42 "TAE. MARINE REVIEW ~ G. H. Breymann.& Bro's CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC: WORKS Dredging, Dock Building, Etc. _ 2; 6 AND 7 MARINE BUILDING TOLEDO, OHIO. seh LAKES aka & DOCK CO. OWNS AND OPERATES THE PLANTS OF THE FORMER COMPANIES: Lydon & Drews Co. Hausler & Lutz Co. Green's Dredging Co. Chicago Star Con. & D. Co. McMahon & Montgomery Co. Chicago Dredging & Dock Co. Gnffith, McDermott & Watt Dredging Co. Duluth Dredge & Dock Co. Contractors for RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS. Main Office: 1319-1322 Chamber of Commerce © = CHICAGO BUFFALO DREDGING CO, GENERAL CONTRACTORS ON SUBMARINE WORK Office D. S. MORGAN BLDG. BUFFALO, N. Y. --- DUNBAR & SULLIVAN DREDGING 60. ~ BUFFALO, N. Y. Will contract to remove ROCK or EARTH on the Great Lakes to 40 ft. depth, To remove ROCK on Atlantic Coast to 40 ft. depth. THAT'S ALL. We SOMETIMES rent plant to Heepasetble parties at OUR terms. HICKLER BROTHERS MARINE RAILWAY | Capacity, 1,000 tons. Draft, 734 ft. forward, 13% ft. aft. Length on keel blocks, 180 ft.; over all, 190 ft. Machine Shop, Foundry and Steam Forge. Dredges, Drill Boats and Derrick Scows. SAULT STE. MARIE, ° MICH. Lake Superior Contracting & Dredging Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS for PUBLIC and PUBLIC WORKS DREDGING TUNNELS DOCKS CANALS PILE DRIVING BRIDGES BREAKWATERS FOUNDATIONS | _ Offices: 1010-1014 Tacoma Building, Chicago, Dredges Scow Brian Boru, Steel. Monroe Doctrine, S00 yds., Steel. PRIVATE WORK pipperaty Dos, Site ag pation Steel Drill Boats Cuba Libre, 250 vas Steel. RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS Geo. A. Howells and oo Standard, 250 yds., Steel. another, ae Steel. oe 3" fa ; Shaughraun, wstecl 4 ND. 7. 600 Two 20-inch Hydraulic Dredges specially equipped ey pans idan, Steel No. 8, -- for handling Clay, Gravel and all kinds of dredgeable Paddy Miles, Steel 4,6 i illi imi i one Rhue a Stee | McMyler de foick reo tig os material. Filling and reclaiming lands a specialty. Fangh a Ballaugh | Pe Seal Scaws General Office, Wolvin Building DULUTH, MINN The Fitz-Simons & Connell Co. THE CONTRACTORS L. P. & J. A. SMITH aos COMPANY CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC WORKS Dredging Dry Docks and _ Bridges, Harbor Work, Pier Building, Submarine Pile Driving, ~ Railroads, Foundations, Breakwaters, Canals, Etc., Etc. Offices: Williamson Bidg., CLEVELAND, Oo.