56 TAE Marine REVIEW ' 1,800 Feet of Dock. --'KANAWHA."' Fuel Lighters.=:zeesxevana" THE STANLEY B. SMITH COAL AND DOCK CO., TOLEDO HARBOR, TOLEDO, OHIO. 6 McMyler Derricks. Capacity 8,000 Tons Daily. --PENNSYLVANIA R. R.- Docks --HOCKING VALLEY R. R. *_TOLEDO AND OHIO CENTRAL R. R. : 12 Pockets. MARINE SUPPLY COMPANY ANY SIZE,OUTSIDE OR INSIDE DIAMETER. | gy » AVERAGE LENGTH OF HOLLOW BARS : a) i ) MADE OF BEST QUALITY DOUBLE REFINED CHARCOAL 'RON OR STEEL. CUYAHOGA FALLS. 0. U.S.A. Makers of enly the Highest Quality of Staybolt Matertal, in Hollow and Solid Bars, from the Best Deuble-Refined Charcoal Iron er Steel. FALLS HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON S3sse,t"yssi" The Only Staybolt Iron which responds in service to the expansion and contraction of fire box; which relieves the material in molecular strains; which is self protective from burning; which does not make the side sheets crack; which earns its own cost in oxygen through it to the fire; always sure in giving warning of breakage. : The Staybolt which lasts longest, requires least repairs, gives longest life to the fire box, and the longest service in the engine on the rails. In use by Leading Railways of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Norway. Also by Marine Engineers and the United States Government. And by the Manufacturers of Mining Drills and by others ' requiring absolutely reliable material. NINETEENTH ENLARGED EDITION; OVER 1,400 PAGES. THE SHIPPING WEAR BOQK WORLD 1905 EDITED BY MAJOR JONES AND A STAFF OF EXPERTS. The I.--Customs Tariffs of All Nations. | II.--A Port Directory of the World. Work III.--Board of Trade Rules and Regulations. IV.--Load Line Tables, Sailing Rules, Lights, Signals. : { V.--Digest of Shipping Laws. Much other Useful Information A LARGE MAP OF THE WORLD, especially designed by J. G. Bartholomew, F. R. G. S., F. R. S, E.. is supplied in a pocket in the cover. Introduced bya RETROSPECTIVE VIEW of 1904. Crown 8vo., cloth. Price, post free: In the United Kingdom, 5s; foreign countries, 6s, except in the United States where the Sole Agents for 1905 are THE DERRY-COLLARD CO., 256-7 Broadway, NEW YORK. ' THE TIMES.--"The information given is wide in scope, and varied in matter, dealing with almost every subject of interest connected with trade, commerce, and navigation. About one-third of the volume is devoted to the tariffs of all nations, which are given in full. DAILY TELEGRAPH.--'A more comprehensive handbook in its special line for the merchant's desk there could scarcely be." NEW YORK TRIBUNE.--"This compact book of upwards of twelve hundred pages, published by'The Sipping World,' of London, contains an immense amount of information of value to the mariner and shipper. PALL MALL GAZETTE. -- '\'The Shipping World Year Book' would be very much missed if it failed to put in a regular appearance, but fortunately there is no danger of that. The compre- hensive retrospect of shipping affairs deserves special attention, and will repay careful study. GLASGOW HERALD.--"The book more than ever commands the con- fidence of those large mercantile classes who have been accustomed to consult its pages for world-wide information, and always with success."' NEWCASTLE CHRONICLE --"Those who refer to it will find all mat- appertaining to the business of the shipowner brought right up to a , e. LIVERPOOL JOURNAL OF COMMERCE.="Filled from cover to cover with information absolutely indispensable to all engaged in the over-sea commerce of this country."' ; TIMBER.--"There is not another book of its size in the world which 4 _ contains so much information worth having."' SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS.--'Major Jones. the capable editor, has anticipated the public attention now being devoted to tariffs, and those of all nations and of the Colonies have been included and revised up to the last hour of publication." 1628 THE SHIPPING WORLD OFFICES, Effingham House, Arundel-street, Strand, London, W. C ------ J SMITH'S COAL DOCK, Detroit River, DETROIT, MICH. Platform. Operated by STANLEY B. SMITH & CO. STORE AND Ick Housk on DOCK. Low Dock. Ritchie Liquid Compass The Standard Liquid Compass used exclusive- ly by the U.S. Navy for over 35 years. Over 25,000 used in Merchant i -- it Service. Made in all sizes and styles, from 2 to 12 inches diameter of .card. All compasses made by us have our name printed below the North point or prominently upon the card. None other are genuine. Latest form with four or six needles, the best instru- ment for iron ships. For sale by ship chandlers and nautical instrument dealers. Catalogue free. E. S. RITCHIE @ SONS, Brooliline, Mass., U. S. A. MANUFACTURERS OF NAUTICAL AND PHYSICAL APPARATUS, FORE RIVER SHIPBUILDING GO. Steel Ship and Marine Engine Builders. CONTRACTORS FOR U.S. Torpedo Boat Destroyers Lawrence and Macdonough. U.S, Protected Cruiser Des Moines. U.S. Battleships New Jersey and Rhode Island. U.S. Steam Light-Vessel No. 72. Office and Works, «- ,«-. QUINCY, MASS., U.S. A. W. & A. FLETGHER GO. NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS PARSONS MARINE TURBINES Contractors for Vessels Complete. Narine Engines, Boilers and Nachinery of all kinds Enlarged Facilities HOBOKEN, N. J. The Atlantic Works, s2ncoo7e* BUILDERS OF Steamships, Steam Yachts, Tow Boats, Etc. : Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. Heavy Nachinery and Plate Iron Work. THREE MARINE RAILWAYS. PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL : ENCYCLOPEDIA Is in all respects a work up to date, correct as to every term known to the shipping world. Sent upon approval. Carriage prepaid. PRICE, $3.00 THE MARINE REVIEW CLEVELAND