"TAE MARINE REVIEW 47 PROFESSIONAL. PROFESSIONAL. PROFESSIONAL. James Nacey. ROBERT W. HUNT & CO., Bureau of Inspection. Tests and Consultation. 1121 The Rookery, CHICAGO. Monong. Bank Bldg., PITTSBURG. 66 Broadway, NEW YORK. Inspectors of shipbuilding material and machinery. Inspectors of all materials. Duty tests of engines and boilers. Physical and chemical laboratories. Alexander Hynd. NACEY & HYND, Marine Architects. Mechanical Draughtsmen. Consulting Engineers. _ Specifications and designs for all descrip- tions of marine vessels, engines and boilers. Supervision of construction and repairs. Da- mage and other surveys carefully attended to. Agents for Marine Specialties. 208-9 Western Reserve Building, CLEVELAND, O. Phone, Main 8889 J. W. J. WOOD, Naval Architect, Consulting Engineer. Prepares designs or working drawings and specifications for all classes of vessels and superintends construction and repairs. Sur- veys damaged property and estimates cost of repairs. Arbitrator and court expert. FIRE BOATS A SPECIALTY. Complete Plans furnished for Steel, Compo- site or Wooden Vessels. 921 Postal Telegraph Bldg. Tel. Harrison 1020. CHICAGO. JOSEPH KIDD, Marine Architect and Surveyor. Consulting Ship Builder and Engineer Over thirty years' experience. Specifica- FRED P. BELCHER, Vessel and Insurance Agent, 430 Grain Exchange, WINNIPEG, MAN. P. O, Box 230. JUST PUBLISHED - CLASS BOOK-OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, BY W. J. LovE1T Illustrated Price $2.50 Order from Marine Review, Cleveland tions, designs and estimates. Superintendence of construction and repairs. Damage and other surveys carefully attended to. Nego- tiations for the building, charter or sale of all kinds of vessels and machinery. 610 Board of Trade, DULUTH, MINN. NAVAL ARCHITECTS' anp ENGINEERS' DATA BOOK, By T. H. WATSON. Price, $1.50 THE PENTON Pups. Co., Cleveland, O. --- BRITISH ADMIRALTY CHARTS--~ The latest Editions of Charts, Plans and Sailing Directions published by the British Admiralty. Can be obtained from Admiralty Agent by Appointment. J.D. POTTER, OFFICIAL CATALOGUE An abridged Catalogue of Charts of OF CHARTS (880 pages) 1s. Nautical Books (free on application.) 145 MINORIES LONDON. ENGLAND A Dev MAE showing in detail the entire WATER FRONT OF BUFFALO, N. Y. Giving Sounds, Principal Buildings, Railroad Connections, Etc. A copy will be forwarded to responsible parties for inspection, on request. Price, Cloth Backed, $7.00.. Marine Review, Cleveland, O. SAFETY FIRE | > BUCKET TANK Gia te An appliance that requires no attention-- Quien Always ready for immediate use. in NOTHING TO GET OUT OF ORDER A Chemical Solution that cannot FOUL, FREEZE or EVAPORATE Indorsed by all Insurance Companies. Used by : International Nav. Co. Erie R. R. amburg Am. Line C.R.R.of N.J, North German Lloyd SAFETY FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO. 29 W. 42d St., New York. J METALLIC LIFE BOATS AND RAFTS, YACHTS AND Fs PLEASURE BOATS -- SS LIFE PRESERVERS Outfit for Lake Steamers a specialty. THOMAS DREIN & SON, Builders, '2! ,teion Riven re Donnelly, Sr., Pres. John Donnelly, Jr., Vice-Pres. . B. Folger, Treas. os. Donnelly, Secy. Tite DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECKING 60., LTD, KINGSTON, ONT. DIVERS, STEAM PUMPS, TUGS, ETC. SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. Quintard Iron Works Company Office 742 E. 12th St., NEW YORK. Manufacturers of MARINE ENGINES, BOILERS, ETC. Gas Works Apparatus. Sugar, Cement, Mining, Dredging and all kinds of machinery N. F. PALMER, President STEVENSON TAyrtor, Vice Pres. GEO. Q. PALMER, Treas. and Gen. Mer. : THE "GAYNOR" Improved Cork Block Life Preservers Wired and unwired. The new standard preservers. Best on the market. Unrivalled in reliability, construction, strength, quality and durability of materials. Approved by the Board of Supervising Inspectors of the Steamboat Inspection Service, at its meeting in Washington, D. C. December, 1904. Maoufactured by THE NATIONAL CORK CO. 261 Lorimer St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Who will send circulars and prices. Or write to T. F GAYNOR, 18 Broadway, N. Y., for particulars.