"TAE MaRINE REVIEW 49 MARQUETTE Duluth ; South Shore & Atlantic Railway ROUTE THE POPULAR LINE BETWEEN Duluth, Superior, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Butte, Helena, Spokane, Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria, Portland, Etc., on the West, AND Sault Ste. Marie, St. Ignace, Detroit, Saginaw, Grand Rapids, Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Boston, New York, Etc., on the East. Lowest Rates. E.quipment of the best. This line traverses the greatest game country in the world. DEER, BEAR, FOX, WOLF, ETC., VERY PLENTIFUL. For illustrated booklet and full particulars, address the undersigned. J ames Maney, Asst. Gen'l Passenger Agent. Mart Adson ) General Passenger Agent. DULUTH, MINN. a DULUTH, MINN. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE | MARINE REVIEW. | The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on pages noted. The dagger (t) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. Almy Water Tube Bolen ee a, 41 | Falls Hollow Staybolt Co. ........ Bk (SOSUOLR, Os Bid. ook es 46: RAYNOD Jd. ricco ooo ren ae oe 43 American Industries.. ........ 8 | Fitz-Simons & Connell Co ........ 42 | Link Belt Machinery Co.......... tT | Red Star ines. 0354.00... 45 Pere pees Polen OOe Se PEEL Ss os oe 5 ay 3 (Ss Geen ye a ae, eek -- a Y Beer ceoe W. . ee - MOTICAN 14uINO. 3 c5 520. Cee ee ese eming One a es ee "Lon rm" System Co ....... itchie ONS; BR Bic eve bie nate yong ran ane ae Go als as : asaere ee Weick at ots a Uaaieahenuar CO cain eka 11 pe Sa sri Water-Tube merican Ship Windlass Co ..... Ogee: Mi Woe hie eee oiler Co... Armstrong Cork Coors ee 52 Sore "River Shipbuilding Co ..... 48 McCarthy. T. R ~ Roelker, H. B... Ashton Valye Co. .....55 05 2 s7: a MeCur a YG 0 BU. ence cere sees senes 46 | Ross Valve Co Milantio Works. ..66ss sos MST Geren. he 7 gee gue a weet eee e ee eees 35 Atlantic Works, Inc ............. t | General Electric Go..)1.......... Sl wechcnald Baca 4a| Safaty Cav Heating & Yaeiit Gilchrist, Albert J.........06. 0005 Olecioviie ee oe Baker, Howard H. & Co........ + 52 Gilchrist & Co., C. Po... .... 0.0... 46 | Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Mich. *| Safety Wire Extinguisher Oo 4 hed a Bye cee eee eee eee eee a Goulder, Holding & alee a a Marine aya Works 2 3 2 8 eae aoe Lift Bridge Co: " Bonner & Go., Wai .-.--"...". "¢ | Groat bakes lnginesring Works J4 | Marine Mfg. & Supply Oo........ | ear r ener Cady & Onkes:.. ot Boston & Lockport Blodi Co..... 2 | Great Lakes Register.............. 48 | Maryland Steel Co.........+...... 10 | Shelby Steel Tube Seles 5 Boston Steamship Co.............. 45 | Great Lakes Towing Co.......... ~ Mavo-e Bailey...-...... 3S *| Sheriffs MfoCo...2..2 2 44 eoonig ae <u wet teee tee e neces 35 | Greacen-Derby Engineering Co.. f | Merchants' Montvedi TMB si cece 44 | Shipping one aes ae 47 Recvran & ea sete ee eens ot orn is ease ieee ea : oe Pry Dock <2 Nae * of eel Qh Bayo ee ilwaukee Dry Dock Co.......... m Oc Li: Pod Ae eae liptes n Hoisting Machinery Co., Hanns @ OG. MRO ae 43 Mitchell & § Co, ee 46 Bonteh. Coal & Doge Oo. Stanley B 9 Buffalo Dredging Go....-.-... se am | BRE GOS © Doug: Aon ss Oh) Stee Wakesdiahe Rabie Ge". ai| Smooteen Mla. Go 2 5) 1g Buffalo Dry Dock Co. Hickler Bros: 055.60. ..0-5100 42 | Moulton Steering Engine Co .... 50| Standard OilCo _................ 51 Bunker, Edw. A..........-....--5. Holnes, Samuel ep i aa ee 46 be as Dpedas & Dock Co., C. H. 45 How, Pe NOs as ce ee ava 52 ivhing CO a Carroll Win. Tec ii 46 | Hoyt, Dustin & & Kelley.. .... 46 | Nacey & Hynde itera a ene aN ESS 47 | Stratford Oakum Co.,Geo_.... 48 Chase Machine Co ................ 114 Hubbel-Gs OW.) i 42 | National Cor a neta Ce a7) Stavtevant, B. F. Oo... eck 52 Chicago Ship Building Co......... 4 | Hunt & Co., Robert W..........-- 47 er Pret a ip Building & g | Sullivan, Mo cae 43 ievaland & Buffalo Trans.Co.... 44 | Hutchinson & Co............e0005 46 N Oy te & Gh ba Mail'$'8. Go.) 45 Sullivan & Oo:2.. 0 2 46 Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co.. a Hyde Windlass Co..... paca 3 oo Yok Shipb mr 1 din ote. 0. 19 ne Building Co....... i ontinental Iron Works ......... Se | OW LOLS eee a WO Bie eee Cory, Chas. @ Sonics... os 4s. 60 | Taternatliotal Mercantile Marine le Shea cal ae Co. bose' G 44 Seon hip Pete eos ais a CO. eee ete ne eeenee er eee ees 45 "Mfg CO Jt. ne ee o 2 Aes Taylor Nae ee Boiler Co.... 41 oe Cp ise & E. B. Co. oe Ironviilé Goal and Dock Co...... 43 ; Thropp, J. E & Sons Co.. at eee C ra ee 48 i Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co..... 50 Se ere eee tee Jenkins Brothers: .....-..+...0.++- §2 | Otis Stoel Co ....eeeeseesecseeee 3) Trout, He Gia ceeseeee 44 i i 1b: ses. 4B rusco oa O Gee as Dearborn Drug & Chemical Wks. F J enkins, Russell & Eichelberg og : : g elaunay, Belleville Os seas foes see : Parker Bros: OG... i 06. es 6 : , ge ea River Ivon S. B. & E. Kahnweiler's Sons, David ........ . Parsons, Ralph M................. + | United Fruit Co.................. 45 lee ae Se Petts: "sits SF | Book, Chas. 1. a WW. .........., 48 Upson-Walton Co.............66.+ 52 Detroit 'Ship Buildin Co. ce i ie 7 be Bera ee 1 | Penberthy Injector Pasha 7| Sonne ySalvage W Wrecking Go, 47 | Kingsford Foundry & Machine 4, Pittsburg Coal Co..-..0......00... .9| Walker, Thomas & Son. ......-.. 2 * CIS onic coder ecpeeeeeceuas ar IG 8 0, OS Se Erle aie es By Go 49 | Kremer, C08 00000000. 16 | eter Specialty Gol 22200 024g | Wateon-Stillman Go... a + Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Go. 42 oi Seco & Prindiville 6,00,..+.:.-02-++-+asq- 46 | White, Johneon, McCaslin & "s ake Su er OTR GTR CUI Oe a pe are OBR ES Oe ee ROI SO OA BR) eee ee East End Boiler Works........... 41 Dredging Co: 0... cere ses 42 Wood, Wid ae nee dt 47 Elphicke, C. W. & Co.............. 46 | LeMois nientifane et Industrial 43 | Quintard Iron Works Co......... 50 | Woodhouse Chain Works induces t