TAE MaRINE REVIEW 37 WANTED and FOR SALE Department. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. WANTED. THAT'S OUR BUSINESS Loftsman Wanted. Buying, BOATS. BRASS-FOUNDERS ALLOYS Competent man who understands Chartering If you desire to charter, sell or buy let us help you. CHICAGO STEAMER EXCHANGE, No. 2 Rush Street. Long Distance 'Phone Cent. 5046. CHICAGO. Good A-2 Schooner. FOR SALE.--Cheap for cash. Well kept up. Carries 1,400 tons of ore or coal or a million feet of lumber. Good reason for selling. Call or address 1408-Rockefeller Building, Cleveland, FOR SALE $3500.00, The Steamer Gordon Campbell. Burned on_ spar-deck, forward only--easy to cut down to lumber barge, to carry million feet, or rebuild for package freight. Machinery, boilers and hull untouched and in good con- BY JOHN F. BUCHANAN 130 Pages. Price $2.00 As a brass-founder, Mr. Buchanan has sought to embody in this work only such features as have been approved in actual use. The uses and characteristics of the common metals are explained as are the peculiarities of alloys. In short it covers the subject of brass-founding. FOR THE ABOVE OR ANY OTHER BOOK ALONG MECHANICAL LINES ADDRESS The Iron Trade Review CLEVELAND, oO. general loft work. Prefer man who has been in lake yards. State age and experience. MANITOWOC DRY DOCK 'COMPANY. Tow Boat Wanted. Wanted to purchase tug about 60' 0" long, 16' 0" beam, having a depth of about 5' 6" with high pressure con- densing engine, about 14" x 16" cylin- der. Twin screw considered. State full particulars. E..E. C, 421 Broad way. HAVE YOU noticed how most people closely scan the "for sale" and "wanted" columns of their trade paper? Tell them through the MARINE RE- VIEW what you want or what you WANTED. -- Wooden Steamer, about 230 ft. long, 36 ft. or more beam, capable of carrying 1,200 tons on 14 ft. draught. Must have F. & A. Com- pound Engine, boiler on deck and be in good general repair. Address Box 85, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, with full description; price, etc. WANTED -TLTO- PURCHASE Good steel or wooden vessel of Wel- land canal size. Must be in good dition. Boat in dry dock and thor- oughly overhauled last summer. Can be seen in Chicago. Address Room 613, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. t £ condition and have sufficient power to enable her to tow one vessel varrying fifteen hundred tons. Address Box 84, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. have for sale. They want to know. 'The cost isa trifle, $1 the inch. One dollar the minimum. ANY SIZE,OUTSIDE OR INSIDE DIAMETER. . AVERAGE LENGTH OF HOLLOW BARS Vir eee Wiese | BOTH HOLLOW AND SOLID, Time and Distance Tables for Lake Ships A set of tables showing the time required at different rates of speed, 8 to 15 miles an hour, to cover distances between all ports on the Great fit of enly the 'Highest Quality of Staybolt Material, in Hollow no akes Ati me saver to the vessel owner or vess el and Solid Bars, from the Best Double-Refined Charcoal Iron er Steel. Is the only Reliable Flexible ek Gs gall 2a Goptait or engineer. "Scud CM FALLS HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON sisyectt ys the worta: The Only Staybolt Iron which responds in service to the expansion on approval. Aen CUYAHOGA FALLS. 0. \ and contraction of fire box; which relieves the material in molecular i strains; which is self protective from burning; which does not make the side sheets crack; which earns its own cost in oxygen through it to the fire; always sure in giving warning of breakage. : : The Staybolt which lasts longest, requires least repairs, gives longest life to the fire box, and the longest service in the engine on the rails. In use by Leading Railways of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Norway. Also by Marine Engineers and the United States Price $1.00 MARINE REVIEW, = Cleveland, Ohio Government. And by the Manufacturers of Mining Drills and by others i requiring absolutely reliable material. THE STANLEY B. SMITH COAL AND DOCK CO., TOLEDO HARBOR, TOLEDO, OHIO. Capacity 8,000 Tons Daily. --PENNSYLVANIA R. R. Docks --HOCKING VALLEY R. R. *--TOLEDO AND OHIO CENTRAL R. R. 6 McMyler Derricks. 1,800 Feet of Dock. Fuel Lighters.=Fesssvevane" SMITH'S COAL DOCK, Detroit River, DETROIT, MICH. 12 Pockets. Platform. Low Dock. 3 Operated by STANLEY B. SMITH & CO. MARINE SUPPLY COMPANY STORE AND IcEK HousE ON DOCK.