eesti faeces a rerereremnrmcceagiyf 36 'TRE. MarRINeE. REVIEW LAUNCH OF THE FRANK J. HECKER The launch of the steamer Frank J. Hecker at the St. Clair yard of the Great Lakes Engineering Works on Saturday COL, FRANK J. HECKER, last was an event of more than usual importance, and was so characterized by the ceremony which marked it. The Hecker is the second vessel which the Great Lakes Engineer- x THE HECKER ON THE STOCKS. ing Works has launched at St. Clair, but the first that it has, launched since it became the actual owner of the yard. "che company gave emphasis to its possession of this yard by an elaborate banquet at the Oakland Hotel immediately following the launch of the Hecker. It is the intention of the company to greatly enlarge its facilities at this plant and also to extend the area of the yard. At present there is provision for building only one steamer at a time, but it is intended eventually to make the yard capable of constructing three steamers at one time. : The Hecker was named by Mme. de Szilassy in honor of her father, Col. Frank J. Hecker. The launch was successful in every way, the Hecker taking the water on an even keel and without any hitch whatever. The steamer is building for the Gilchrist Transportation Co., of Cleveland, and is a sister ship of the George H. Russel, launched at this yard in April last. Both the Russel and Hecker are 484 ft. over all, 464 ft. keel, 50 ft. beam and 28 ft. deep, and are equipped with triple-expansion engines, 22, 36 and 60 in. cylinder diameters by 4o in. stroke, supplied with steam from two scotch "boilers, 13 dt) in diameter and 711 tt. 6 7in. lone While both boats are classed as 7,500-ton boats, the Russel. which has been in commission for some time, has carried 8,200 tons. The launching party went from Detroit to St. Clair in a special car and included Col.and Mrs. F. J. Hecker, Mme. de Szilassy, Antonio C. Pessano, president and general man- Donald, Miss Nor Mr. J. C. Gilchrist Mr. J. D. Gilchrist, Mr. W. B. Gilchrist, LAUNCH OF THE HECKER. [ Copyrighted, 1905, by Detrott Publishing Co. ager of the Great Lakes Engineering Works; Mr. John R. Russel, Henry Russel, S. R. Russel, | Mr and. Mere fo €. Hutchins, Frank E. Kirby, Capt. A. E. Stewart: JC. Mes DECK VIEW OF THE HECKER, a Johnson and Miss Hance, of Detroit ; a >