THE MARINE. REVIEW 33 SUMMARY OF NAVAL CONSTRUCTION. The monthly summary of construction issued by the navy department shows commendable progress on all naval vessels. Both the Connecticut and Louisiana are practically complete in a structural sense and will be ready to go into commission in a few.months. Following is the summary: Name of oe % of con ei Vessel. Building at Noy. 1 Dec. 1 BATTLESHIPS, Virginia Newport News S. B. & D. D. Co. 95.31 97.00 Nebraska Moran Bross Gon 82.00 83.00 Georgia Bath Trond Works 200.0 89.00 90.15 New Jersey Fore River Shipbuilding Co.... 92.1 93.7 Rhode Island © Fore River Shipbuilding Co.. 95.00 98.00 Connecticut Navy Yard, New York...... 91.3 92.66 Louisiana Newport News S. B.& D. D. Co. 89.25 92.56 Vermont Fore River Shipbuilding Co.. 65.8 68.7 Kansas New York Shipbuilding Co.. 64.9 67.7 Minnesota Newport News S. B. & D. D. Co. 75.41 77.10 Mississippi Wai. Cramp & Sons! 43.31 .45.74 Idaho Wim. Cramp & Sens... 2.4.7. 39.19 42.58 New Hampshire New York Shipbuilding Co.... 25.00 29.2 ARMORED CRUISERS. California -- Union Tron Works:.<. 5.2.5: 84.3. 86.2 South Dakota Untonclren (Works). e704 e 83.2 84.9 Tennessee Wine cramp: & Sons. fo 87.80 90.02 Washington New York Shipbuilding Co.... 87.9 89.4 'North Carolina Newport News S.B.& D. D. Co. 23.13 26.77 Montana Newport News S. B.& D. D. Co. 19.21 22.29 PROTECTED CRUISERS. St. Louis Neafie'& Levy S. & E. B. Co.. 81.28 83.62 Milwaukee Viton Jron. Works: 2... 70.56, 84.01 86.00 charleston Newport News S.B.& D. D. Co. 99.9 90.9 TRAINING SHIPS. Cumberland Wavy Yaru, DOstGn.: 4c... 95.00 95.00 Intrepid Navy Yard, Mare Island...... 97-5. 97:5 SCOUT CRUISERS. Chester Bath Aron Works: ee 0:00 '13.27 Birmingham Fore River Shipbuilding Co.. 12.6 15.4 Salem Fore River Shipbuilding Co.. 12.3 148 TORPEDO BOATS. Goldsborough Wor ww Zwicker ee. 99.00 99.00 O'Brien Lewis @. Nixog..2 ss '99.00 99.00 SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOATS. Submarine T. B. No. 9, Fore River Shipb'ing Co. 30.6 43.5 Submarine T. B. No. 10, Fore River Shipb'ing Co. 29.00 36.9 Submarine T. B. No. 11, Fore River Shipb'ing Co. 29.3 37.00 Submarine T. B. No. 12, Fore River Shipb'ing Co. 25.00 33.6 STORAGE CAPACITY IN CANADIAN ELEVATORS. Fort William, Ontario, Dec. 20.--The total grain stor- age capacity of the Canadian head of the' lakes, with all houses completed and no more in contemplation for early construction, is as. follows: fanacian Pacine Railway, House Aw... 0.0.2. 1,250,000 CatarmG Pactse Railway, House By.) eee. 2,500,000 Canadian Pacinc Railway, House C:......: eee -. 1,500,000 Sadocian Pacihe Railway, Flouse D..-. 2.5 s.- =, 323,500,000 Canadian. Pacihe Railway, House Ev. soi... 5... 1,000,000 Canadian Northern Railway, House No, 1........ 6,500,000 Moa Flevator CO. ee ee ee be Ee 1,500,000 ee ivi ee eee 600,000 Mm ee Pr ievaor C08 2 i ees 1,250,000 , 19,600,000 All of this capacity, aside from the 7,750,000 bushels of the C. N. Railway and the King house, is at Fort William. At Duluth-Superior there is a total capacity of 34,000,000 and at Washburn 1,500,000 bushels, making a total of 55,100,000 bushels storage capacity at the western end of Lake Superior. The winter finds comparatively little grain in store at _vator for passengers. having three cylinder compound engines of 7,000 H. P., steam being supplied by eight boilers. these various points, at Duluth only about 7,500,000 bus., at Washburn none at all, and: here nearly as much as at Duluth. The fall's shipments from all ports, all grains, have been 78,500,000 bushels, this from August 1, which is the commencement of the new crop year at Duluth, though here the usual time set is Sept. 1. CLEVELAND CLIFFS ORDER THIRD STEAMER. The Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co. has just given an order for a third steamer to the Great Lakes Engineering Works of Detroit, making three steamers that it is to build for this -- company. The third vessel will be a duplicate of the other two and will therefore be 550 ft. over all, 530 ft. keel, 56 ft. beam 'and 31 ft. deep. She will be given the same power as the other two, which is somewhat in excess of that possessed by steamers of their type. The new steam- er is to come out next September. WRECKING OPERATIONS ON LAKE VESSELS. Wrecking operations are now in progress on the steam- er Crescent City ashore near Duluth. Capt. W. W. Smith of the. Pittsburg Steamship Co., who is in charge of the operation, has wired that he has found a rock 4 ft. up through the bottom of the Crescent City. It will be neces- sary to blast it down to a level with the bottom of the ship before she can be pulled off. Work on the Mataafa and Manila will be started at once as they are exposed to danger from the sea. The Edenborn will be attended to later. The Reid Wrecking Co. is doing the work. The only vessels of the Steel Corporation which were total losses are the steamer Lafayette and barge Madeira. AROUND THE GREAT LAKES. The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. has enjoyed a very profitable season, and at a meeting of the board of directors last week, decided to pay an extra dividend of one percent. The extra dividend is payable Dec. 30. Twenty-nine feet of water was found by soundings where the Mataafa and Elwood struck bottom outside the Duluth entry, and as they both hit the bottom very hard, the height of the waves during that memorable storm of two weeks ago can be well appreciated. The berths and frontage of the Superior Ship Building Co."are filled with ships. There are 26 of the fleet of the Pittsburg company alone tied up there. The yards will be very busy all winter, and their only difficulty will be to get men to do the pressing work. In addition to the ships under construction the repair jobs will be tremendous and will take a large number of men working day and night. The yards were never so busy as they bid fair to be this winter. The designs by Mr. Frank E. Kirby for a new: steamer to be built for the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co. have been accepted by the directors of the company. The new steamer will be 44o ft. long and o1 ft. wide over guards. The vessel. will have four decks with 313 state- rooms and 22 parlors. An unusual feature will be an ele- The steamer will be a side wheeler, All the shipyards are being asked for bids. Superintendent T. W. Kennedy, of the Lake Carriers' as- sociation, says that 1995 has been a very successful season along the docks for grain shovelers. The men are paid $2.50 each for every 1,000 bushels unloaded. It is estimated that the 700 men employed as grain shovelers unloaded 1I1o,- 000,000 bushels of grain. Most of the shovelers will be kept busy until the latter part of January unloading vessels now in port.