oF ta Ve Lane WOH UMMA Catalogue By Free HIGH PRESSURE on COMPOUND TRIPLE EXPANSION Request PADDLE WHEEL. Complete Outfits of Driving Machinery a Specialty A SPECIALTY. STaTIONA. CHICAGO, ILL. \ _ Best Form Dry Dock. Crandall's Modern Marine Ry's. SAFE. # RAPID. Built of Steel or Wood any size. H. I. Crandall & Son Co., (INCORPORATED, ) : Contracting Engineers, EAST BOSTON, MASS., U.S. A. tt { Injector DO YOU KNOW: That if the Drip Cock of the U.S. Automatic Injector is left open : when not in use it Prevents Freezing. TKS Prevents Suction Pipe from get- < ae | ting hot. ao SE Prevents Jet from "liming up" ™ when steam or check valve leaks. DO YOU REALIZE That by opening Drip Cock you can start with lower steam and that By leaving it open, injector can be started even though check valve leaks? Impossible without the Drip Cock. These are some of the advantages tha have made the U.S.Government and 200,00 engineers endorse the U.S. Automatic Injector as EST. Rs> %THE BES Write for more information and for a copy of our fam- ous Engineer's Red Book, which answers 500 questions, vital to every engineer, /vee on request. AMERICAN INJECTOR CO, Detroit, Mich, U.S.A. The Only Chain '"as good as" a Woodhouse Chain is Another Woodhouse Chain. Seems strange, perhaps, that one firm should excel in making Marine Chains and other chains when the same materials which we use are used by others. But knowing how has lots to do with it. And "knowing how" includes more than the mere practical knowledge of chain-making, for it also includes a knowledge of what is re- quired of certain chains--Crane and Dredger Chains, for instance--and how to meet the re- quirements. Try us once and see why folks who, know swear by the Woodhouse Brand. Write us about it anyway. Woodhouse Chain W'ks, TRENTON, N. J.