TAE Marine REVIEW Morison Suspension Boiler Furnaces For Land and Marine Boilers Uniform Thickness--Easily Cleaned UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces West and Cayler Sts., NEW YORK. o-~rT HE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS," 222005250" ee Borough of Brooklyn, : REGISTER THE BROWN HOISTING MACHINERY CO. INCORPORATED Sole makers of the " Brownhoist" High Speed Canti= lever and Gantry Cranes. 'Lhe jno-t cconomical cranes for covering large areas in steel works or ship yards. Machiner WALKE R'S j for handling Geetaisl Work, Marine Plates, etc., in Ship Building Yards. ce { r 33 y h i Coal and Ore Handlin Cranes of all Types xce SiO r a Cc t- og Machinery : Steam Electric and une Ponee FOR YACHTS AND MOTOR BOATS . 26 Cortlandt St. ME Ceres AO oe, Carnegie Building new vork c.ty GLEVELAND, 0, U. S. A. PITTSBURG, PA. European Office, 39 wists St., LONDON, S. W. Sold by . M. Rupp & Co., New York a C. C. Hutchinson, Boston KIELEY Riggs & Bro., Philadelphia MARINE REDUCING G. B. Carpenter & Co...) Chicago The Upson- Walton Co., Cleveland VALVE G. M. Josselyn & Co.. San Francisco Best Valve made for Marine Work C. J. Hendrys, Son & Co., San Francisco and other Marine Opticians. Thos. Walker @ Son, Ltd. 58 Oxford Street Birmingham, England. ALSO Expansion Traps, Steam Separa- tors and Open Float Traps for Marine Purpose sent on trial. Kieley & Mueller Qoop For Any rhessure. f-17 West 13th St., N. Y. City, 'many important SHIP MACHINERY, embodying the ama We have completed our new Iron Foun- latest designs and ary, and are pre- pared to execute patented improve- A Vi E Fe ' C A ny orders for Castings, ments. guaranteeing _ first- <a SHIP WINDLASS CO. _| '= wo: pn Sole builders of the Providence, R. I. Ae a Onginal and Only Se a AUTOMATIC : ean STEAM TOWING MACHINE. | P. 0. Box 53 | Addées FRANK S. MANTON, President