"TRAE MarRINE. REVIEW Neversink Cork Jackets and Life Belt Warranted 24 pounds. Safes enor uey and full weight of Cork, as required by U.S Consolidated Cork Life Preservers. Ring Buoys and Fenders. . Inspectors. Cheapest Approved and adopted by U. S. Board of Supervising -- Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. Awarded four Medals by World's Columbian Exposition. Wooden Life Boats. _----> Metallic and Metallic Life Rafts. NEW YORK CITY. 'Marie 'Drags. a Manufacturers of Woolsey's Patent Life Buoy--the lightest, cheapest and most compact life raft known. DAVID KAHNWEILER'S SONS, --= Fox Building, Cor. Franklin Sq. and Dover Street, 49 steam on. Smooth-On Elastic Cement. will stop leaks like the above with Write us .about it. SMOOTH-ON MFG. CO,, JERSEY CITY, N. J., ULS.A. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. BUILDERS OF Steamships, Steam Yachts, Tow Boats, Etc. Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. Heavy Nachinery and Plate Iron Work. fs THREE MARINE RAILWAYS. ALPHABETICAL MARINE . EAST BOSTON, ORAM FiX ESTABLISHED 1860 J. W. FIX The Atlantic Works » Massachusetts, S. FIX'S SONS Cor. LEONARD AND WINTER STs. SUCCESSORS TO S. Fix & SON. Steam Flue Welding Works Our work stands government test. Our Welds are perfectly smooth. Write us for prices. CLEVELAND, O. INDEX OF ADVERTISERS REVIEW. The dagger (t) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co...... 41 American Injector Co...... ...... 3 American. ine < 355053 goes 45 American Ship Building Co....... 4 American Ship Windlass Co...... 2 Armstrong Cork Co... 356s 555 52 Ashton Valve Co...........3...... 35 Atlantic: Works 62 5.06050. ieee' 49 Atlantic Works, Inc: ..2505.554.:" F Babcock & Wilcox Co............. Baker, Howard H. & Co Blake, Geo. F., Mfg. Co. Boland: Jidoss cots Bonner & Co Wine Dh i: Boston & Coe Block Co.. Boston Steamship Co Bourne-Fuller Co....... Bowers, L. M. & Co Breymann & Bros., G. H.. a, prone Hoisting Machinery Co., S Bet ary ok eli 2. Buffalo Dredging Co i.e: 42 Buffalo Dry Dock Co: eso: 5 Bunker: dw, Azu. ees. 50 Oarroll Wim. Boo ee ee Chase Machine Co Chicago Ship Building Co.. : Cleveland & Buffalo Trans.Co.... 44 Cleveland City pore & Iron Co.. 52 Continental Iron Works ......... 2 Cory, Chas, & Son. ee 50 Cowing, John Po ek 52 Craig hi Building Ca, * caer m. & Sons, S. & E: B. Greadail @ Son; He ts 1 Crane Cay oo 48-50 Dearborn Drug & Chemical Wks. 5 Delaunay, Belleville & Co......... 35 eee River Ivon S. B. & E. = Detroit Ship Building Co. ........ 4 Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph....... 44 Ban ak salvage & Wrecking Co. 47 Drein, Thos. & Son................ 47 East End Boiler Works........... 41 Elphicke, C. W. & Co.............- 46 Falls Hollow Staybolt Co. ........ 48 Fitz-Simons & Connell Co. .. 42 Pix's:So0ng,; 8.055550 3<: es .. 49 Fleming & Co., E. J.. . 46 aoe -- W.&A . 48 ORS MEOW saree carson es wt ae eters 50. Wore Riven Shipbuilding Co...... 48 Gaynor liek 22. ote 47 General Electric Co.............++ 2 Georgian Bay Bye icone Wks.. 47 Gilchrist, Albert ne Gis ae eee tb Gilchrist: & Co. ©. Besse ses 46 Goulder, Holding et Masten ...... 46 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co... 42 | Great Lakes. Engineering Works a Great Lakes Register.............. Great Lakes Towing Co.......... 3 Greacen- "Derby Engineering Cons "Hall Jonn: B. tere cues speek eae 46 Hanna & Co. Pe ALG? oSh ie aret es 43 | Hawgood &. oe Wiehe ee 46 Holme Con Doe ee acs eens 46 PHCKION BPOS se ye eee eee. 42 Holmes; Samuelsson 46 Hoyt, Dustin & Kelle ves b Hunt & Co., Robert W............ 47 Hutchinson & Co..:.......00ce0e0s 46 Hyde Windlass.Co.:..2.......05--- 9 pice netions Mercantile Marine eee eer tet were sree ee tt ow eees Jenkins Brothers...............++. 52 Jenkins, Russell & Eichelberg.... 46 Kahnweiler's Sons, David ........ 49 Katzenstein & Co., L oo wor Kidd: Josep 2.50.05 - neues Kieley a Mueller: os ee et Kingsford Foundry & Machine OVS fsa is Wk on sae 41 Kromer-©: i io. caves esses. ee 46 Lake Superior Contracting & Dredgine Co: esse we LeMois Snientiiaue et Industrial . TiOsher Bis cose see ee ee Link Belt teehee cade COGS mes 9 Lockwood ae iiecns Spinone gar cay 50 "Long Arm' System Co ......... +. Lovejoy Oo ie eee AT i 8. GM, SY Ry 6 es 51 Lunkenheimer CONS hiraat ous eulons 11 MoeCarthy,; Ti Re oo i gee ek 46 MeCurdy, Geo. lav iii2 see. eee ces 35 MeMyler Mite. Co... sees cee * MacDonald, Ray G..............5. - Mallory Eaves oe Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Mich. fi Marine Iron Works Marine Mfg. & Supply Co........ 8 Martin-Barriss Co.............45... 48 Maryland Steel Co................ 10 Mayo & Bailey 5 2565. * Merchants' Montreal Line 325s. 44 MICDZ. AME orc ecc hace corneas loa ct Milwaukee Dry Dock Co......;... 5 Mitchell Conca n. cea ss vans 46 Morse & Son; A' os vic note ens i Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Co.. Moulton Steering Engine Co .... or Nacey @ Hynd -s).23 es. 47 National: Cork Co. ¢2) 35 ee 22s 47 Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co New York & Cuba Mail S.S. Co.. New York Shipbuilding Co... D Nicholson Ship Log Co. 4 Northwestern Steam Peter a Mfg Co. Pe Oe ce ee Otis Steel Co. fi ee. vee 3 Parker Bros. Cox 2.46.54. ves 46 | Parsons; Ralph Me 2s. ap Peck: Chas. Es & Wok cess, 48 Penberthy Injector Co: :. sn... - # Pickands, Mather & Co........... 43 Pittsburg Sos CO. ee 51 Povterids Dees ore ees 47 Power Specialty COS Ses * Prindiville & Co........ Bere ee 46 Quintard Iron Works Co......... 47 IN THE For addresses see advertisements on pages noted. Raynor se i 43 Réd Star'hiness..-* . 45 Rice\ Henny a... seed: 47 Richardson; W.-C o.oo tee, 46 Ritchie & Sons, E.S...........00. * Roberts Safety Water-Tube Boiler Cos. 22 3255504 een Jdi« Roelker*Hs- Bisco a 50 Ross Valve Co..... Sse ee yee Cees 50 senagt Car Heating & Lighting ; Safety Fire 'Extinguisher Co; ee. 39 Scherzer alee) Lift Bridge Co. 44 cere ccces Schrader's Son, A ........... 50 Shaw, Warren, Cad. fos Oakes 46 Shelby Steel fhe: Co ss 6.600 5. Sheritts Mig) Co ek eee 44 Shipping ora oe Shipowners' Dry Dock Co........ 50 Smith & Son, A oe Fag ceae cages * Smith Co., L. POS i Ae oe 42 Smith Coal & poe Soe sp Etauley, B St Smith, Stanley B., & Co.......... 51 Smooth-On Mfg. oo! Soe een n 49 Stamford Foundry Co............. S Standard Oil Co <3 i a Starke Dredge & Dock Co., C. H. 43 Stirling Co see eee eee wee Stratford Oakum 'Co., Geo. eos 48 Sturtevant, B. Py Co-.: 52 Sullivan, i ee Ra 43 Sullivan & 00:0 owe ees. 46 Superior ae ate Cove os: 4 Sutton Co, C: Bie 50 Taylor Water ae Boiler Co.. om Thropp, J. E. & Sons Co.......... 41 Trout, iH. G Pins detetea eee ae an weaned 44 Truscott Boat Mfg Co............. a. United Fruit Co::< 2.5 3s. 45 Upson-Walton Co....3...50.6....- 52 Walker, Thomas & Son........... 2 Ward Line.- i.e 45 Watson-Stillman Co. ... eee OL White, Johnson, McCaslin & ---- Sie beeen ee 46 WOGKIWs dio ee ee 47 Woudiouse Chain Works........ *