"TAE MarINeE REVIEW 27 MEXICAN. GUNBOATS BRAVO AND MORALES Messrs. Odero recently completed at the yard of Sestri Ponente, near Genoa, the gunboats Bravo and Morales for the Mexican government. The general dimensions are as follows: Length, 250 ft.; beam, 34 ft.; depth, 16 ft.; displacement, 1,280 tons; de- signed speed, 17 knots. The vessels are very light draught, for navigating the shallow rivers of the Mexican coast, while at the same time the bunker capacity is sufficient to carry the vessels 5,000 miles at a speed of 10° knots. The propelling machinery consists of two sets of three- cylinder, direct-acting, triple-expansion engines of 2,600 Propellers--three-bladed of manganeze bronze: peepee re ae ICH oe ieee bc ecet ceive dein slv gas 9 One Omid agee, Gay Projected 8b@a i. ies 5s, ee ee ae 2 Boilers--number, two; Blechynden's type: Length 50. i suns ede Thon & a Wath: 2070s eo (2007 tie and 2m Furnaces--one for each boiler: Grate surface for one boiler......50 sq. ft. Heating surface for one boiler...2,960 sq. ft. Working pressure ..... saa pate AGO ESE There are two 4-in. rapid-fire guns of Bethlehem make, which fire directly ahead and astern respectively, and MEXICAN GUNBOATS BRAVO AND MORALES. I. H. P. Steam is supplied by two Blechynden water- tube boilers. The principal data of motive engines and boilers are the following: Cylinders, diameter .............1§8%4, 243% and 3734 in. Common stroke ei Hes es . 105% in. REVOIUIONS bo. os es ee 265. 1 Beeb ee bie kl 4a bs 2 DOs Picton fod: diaieter ..... youn 336 10. Length of connecting rod, center TS Cee! ee .-44% in, Craik Shafts, diameter i... 035 ¢5..634 in. Crank pins, diameter... 6.3. 64.4574 in. Propeller shaft, diameter.........7 in. Niumner of thrust collars, .....s+:- z, Peo 60itice «..... oie. se 2 8. ft Air pump--Edwards type: Pamela oe oe ce eins 1398 ID. SURE. ee es Wet. es aes 80 In: Diameter centrifugal pump runner.1534 in. Steam engine for centrifugal pump.4 5-16 by 4 in. Condenser of steel sheets: Cooling surface for one condenser. 1,362 sq. ft. No. of tubes for one condenser....1,436. Outside tube diameter............14 milimeters. Inside tube diameter.............12.4 milimeters. Be have a total arc of fire of 150 degrees; four 21% in. rapid- fire guns of Schacideréant type are fitted on broadside and one on the bridge. The 4-in. guns are supplied with ammunition by hoists, capable of delivering twenty-four charges per minute. Electrical hoists are provided for the other guns also.» The crew will be composed of twenty-six officers and'90 men} and in addition quarters are provided on board for about 270 troops. There are six boats, two of which are steam launches, for quickly disembarking the troops. Fresh air is sup- plied to the quarters by electric fans, and a large re- frigerating plant is installed. In the trial trip of the Bravo as of the Morales, the results were from every point of view, thoroughly successful. The enlisting officers of the United States receiving ship Independence, stationed at the Mare Island navy yard, California, sent sixteen Chinese cooks and mess attendants to serve on board the yacht Mayflower during the peace con- ference between the representatives of Russia and Japan. This was done at the request of the President, the Chinese being wanted to take the places of negroes, who talk too much, and of Japanese, who see too much, After the confer- ence is over, the Chinese will be sent back to California or distributed among the ships of the North Atlantic squadron,