44 Merchants Montreal Line ST. LAWRENCE RIVER ROUTE. PASSENGER STEAMERS ~ CITY OF MONTREAL CUBA Commencing June 15th, weekly service (Thursdays) to the following points: Cornwall Prescott Montreal Toronto Kingston Brockville For rates and further information apply to W. J. FARASEY, Agent, 107-115 River St., - Tel. M 2049 Cleveland, O. / G.E. JAQUES & CO., Mgrs. Montreal, Quebec. "THE MARINE. REVIEW THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT COMPANY UNPARALLELED NIGHT SERVICE The Twin Flyers of The Lakes <CITY OF BUFFALO" "CITY OF ERIE"' Both together being, without doubt, in all respects the finest and fast- est that are run in the interest of the traveling public in the United States. TIME CARD.-- DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, Leave CLEVELAND 8 p. m. Arrive BUFFALO 6:30 a. m. <" -BUEEALO Sp. m. " CLEVELAND 6:30:a. m. Connections made at Buffalo for all Eastern and Canadian points; at Cleveland for Toledo, Detroit and all points West and Southwest. Tickets reading over L.S.& M. S. Ry. will be accepted on this Company's Steamers without extra charge. Speciak Low Rates Cleveland to Buffalo and Niagara Falls every Saturday Night, also Buffalo to Cleveland. Ask Ticket Agents for tickets via C. & B. Line. Send four cents for illustrated pamphlet, W. F. HERMAN, G. P. A., Cleveland, O. "Graphite as a Lubricant" A practical treatise on GRAPHITE LUBRICATION 52 pages. Illustrated COPIES. FREE Mention Marine Review JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO. JERSEY CITY, N. J. Time and Distance Tables for Lake Ships A set of tables showing the time required at different rates of speed, 8 to 15 miles an hour, to cover distances between all ports on the Great Lakes. A time saver to the vessel owner or vessel agent as well as captain or engineer. Send for it on approval. Price $1.00 MARINE REVIEW, = Cleveland, Ohio Thirtv Years' Experience building Engines and Propeller Wheels. H. G. TROUT, King Iron Works, 226 Ohio St., ' BUFFALO, N. Y. ; ~ iC) \ \ en , Sheriffs' Steam Steerer f FOR TUG BOAT USE Easy to adjust, and can be handled. by any one. MANUFACTURED BY Sheriffs Mf g. Co. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Established 1854 A STEAM STEERER DIRECT AND POSITIVE QUICK ACTING Especially adapted for Stefim Yachts Ferryboats Lake, Ocean and Harbor Tug Boats. Send for Cata- logue and Particulars. MOULTON STEERING ENGINE GO,, '*°vewSoRK Cir. Aids to Navigation are of vital importance to vessel interests. SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES aid navigation and meet with the approval of all vessel interests, because of the wide and unobstruc- ted channel provided for navigation, enabling vessels to pass easily and rapidly through the draw. The Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co. Main Offices: 1616 Monadnock Block, CHICAGO, U. S. A. T