"TAE. MarINneE REVIEW 37 WANTED and FOR SALE Department. PROPOSALS. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. U. S. ENGINEER-OFFICE, Grand Rapids, Mich., August 7, 1905. Sealed proposals for extension of West Breakwater at Petoskey, Mich., will be receivd here until 3 p. m., Sep- tember 6, 1905, and then publicly opened. In- formation furnished on application. M. B. ADAMS, Col. Engrs. (Aug. 31.) PROPOSALS for Dredging Pumps, etc., U. S. Engineer Office, Custom House, St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 9, 1905. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for furnishing centrifugal dredging pumps, pillow-blocks, tie-beams, pipe lines and flexible joints will be received here until 12 noon, Sept. 8, 1905, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. THOS. L. CASEY, Major, Engrs. Aug 31 U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Duluth, Minn., Aug. 19, 1905. Sealed proposals for U. S. Engineer Building at Duluth, Minn., will be received here until noon, Sept. 18, 1905, and then publicly opened. Information on ap- plication. CHAS. L. POTTER, Major Engrs. Sept. 14. U.-S= ENGINEER OPFIGEH,: 57. Park St; Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 21, 1905. Sealed proposals for repair of Pier and Revetments at Charlevoix, Mich., will be received here until 3 p.m., Sept. 20, 1905, and then pub- licly opened. Information furnished on ap- plication. M. B. ADAMS, Col. Engrs. Sept. 14. FOR SALE. Steam Capstans. Two steam capstans in perfect con- dition for sale. Installed but never used. Address Box 81, Marine Re- view, Cleveland. Grab Bucket. FOR SALE.--One "Hulett" two- rope clam-shell bucket. Slightly used. Address Box 82, Marine Review, Cleveland. Steamboat for Sale. For Sale -- Steamboat 62 ft lorig,; 14. it, . wide,.§ ft. 2 draveht, built in t902. At present used as a water and supply boat in New York nee R.-D,. Cooper. Littl. Falls, Marine Boiler. For Sale--One 50 H. P. Scotch Marine Boiler, 10 ft. long, 78 in. diameter, 160 Ibs. steam pressure. Manufactured by Ritter & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. In first- class shape. Yor particulars, write The Detroit Stove Works, Detroit, Mich. t. f. FOR SALE Fast Steam Yacht ' Novia'"' Speed 22 miles per hour. (Formerly I. C. U. of Detroit.) Hull 57 ft long by 8 ft. beam. Dearing Boiler 300 lbs pressure. Triple Expansion Engine. Turns a 34'/ Four Bladed Wheel 625 revolutions per minute. Everything in first class con- dition. Price $3000 cash. THE HARDY & DISCHINGER CO. Toledo, Ohio. For Sale. Naphtha: Launch. 'Ruth,' 16..it. 'Seats 10 people; air-tight compart- ments; 3 H. P. Regal engine, giv- ing speed of 8 miles. Boat and ad- justable canopy top, cushions, etc.," all new this spring and in first-class order. Price' $1095.00... : LUCIEN: D. CLARK MD: 10360 - W. Bancroit St.,Toledo,) O. 8-17 For Sale. Fore and aft Compound Marine En- gine, size 6 x 12 x 6, and in perfect condition. Built by the Marine Iron Works, Chicago... Inquire of H. B. Larsen, Manistee, Mich. For Sale. Charter or trade for larger boat after Aug. 25, the freight and passen- ger Str. Hazel. Length go ft., beam 18 ft. Inquire of R. B. RICE, Grand Haven, Mich. 8-31 McMyler Derricks. Several second-hand whirley der- ricks for sale. Address Box 83, Ma- rine Review, Cleveland. For Sale, Cheap. | Second-hand boom-chains,- all sizes, one thousand feet 6-in. tow- line, all in good condition. One new Snelling steerer. BAYFIELD TOW- ING CO., Bayfield, Wis. 8-24 FOR SALE $3500.00. The Steamer Gordon * Campbell. Burned on_ spar-deck, 'forward only--easy to cut down to lumber barge, to carry million feet. Ma- chinery, boilers and hull untouched' and in good condition. Boat in dry dock and thoroughly overhauled last summer. Can be seen in Chicago. Address Room 613, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. tf WANTED. Man Wanted. WANTED.--An experienced man to superintend construction and re- pairs of steel vessels. Give two ref- erences. Address A. P., care Marine Review, Cleveland. Wanted. For freight service only, a boat 125 to 135 ft. -bong, «25 ft. beamy 5 ta 6 ft. draught and speed ten miles per Hour... Address -C.: .}.» Smith;: -Gen; Mer. R. & 0. Nay. Co, Montreal, Gan. Wanted. Two barges, flat deck, about 120 x 30 feet. Address B. B. Jefferson, 30 N. Third St., Memphis, Tenn. ; The D, Robeson SHIP CHANDLER at PORT HURON, MICH. Established 36 years. Does a large business in the sale of Cordage, Duck, Wire Rope, Blocks, Paints, Oils, Var- nishes, Brushes; Roofing, Rubber Hose, Building Paper. Manufacturer of Sails, Flags, Tents and Awnings. Build- ing is 40x70, two story brick, located close to boat landing. Ill health reason for disposing of real estate and business. For further particulars, write to SCHOOLCRAFT &CO., Port Huron, Mich. | Y BUSINESS Evansville, -- Launch Factory and stock of engines and high grade hulls, reed finished and unfinished. One of the best factories in the country, with new machinery, good buildings, a fine testing tank, and excellent facilities for launching and shipping. Located above high water on the Ohio River. Frontage of ground, 250 ft., depth, 800 ft. Also a stock of fine launches 18 to 30 ft. long, lumber and other material. This property must be sold. Stock-. holders are engaged in other business and can not give it atten- tion. With proper management and attention a fine business can be established. Write for particulars, or come and see the plant. Neptune Launch 2 Mfg. Co. For Sale Indiana.