Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 5 Oct 1905, 30 and 31

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"TRAE. MarRINE. REVIEW 39 ; A TRIP UP THE LAKES There is a-feature 'of great lakes trade so com- mon in the great lakes region. as: to. excite' no "comment whatever, but which must nevertheless be a source of great envy -to those who do not live in the great lakes district. That feature of the trade is the passenger business of the 'bulk freight car- riers, a feature carried on by invitation exclusively, - thie passengers being re guests and from whom BOW WAVE OF THE CENTURION. the company derive no ; revenue whatever. Of course, the bulk freight carriers confined to the coal and ore ttades - have practically no- pas- senger accommoda- tions, but nearly all of them have from one to four state- rooms capable of aGc¢.0 mm o d:a-t- ing from two to eight guests. As a tile. "these: invita- tions are confined to interests and fam- ilies directly asso- ciated with the trade. They are by no means dealt out promiscuously. Those that are favored with an invitation, 'however, really have a most delightful time. To the uninitiated a vessel confined to the coal or ore trade might seem a dirty and uncomfortable thing for a passenger to travel on; but the reverse is the truth. As soon as the cargo is aboard the steamer is made as trim and neat as a private yacht and the character of the ac- commodations afforded is such as to justify the term of luxury. Certainly~ similar accommodations on a passen- THE CAPTAIN ON THE BRIDGE. MARY'S RIVER. THE NORTH WEST IN ST. ger liner would cost a royal price, if indeed they could be said to exist at all. The staterooms on a freight boat are really rooms of ample cubical dimensions, supplied with an abundance of light and in some of the old boats being flush with the deck, ventilation is perfect. In fact similar accommodations on a fast Atlantic liner would cost $1,000 from New York to Liverpool. As the companies on the lakes operating these freighters have grown in wealth, in influence and in ramification of enterprise, such as iron mining and steel making, they have given atten- tion not only to the greater burden of the steamer, but Jack Fish ee a peat iy Peninsula Har, oe, & *% Heron Bay SLATE IS. ie R i x iM oe XY --: Rock Har = Otter Cove ips J ; PigecNp, Conglomerate Bay ane pat Ho a : 5 Wauswaugoning Barto --._.-- A Tn essing Miclapicoten Har. STERN VIEW OF THE NORTH WEST. Grande Portage Ba, ve hata Se a twit Bay SRUUE En : ; : Li { M i & s ' : us ee B SU Fee PR . PQSIELCOTEN geen, ghovove place these great freighters are so steady that sea-sickness | I yahe Dai! is 602 ft. above the meqy leu O 2 - eescanaANTUR is practically unknown, There is no rolling motion to ' : f is ae wife? ke Agate tay scopver Har. Fines LEaeH ip the ship and as the engine is of low power and the pro- ge 9g SAREWEENA B]eMANITOU |, Si CARIBOU 1. LIZARD IS. Trading Post ' { { j pase cies peller always submerged, there is no perceptible vibra-_ one Portage L, Ship Canal wy a £ tion--just a steady gliding through the water. The trip. © STANNARD ROCK a . . . . Wee . ese THE APOSTLE 8. via Re) ck aap itself has infinite variety, since one hundred miles of it. Dre Haein es y Fourers. FOURTEEN MILE PT.e JE iotcaell o oN i » | : is made through rivers where the channels are so nanwow ay «SAND I. "oY STOCKTON I. rc) Bay On, * SANDY |, 'atchewana Bay ' Seas 6 ba Ks es pia Pe ee Sea Psat et oo | that one may easily communicate with passing steamers. beri PP Onion Bay a \SPANITE be pe i wd a MR. KENNEDY, THE MATE. or even speak to persons on the banks. It is a wonder- ao Bay CHE QUAMEGON PT, L'Anse ees ef nant AN I, yard : oe é - i Washburng >, , PRESQUE LE Gann 1,/ Le weit White ee tr ys ; » Superior kequamegony iavaucie i; ' Bay \. va Bay mon"Ovonto Bay' a Olt dd * ee : + (L. George agers > Ashland. ma South Bay ES oe ° é ee 'Munising onli AE aus 3 OS sh Bor aver" gro™ ; ve eee Bong IPs con® pe Sar yay ier ORE eae Ss ' ot puia, ® ST JOSEPH | His Naupi, ie Ou ; uct i mio, a ines 6g} ote a5 eee ° : : ' SE ey RUM h Channegs oe gos ys saiNe eee ce ee ' eh Ge i in pur" eoanig af o 3 oe Man, oe CEST Mae hee ay aes ae Manistique T.PATTERSON % a . Dt we 9° ee poy BRA oe ey Reit™ Be Bunn ey "% ; pease ait eles Lous j ; Bic: ; ; x: i aoe Dagkiaee 6 ON sae ba Va SEAN ioe ee BOUT DONCE NAD ee INS Eee 4 also to the introduction of a certain ele- TFS rd Ecvts may : 95, setter weer eit weeneah oueK. a ISLAND Be) gata or A 's ¥ . a = ackinaw,, 5 Wee < Ss Tea aoheye A ed ' 'i gance into the limited passenger accom- me S, eutl a : ity ae yore ae ree otoneLy I, oe Sinioaneane Bay modations. There are probably a half dozen veunnety Pe Ae ON, Owen One" Bh ais I nee @ 7 Pov ls q NORTH FOX Ie arbor Springs , ADAMS PT. Ni x .Parry Sound steamers on the lakes whose passenger ac- coe sourH Fox oe | Rogers City ons GEORGIAN gt commodations not fi h ; ¥ EFwastinct Nts reo' Petoskey Presque Ile Har? Cpeeerenueate f sia Ramee cae Hea Ole. a ote nement that is Porte det Mohts CAT Heap py, ue Charlevoix SEE TE te "sie oe scarcely to be found on a private yacht q "gt ad 4? Grand Alpena cai THUNDER BAY 1 TS a anew a 7 : : : ae { "8 . NORTH PT. . $@0-CROKER 0 2 n : "ad Pp ) &S Le Traverse Lr, Stokes Bays Matehedash or since the line is distinctly drawn between y The, | A ation oc Bay ae By EA re D \, tg. ass 'y i Severn R Rideau Je beauty and mere display. White cleo MgtceRT tH Black Riverq 0TH P eae. ' HF gh conic Sh 2 Laake nghers e h A . ° : PSeuryeun Bay Canal : E cit * : i. aViarton se T : me coe oS White, just built ee BFE aye aces scies er eR ON oven Sofia oR ng Rag (hd bh Pi or the Presqu s i : Sot i eereey OHANTAY |g ; ' o I d - - : ie adele a es y Oscodad The surface of the Lake is a t southampton cating i oe Cag tn oe "Qe, ; get ; oF % 5 ; ne * = % X y at the yard of t e Great Lakes Engineezing Vv 8 PTE: AU Saal' above the mean level of the sea. of "te oe | 8 a eo Clayton Works of Detroit, has passenger accom- one Ottawa Bay Vorrawa pr fe § pee Ei ea 4 Be : *5 Manistee A ax Kincardine < 7 5, 9 Cu fs modations of the most exquisite finish, es aren or . cnavertyierd | oo 2 BURNT CABIN PT ERS ole D>. oe : : ' i ha : eCHARITY I. ES ' s though no special emphasis was intended Manitowoc ee eis oaks PT. AUX GRE CHAR TY @UPPORETE,AUX DARQU oe ot ae a Aientron 3 : : § © Ludington dv ild Fowl Bay P. Albert OND. HEAD to be made upon this feature of this par- oe a (Harbor of em 10am 0 i: Tae i ' : : v s ; & Refuge) Goderich Toronto a thoes ticular ship. Nevertheless, the most beauti- Sickest NS 2 * Pentwilter Sebawaing | crete oe SIBRALTAR er. Be od ake te 7 St. above the mean revolt of de a ae + s ey Forestyill Fi . Credit 3 a ful woodwork has been introduced in the Oe Reece cn, tare ey parseld Sone j vce ett NILE PT: 2 a ig acre 5 ' . ; i : Sowa ne, @BRADDOCK PT, 7 construction of the staterooms and a num- 3 Montague Saginaw P.Sanilae j Ke oitaes Burlington Lay Ningary Wilton eS Clan - cole eS vititieea ber of little conveniences are provided in P. Washington ¢ Wy s a0 Whitehall j Lo Hamilton 67%} rm, o "FY oungstown Charlotte Fegan' : ' v i rondegus the way of book racks, individual side me 8 A Muskékon - « / f oe Pee Niagwra Falls Rochester ) ag ® B Tonawanda : « La < ©, 5 Tonawand: boards for ice water and shaded lights in Milwaukee s Grand Haven a OMe, Mtn BUFFALO each stateroom. The steamer Wm. G. i Ss ' unre ra" . . go Mather now building for the Cleveland ae Pe con OO Re Cliffs Iron Co, at this same yard will prob- Races: . 7 swat ee ae ao 97 'Kersh 8 iS unkir' ably have the most complete passenger ie & chin, ais Detroit, R I , the ee : eae Ss ~ South Haven pv ' % a accommodations of any freight vessel on ee . f pec gio dt a mee the lakes. She will be the flagship of the ; & jeer. yo oe ee Cleveland Cliffs fleet. Considerable thought Shoe Ete: ae : Px ' Connenitt Monroe 2 @ VV ¢ : me : E QF STONY\PT. Bay LeoinTe PELEE c vu © Ashtabula z a2 has been devoted to making her a model emis noe. Sine ee : © Geneva a er of comfort, convenience and elegance in CHICAGO S New Buffalo * Light Houses SO Cepar PT. Po i Dee Me ANE Michigan City Toledo comme ne B gH RClinireersiigyt BVT cant CLEVELAND the entertainment of the directors, officers and associated interests of this enterprising company, The accompanying map showing the "TAE Marine REVIEW various ports on the great lakes also shows the freight routes of these steamers. The-great bulk of ore is shipped from Lake Superior ports and taken to Lake Erie docks. The distance from the head of the lakes to Buffalo is 1,000 miles, or to be exact 996 miles, so that a round trip from Buffalo to Duluth or Ashland means a trip of practically 2,000 miles, or two-thirds the distance across the ocean, made under a conditions of comfort that cannot possibly obtain on an ocean liner. In the first Lorain aes Vermilion , Bengusky Ohio and Erie Canal MAP SHOWING THE PORTS OF THE GREAT LAKES. oWatertown ME Sacketss Harbor

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