'TAE MARINE. REVIEW 43 C. H. STARKE DREDGE & DOCK CO., Gontractors for Public Works. DREDGING, PILE DRIVING, AND SUBMARINE PIPE LAYING. Canal Street, West of First Avenue, Milwaukee, - = Wisconsin. NM. SULLIVAN, DREDGING OF ALL KINDS. THE REMOVING OF DEEP WATER EARTH AND ROCK A SPECIALTY. - - = 53 Woodward Ave. Terrace, DETROIT, - - - NUCH. We are requested to in- form the INDUSTRIALS of all branches that our French contemporary, "LE MOIS SCIEN- TIFIQUE ET INDUS- CATALOGS W A N T E D * TRIEL?' of Srue Nouvelle lished an Information Branch from which particulars on any question may be obtained. It is of great interest for all manufacturers to send regularly their 'Catalogues'? to 'Le Mcis Scientifique et Industriel" from where they will be forwarded to every one interested in the line. Do not delay to send them and note the address is LE MOIS SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIEL 8 rue Nouvelle at Paris--9° Ask for a specimen notice free on application. Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula. Large Supplies of Best Quality. Lighter Carrying Different Grades atall Times. Fuel Scow witb elevators and discharging spouts. Storage of 800 tons. Discharges 250 tons an hour into steamers while unloading cargo. M. A. Hanna & Co., miners and Shippers, Main Office, Perry-Payne Blidg., Cleveland. Do Toledo Office, 429 Spitzer Bldg. Fueling § Ironville Dock (Toledo Eiatiess Cleveland Office, 610 Perry-Payne Bldg. Plants Huron Dock (Huron Harbor THE IRONVILLE DOCK & COAL COMPANY BITUMINOUS GOAL For Steamboat Fuel and Cargo Shipment CLEVELAND, OHIO. 610 Perry-Payne Building Bell Phone Main572 PICKANDS; MATHER & CO. FUEL LIGHTERS at Buffalo, Erie, Ashtabula and Cleveland. At Detour, Mich., a Fuel Dock equipped with shute capacity of 600 tons. Best quality Pittsburgh coal furnished at any time during Day or Night. Me te Western Reserve Building, _ CLEVELAND, 0. Ritchie Liquid Compass The Standard Liquid Compass used exclusive- ly by the U.S. Navy for over 35 years. Over 25,000 used in Merchant Service. Made in all sizes and styles, from 2 to 12 inches diameter of card. All compasses made by us have our name printed below the North point or prominently upon the card. None other are genuine. Latest form with four or six needles, the best instru- ment for iron ships. For sale by ship chandlers and nautical instrument dealers. Catalogue free. E. S. RITCHIE @ SONS, Brookline, Mass., v. S$. 4. MANUFACTURERS OF NAUTICAL AND PHYSICAL APPARATUS.