TRE Marine REVIEw 17 Arbecam's Alidade Adjustable Compass Deviation Corrector POSITION AND DISTANCE FINDER "Should be on every ship worth insuring." An entirely new instrument.. Simple, Effective, Durab'e. Readily attached to any binnacle. Designed to instantly correct any deviation with- out computation. Takes bearings, cross bearings, etc., directly from the compass without possibility of error. It is unaffected by vibration, rolling or pitching. Adjusts itself to every motion of the vessel. Endorsed by highest naval and merchant marine officials. "4 modern necessity on board ship." Pat. May 23d, 1905. Other Patents Pending in U.S. and Abroad. BENJAMIN VARNUM HOW General Agent BOSTON ~ MASS. CAPACITY of production, dura- bility and fuel economy are the three distinguishing points of superiority which predominate DEARING WATER-TUBE BOILERS For further information Dearing Water-Tube Boiler Co. Dept. C. DETROIT, MICH. | RAILWAY DRY DOCKS STEEL AND TIMBER CONSTRUCTION Safe, Rapid, Convenient, Reliable, Economical --_---------- H. I. Crandall c€& Son Co. Engineers and Contractors East Boston Mass. ET