulin Corp ....Buffalo. HEATING APPARATUS. Sturtevant, Bi BY Cou cis: Hyde Park, Mags. HOISTS FOR CARGO, ETC. American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. (Inc.).... Sie MCE Giatea eS ace ata nena Cleveland. Chase:"Machine Co... 622023 cece es Cleveland. General Electric Co.....¢6:0.0. 0 New York. Georgian Bay Engineering Works..... ae Shale ol Ge iekgl Os gi Chapa eugcelaimiemcate Midland, Ont. Etyde* Windlass: Con ices eet cc Bath, Me. MeMyler Mig) Cop cee ee Cleveland. Marine: tron Cons. 25 tv Cok eee ca Bay City. Mietz. Auge ec cce.. Geena ciiecre New York. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co........ Bo RtaUS BOR ee ip lel te diane helena eimueee Pittsburg, Pa. HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co...Cuyahoga Falls, O. HOSE, RUBBER. New York Belting & Packing Co..New York. HYDRAULIC DREDGES. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. HYDRAULIC TOOLS. Watson-Stillman Co., The........ New York. ICE MACHINERY. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. Roelker;> H. Bis east is eae nti os New York. INDICATORS FOR STEAM ENGINES. American Steam Gauge Co.......... . -Boston. Ashton: Valve Coe. 208 cunt vaccines ae Boston. INJECTORS. American Injector GOs ssa. ces ss ee< Detroit. Grane. Cons e2 2 cares eee .....Chicago. enkins: Bross. ics oe es ere ce Se es New York. unkenheimer Co. ..... bees al sy oo CAMCINNAt: Penberthy Injector Co..........Detroit, Mich. INSURANCE, MARINE. Elphicke, C. W. & Co........ + +eeee Chicago. Fleming & Co. Ee i 5s Chicago: Continued. INSURANCE, MARINE--Continued. Gilchrist & Co., x Piiisiss vice eye Cleveland. Hawgood & ei W. Ass sess e sss oe Cleveland, Helm '& -Co., Dy Tec. ae, oe ah, Hutchinson & Co.......... veo . Cleveland. McGarthy; Ds Reese ates «+... ~+Montreal. McCurdy, Geow Le...s... eee ventas - Chlengs: Mitchell °& Cos... i osc ce, voveve ee eCleveland. Parker. 'Bros.' Co., Uitdis.e 0 e «sss Detroit. Peck, Chas. E. & W. F..New York & Chicago, Prindiville & Co.......+.. wie da sie eu CHICAZO, Richardson, We. Cissecncse ss .....-Cleveland. Sullivan; D:-&"Co.3.o... biekeren oe . Chicago. IRON CASTINGS. Reading Iron Co. nee a eee Reading, Pa. IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Bourge-Fuller Co... Cleveland. O. Hannay Mi-A. & Coico a: Cleveland. Pickands. "Mather'!:& (Cow. o.0% 0) cc Cleveland. Reading iron. Coie eee Reading, Pa LAMPS, INCANDESCENT. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co.....Pittsburg, Pa. Sawyer-Man Electric Co. ........-. Pittsburg, Pa: LAUNCHES--STEAM, NAPHTHA, ELECTRIC. Georgian Bay Engineering Works........ Si Wguere auelar oie tte aus Orv Seeee chal areas Midland, Ont. Marine Tron Works. 20 iss re Chicago. Truscott Boat Mfg. Co...... St. Joseph, Mich. Willard, Chase, Pose. Winthrop Harbor, PL LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BuOYS. Armstrong, Cork Cove) ctu ee Pittsburg. Drein, Thos. & Son.003 1 cas Wilmington, Del. Kahnweiler's Sons, D. .......00.3. ew York LIGHTS, SIDE AND SIGNAL. Russell (&: Watson: sy ks 85 es Buffalo. LOGS. Walker & Sons, Thomas . 8 .. Birmingham, Eng. Also Ship Chandlers, LUBRICATING GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph. .Jersey City, N. J. LUBRICATORS. Crate Comer aer otc er or eas Chicago. Lunkenheimer. (Co coke ees Cincinnati. LUMBER. | Martin-Barriss:: Cot 25 So, oo. Cleveland. MACHINISTS. Chase: Machine. Co... cs. oe. Cleveland. Hicklér: Bros: 3. 2.30% Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Lockwood Mfg. Co........ East Boston, Mass. MACHINE TOOLS (WOOD WORKING). Atlantic? Works,: "Ine. .276 ¢2 3 eos Philadelphia. MARINE RAILWAYS, Hickler Bross. 3332 4.4. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. MARINE RAILWAYS, BUILDERS OF. Crandall & Son, H. I....East Boston, Mass. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. Foggy Mis Wie reisioais tien cataeete ui ei New York MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Shi Pate Co......Cleveland. Detroit Ship Building Co..... OU. yaa DStrOIts Great Lakes Engineering Works . .Detroit. Sturtevant, B. F. Co.......Hyde Park, Mass. METALLIC PACKING. Katzenstein, L. & Co............New York. METAL POLISH. Bertram's Oil Polish Co..............Boston MOTORS, GENERATORS--ELECTRIC. Fisher Electrical Works... cosas ues Detroit. General Electric Co......Schenectady, N. Y. Sturtevant, B. F. Co...... Hyde Park, Mass. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. ee sets ae eeeoeeeeeeseeeeeseneeseses tts g, Pa.