"TAE MARINE. REVIEW 9 CLEAN BOILERS Dearborn Water Treatment made to suit the case, corrosion and foaming. gallon of water for analysis. Mer. Marine Dept. 16 BRANCH OFFICES IN THE U.S. 227-234 Postal Telegraph Bldg., CHICAGO. - KIESLER AUTOMATIC BUCKETS Orange Peel and Clam Shell Types for handling Coal, Iron Ore and Excavating We guarantee our Orange Peel to always fill in large lump Soft Coal and Iron Ore. Has two flat lips and will not damage boats orcars. Are from 30 to 50% lighter than any other buckets. Digging -ability due to powerful system of leverage. Write Jor Catalogue and Prices. Orange Peel - MAYO @ BAILEY 1°48 te ean Bldg. Orange Peel Closed 'Open ca load THE STANLEY B. SMITH COAL AND DOCK. Go, TOLEDO HARBOR, TOLEDO, OHIO. 1,800 Feet of Dock. 6 McMyler Derricks. Capacity 3,000 Tons Daily. Fuel Lighters. S3hvitawa» Docks ieee bx ue 1g fers. ee : OC S.-- TOLEDO AND OHIO CENTRAL R. R. SMITH'S COAL DOCK, Detroit River, DETROIT, MICH. 12 Pockets. Platform. 'Low Dock. : Operated by STANLEY B. SMITH & CO. MARINE SUPPLY COMPANY StToRE AND IcE Housk ON Dock. TTSBURG COAL COMPANY GENERAL OFFICE, LAKE DEPARTMENT, PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO Steamboat Fueling Facilities at Various Points on the Great Lakes CLEVELAND HARBOR} 4 foam FAIRPORT HARBOR); tighter" ERIE HARBOR) Fuel Pockets, {Car D er. j Docks and Pockets at ASHTABULA HARBOR} i rigtter." cesar A iid ea i Sandwich and Amherstburg. : Dock and Pockets at Detour. SAULT RIVER BRANCHES { Dock and Pockets at Sault Ste. Marie. (The Port Royal Dock Co.) WE FURNISH ONLY THE BEST GRADE OF PITTSBURG AND YOUGHIOGHENY COAL